Leaders Class

Welcome to Leaders class!

Leaders is an exciting time for the children at Sleights as they are the oldest children in school. Leaders class includes children from Year 6. They are taught by Mrs Porter and supported by Mr Everall in their own building on the school playground.

In Leaders, children are taught maths and English daily and they also gather together with the rest of the school in collective worship. 

Children in Leaders class love to read. The children are very lucky to have an amazing school and class library, filled with a diverse range of books that they can enjoy reading for pleasure. Children also enjoy listening to the class story at the end of each school day. In addition to reading for pleasure, Leaders also enjoy sharing a range of texts during whole class reading sessions, where they have the opportunity to read fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts as well as a whole class reading book. Reading at home is also incredibly important. Please record the reading that your child does at home in their reading record and ensure that this, alongside their individual reading book, is in school every day.

Children in Leaders class are very lucky to be taught by specialist teachers throughout the week. On a Tuesday, children will have swimming lessons at the Leisure Centre in Whitby. Children will continue to bring home their instruments to practice throughout the week and these will need to be returned on a Thursday morning ready for music with Ralph. Computing with Mrs Gurney will also take place on a Wednesday afernoon,

Each week, homework will be set on Sumdog on a Thursday. Children will also receive spellings every two weeks; these will be sent home on a Thursday. Spellings tests will happen on the second Wednesday.

Our class blog will be updated each week so keep an eye on this for exciting updates throughout the term.

Thursday 4th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Oh dear – where did the sunshine go, I wonder? Let’s hope it returns soon although our gardens will be glad of the rain and I know that lots of you have been planting so keep an eye on how quickly the water will make things grow. With water in mind, ? I thought we’d have a go at something water based this afternoon – can’t wait to see your creations.

Maybe we could have our own boat race!

Graphic Novel – English

Continue working on your graphic novel so that you have a complete story by Friday.

Happy drawing. ✏️

Function Machines – Maths

Today, we are going to include algebraic expressions in our function machines. This may sound difficult but it’s not!

You are just going to use ‘n’ to express your number, which means that ‘n’ can stand for any number that you decide to use to put through the function machines.


Rubber band Boats

Have a go at making a boat propelled by a rubber band. You should be able to attach the sticks enough without necessarily needing glue if you use more rubber bands. If you don’t have spoons, see what else you could use to propel your boat; strong card or plastic from a carton


How fast can you make your boat travel? Which is the best design bottle to choose?

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Mr Grason has sent out details of this year’s summer reading challenge although it is starting earlier than normal on the 5th June. This year’s theme is Silly Squad and is all about funny books, happiness and having a laugh!

To complete the challenge you just need to read six books that make you happy – whether it be a comic, joke book, poetry, fiction or non-fiction, in digital or print format, from e-books borrowed from the library or from what you already have at home.

North Yorkshire Libraries are still closed for the moment but there are a terrific selection of children’s’ eBooks and eAudiobooks available to download for free. A library card and PIN is needed to download them but if you are not yet a member it’s easy to join – just call call 01609 533878.

It would be fantastic to see ALL Leaders part of the summer reading challenge – I know how much you all love a good giggle! ?

Graphic Novel – English

From your story plan, decide how many pictures you are going to need to tell your story. Remember that you might want to have a page with a full picture or, like The Arrival, you many have multiple smaller pictures on a page to tell smaller parts.

You will have the next 3 days to put together your graphic novel so take your time to build up the pictures for your story.

Function Machines – Maths

The function machines today include using decimal numbers. Can you work out the functions of the machines? Do you think this makes them harder?

Fact File Top Trumps

We have all been enjoying time outside in the wonderful weather so I thought it might be a good idea to use some of the things that we have probably seen on our travels.

Today, I would like you to make a fact file or Top Trump card about something you have seen, it may be an animal or an insect – the choice is yours. ? ? ?

You might want to make a few different ones to make your own Top Trump card game.

Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Yet another lovely day yesterday – I hope you managed to enjoy the sunshine as well as getting back into doing some of the activities set yesterday. Well done everyone. I really like how some of you are now using Tapestry as a dialogue for your learning – you are truly empowered, it’s awesome.?

Graphic Novel Plan – English

Today we are going to plan our graphic novel. Remember that you are going to need to be able to tell the story, including emotion, in pictures with very little, if any, text. It might be a good idea to start with quite a simple theme – you can always add more on at the end.

You can use your preferred method of story planning for this task.

Function Machines – Maths

Have a look at the function machines. Find out what happens to the number through the first machine and then what happens through the second to get to the final number.

Animal Adaptations – Science

Today, we are going to explore how animals adapt to their surroundings. We will look at how animals change their environment if they cannot adapt. In our investigation we will look at the effect of insulation on temperature.

You will need: an empty cereal box, a thermometer (either a medical or a kitchen thermometer), a plastic clear cup, some cotton wool or other types of material like paper or old clothes and some water.

Watch the video below. Remember you can watch it multiple times if needed or save the activity until you have the resources required.


Monday 1st June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I hope you have all had a nice week and enjoyed the fantastic weather. I’d love to know what you have all been doing and I’m looking forward to catching up with families this week to hear all about your adventures.

Graphic Novels – English

We are going to use all our artistic skills this week, having a go at creating our own graphic novel.

Today, I’d like you investigate different graphic novels to give you some ideas of how they work and how they can be used.

Here are some to get you started although they are books where the pages have been made into clips for you to watch.

The Arrival, Shaun Tan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAay4myoEDE

Journey, Aaron Becker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRsmuveKWuk

Visualising Shape – Maths

In Maths this week, we are going to look at shape. I thought we’d wake up our brains with a little problem solving. Have a go at seeing how much paint you will need to cover the blocks.

Happy Painting. ?

Computational Thinking – ICT

You have probably seen these types of puzzles before where numbers have been replaced by symbols. Have a go at using your logical skills to solve the problem.

Good luck!

Thursday’s Learning Suggestion – Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder

Good Morning everybody,
The beautiful sunshine has been smiling at us this week, and after spending lots of time outdoors, I thought you might like to create a bird feeder. This will give you something wonderful to watch, as you look out of your window, or eat your lunch in the garden.
This bird feeder is very simple to create, and requires few materials. It also allows us to do some recycling: using any plastic bottles that are around the home. 
Here is the link to the video, which explains how to make the feeder, and exactly what you need. 
I have also included a written document, as you may find this easier to follow. 
Send us pictures of your bird feeders, and see if you can capture any birds in action. 
Have a wonderful day,
See you at story time
Mrs Taylor 

Friday 21st May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Another beautiful day! Can you believe it’s half term already? I’m not sure where the weeks have gone but it does mean that you can either have a week doing activities with your families or you might like to try one of the activities that will be posted over the course of the week.

If you’ve ever wondered what something is on your daily exercise, now is the time to find out. Have a look at the WWF BioBlitz activity and you can download a spotter app for free.

Happy spotting!


Writing a letter to your children or grandchildren.

We often hear older people say ‘when I was a child…’

Today, I’d like you to imagine you are that person and write a letter to your next generation. You might want to start your letter with that phrase.


Percentage Puzzles

Today it’s time for you to put your fractions and percentages together to have a go at writing some riddles.

Mug Cake – D&T/Science

As it’s Friday I thought it might be nice to have a treat. Make this delicious chocolate mug cake and learn about the science of Microwaves ovens. Experiment with the other ingredients to customize your mug cake. What will you add to give it a whole new flavour?! 


Thursday 21st May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Yippee, what a beautiful day yesterday – fingers crossed for more sunshine today! It should be a good day to spot animals and insects to help with your drawings.

Don’t forget to water all those seedlings in such hot weather – watering the pot rather than the plant otherwise you may burn the leaves.

Happy spotting!


Writing a letter to yourself!

Sounds like a strange idea but I’d like you to write a letter to yourself talking about what is currently happening. We are then going to bury or hide your letter (like a time capsule) for you to come back to later. You may decide to look back in a year, or when you leave secondary school or even when you leave home – that’s a long way away!


Percentage Puzzles

Using your knowledge of percentages can you solve the riddles?

Pencil Drawing – Art

Today, we are going to look at adding colour to our animal.

It is a good idea to build up the colour as you go to get the tones you want. Remember the amount of pressure you put on your colour will often by the darker the colour shows.

If you’d like to, you can once again follow this video showing you a butterfly with colour.


Wednesday 20th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

The weather was a little brighter here yesterday but let’s keep our fingers crossed for some sunshine today. Have you managed to spot any animals on your daily exercise? If so, you might like to use one of those today or you could go outside and find a different insect if you’d like to.

Happy spotting!


To help with our letter tomorrow, I’d like you to write a diary for your day today. This should give you valuable information for the letter we are going to write tomorrow.


Fraction Puzzles

Today you will need to use your knowledge of multiplying fractions. Remember to only multiply the numerator as the denominator stays the same.

Pencil Drawing – Art

Today, we are going to use our pencil skills to draw a pencil drawing of an insect or animal.

You could find an insect or animal in your garden to draw or find a picture to copy online.

If you’d like to, you can follow this video showing you how to draw a butterfly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CS1UdGc-LQ

Leave your animal just in pencil for today, we are going to look at adding colour tomorrow.

Tuesday 19th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

I was hoping for sunshine yesterday, but it seemed to spend most of the day hiding behind clouds, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for today.

You may have seen on the news that animals are making their way into places that they wouldn’t normally be, the animals in the park and the ducks and ducklings on the road in London. A perfect time to continue are work on habitats. Keep your eyes open on your daily exercise and see what animals you spot as you go.


Letters can be fantastic way to record lots from things from events to feelings. With this in mind, I’d like you to choose a friend to write a letter to today.

You might want to tell them about things you have been doing and feeling during lockdown and maybe what you are looking forward to or missing.

If you are writing to someone from the class and would like it sending on to them, upload it and I will do that for you.


Fraction Puzzles

Using your knowledge of fractions and the digits 1-4 complete the investigation.

Habitats – Science

How did your micro-organisms grow? Which slice of bread produced the most and why?

We are going to start looking at animals and their habitat so this week we are going to investigate life cycles, something that you will have covered before.

You will need sellotape, scissors, an empty clear 2l bottle, stones or sand, some soil and some leaves or frozen peas.

Watch the video below. Remember you can watch it multiple times if needed or save the activity until you have the resources required.


Monday 18th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Welcome back to Monday. I hope you had a fantastic weekend with your families and managed to get out and enjoy the sunshine. There are so many people growing things, I think there are going to be some busy households potting up seedlings very shortly, followed by some very colourful gardens.


This week we are going to think about writing letters. Today I’d like you to mind map or list all the different types and reasons you may need to write a letter.

For example, make a complaint



It’s Monday, let’s wake ourselves up for the week with Supermovers, linking fractions to decimals.


Have a go at converting the fractions to decimals.

Staying Safe at Home

You may remember the sessions we did at school with our local PCSO about staying safe online.

Now that you are spending more time at home, with possibly more time online I think it would be good to remind ourselves how to stay safe. Follow the link to an online activity pack. Read the instructions carefully, making sure you ask your parents’ permission first.
