A snowy end to the term.

Learners Class have been VERY busy, we have enjoyed our Nativity and Christingle Service in Church, a visit to the Pantomime, Christmas crafts with families and a wonderful Christmas dinner and party! Wow! 

The snow fell on Wednesday, which caused great excitement

We have even found the time for some wonderful Christmas writing, inspired by the book Mog’s Christmas Calamity by Judith Kerr. We created story maps in order to familiarise ourselves with the story, then made a change to the story by creating our own Christmas calamities featuring our own pets and in some cases ourselves! 


Learners Class have had a wonderful first term, jam-packed with learning, laughter and teamwork. 

Happy Christmas to Learners Class and families. I can’t wait to see what the new year brings!

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

Merry Christmas

Wow! I can’t believe that it is the end of the first term of the school year already. It has certainly been busy! The children have made great progress and have accomplished many things this term that they should be extremely proud of. 

This week, a highlight for both children and members of staff was Christingle. It was lovely to gather in church together to mark this special event in our school calendar. I am sure you will agree that the readers were wonderful, the music performed by the class bands was amazing and the Year 6 children did a brilliant job of making the Christingles for the occasion. 

On Monday, we were also joined by families for an afternoon of Christmas crafts. The children made brilliant decorations using lollipop sticks and were creative when designing and making their Christmas cards. 

Merry Christmas everyone!


A Pantomime, A Party and A Christmas Play

What a week we have had in Pioneers and a wonderful week it was. We started with a dress rehearsal in Church and made the long walk up and down the hills to get there. Then we had the excitement of a live performance in front of all of the families and friends and the church was packed full of happiness. A day of learning in the classroom was followed by an exciting trip to church for our second performance and this was magnificent.

We woke up to a cold and frosty morning with a blanket of snow and this was the day to travel to the Pantomime. Dick Whittington did not disappoint and we booed and hissed and cheered until we got back on the bus in time for a late lunch.

Party Day was full of new learning. We mastered the balloon relay and the flappy fish game. Musical Chairs has so many rules!

A very happy week in Pioneers.


Friday 9th December

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Leaders class.

This week, the children performed in our 2022 Christmas nativity, Straw and Order. I think we can all agree that it was a wonderful show and certainly made us all feel extremely festive. Next week, we will gather again at church to celebrate Christingle. We hope to see many people their to share in this special time with us.

On Friday, the children enjoyed their Christmas party day where they spent time dancing, playing games, taking part in quizzes and enjoying a party lunch together.

In addition to the Christmas activities taking place in school this week, the children have also continued to focus on black history, exploring the role of black soldiers in WWI.

Christmas Preparations Are Well Underway

Hello Visitors, 

We are well underway with preparations for Christmas, including lots of nativity practise. We have learned so many lines, and so many songs: we are very ready for our performance on Tuesday!

Another preparation has been the creation of our school advent calendar. We created a reverse calendar, so instead of taking something, we give something to others. 

Have you heard of Henri Matisse? He is an artist, who created fauvism art. It’s a type of modern art that uses bold colours and textures in paint. 

Friday again!

Hi all,

We started the week with another fun session of cricket with Owen. This week we focused on bowling – it was tricky! 

We have continued to look at ‘The Tempest’ and have started to create our own poems to describe the violent storm that caused the shipwreck and the characters to be stranded on a Mediterranean, desert island. We generated some powerful vocabulary and imagery. 

In science, we learnt about ‘friction’ and what it is that causes this. we looked at surfaces that create higher and lower amounts of friction and why this is.

Yesterday, we finished our history learning on Whitby. We discussed the fishing, whaling and smuggling industries. Did you know, smugglers often hid items in graves?! 

Have a great weekend,


Friday 2nd December

This week in Leaders, children have been busy developing their division skills, looking at dividing with remainders as well as using long division. On Friday, the children impressed me with their problem-solving skills as they tackled multi-step problems, correctly identifying the steps that needed to be taken and the methods that they would need to use.

In art, the children have learned about Claude Monet and what impressionist art is. The children are looking forward to creating their own impressionist style paintings before Christmas.

As we enter December, there is lots to look forward to, with one of these things being the Christmas nativity, Straw and Order. The children have been working hard both in school and at home to learn their lines and are looking forward to performing for families and friends next week.