Adventurers Class

Adventurers Class are Year 3 and 4 children, ages 7-9. They are taught by Miss Curphey and supported in class by Mrs Exelby.

Adventurers are taught English and Maths everyday and enjoy covering all the curriculum foundation subjects in afternoon lessons. This half term, the children will be taught ICT on a Thursday afternoon by Mrs Gurney, our specialist teacher. The children will also enjoy whole class music on a Thursday afternoon.

The children will need to keep their P.E bags at school ready to take part in other activities if required. 

We try and read with the children every day at school and encourage children to develop their love of reading at home too. Reading books and  records will be sent home every night and books will be changed when they are completed.

In Year 3 and 4, children will be given homework in maths and spellings. For maths, the children will be set work weekly on Sumdog. This will be given on a Thursday and checked the following Thursday. New spellings will be given out alternate Thursdays and children will be tested on them the Thursday of the second week (I will write the test date on their spelling sheet).

Please don't hesitate to ask if there is anything else we can help you with.

What a fantastic week!

It has been a very busy but great week in the Adventurers this week!

We reflected on the service personnel that lost their lives and the war and the local heroes who are remembered on the War Memorial within the village. We carried out some research and discussed their lives which led to each Adventurer producing a symbol of remembrance. This included a visit from Mr Hann a retired Royal Air Force Wing Commander. Mr Hann worked with children with the Adventurers to share some of his own stories and reflections on his time serving. Mr Hann brought some of his equipment and uniform into school. The children were really interested to see Mr Hann’s photographs and medals from his service.

We enjoyed the visits of the Adventurers’ families on Wednesday to celebrate and learn about the festival of Diwali and participate in activities such as creating lanterns! Great fun was had by everybody!

The Adventurers finished the week with a visit from The Yorkshire Rotters. The Rotters came into school to teach the children about food waste and composting. The children then were able to create their own wormeries and make smoothie using a BMX powered blender!

The Adventurers look forward to next week!

Sleights Remembers Them

This week, the whole school have reflected on the service personnel who lost their lives and are remembered on our village’s War Memorial Monument. These local heroes have been discussed and their lives researched during the week. The children have each created a symbol of remembrance, including artwork and writing about the local lost soldiers. Today, we came together as a full school and heard the names of these soldiers read out by our children, before beginning our two minutes silence. The hall was still.

The photographs show the work created by the children celebrated around the village. Please do visit the school, community centre, Spar shop, St John’s and the War Memorial to see the work in person. It really is beautiful.

A huge thank you to families who have shared personal memories too. These included finding out about a family connection to one of the individuals on the War Memorial, as well as some very special items from fallen family members.

Celebrating Diwali

It was lovely to welcome almost sixty family members into school today to celebrate the festival of Diwali. The classrooms were a hive of activity, as children and families learned together about the customs, traditions and beliefs of Diwali. The gallery below gives a flavour of some of the activities that families and children enjoyed together.

Harvest Festival 2023

The land has yielded its harvest: God, our God, has blessed us, Psalm 67:6

It was so brilliant to be able to welcome so many families to our service on Wednesday. St John’s was full! A huge thank you for supporting us with your very kind donations too. All donated items will now be shared with the Whitby Food Bank to share around our community.

A week in the life of an Adventurer.

The Adventurers have had a great week this week! They started their week off with the super cricket sessions hosted by Owen, they then continued in their new topic of ‘Addition and Subtraction’ in maths. They loved their French session where they have continued learning about shapes! Furthermore, the Adventurers have completed drafting their letters in English, which they have been writing to pupils at Linda Community Primary School in Zambia. They have done this to find out more about where they live and school life in Zambia, whilst also explaining what life in Sleights is like. They have explored tone in art, and have also began creating something for the Harvest Festival church service next week! We have also seen some great times tables results from their weekly 2- minute test. Finally, they have finished the week off with a fantastic session of tag rugby. We all look forward to the final week of the half term next week!

Weekly roundup for the Adventurers!

What a week the Adventurers have had this week! They started the week with a great session of cricket which they always love! Furthermore, they loved the drama day with Louise where they developed their Stone Age understanding!
School photographs were taken on Tuesday and how lovely they turned out to be!
The children loved their history lesson on Stone Age farming. We also enjoyed our New Beginnings church service on Thursday where the Pioneers and Reverend Jo Parker were welcomed to the Sleights family! The whole school did amazing and the Adventurers amazingly created their own poem and read this out in the service. They made everyone so proud!
They also enjoyed continuing their learning about the rainforests in geography!
We have seen some amazing changes in results on times tables quizzes this week, we are so proud of the efforts they have shown!

We look forward to another exciting week next week, especially with our day in the forest on Tuesday!

Adventurers Week 4!

The Adventurers have had a great fourth week back at school. They have enjoyed cricket with Owen and began planning and writing their explanation text about being a global neighbour. The Adventurers also loved cross country on Monday! They have been practising their times tables songs which they have thoroughly enjoyed! They are approaching the end of their place value topic in maths.

We have made further progress with our class book, ‘The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me’ which they are analysing for their reading comprehension. Furthermore, they have been also enjoying their end of day book ‘The Nothing to see Here Hotel’.

Finally, the Adventurers have been practising their singing for the New Beginnings service on Thursday! We look forward to another busy week next week!

What a fantastic week!

What a great week we have had in our second full week back!

The Adventurers have been working hard, continuing with the place value topic in mathematics, whilst also practising their 3 and 6 times tables! 

An instrument has been assigned to each Adventurer, either a trumpet, clarinet, saxophone or a trombone! They are all looking forward to learning these with their music teacher Ralph on a Thursday afternoon. 

Friday was a fantastic morning where the class were visited by their lovely families. This enabled the Adventurers to teach their families the activities that they have learnt so far. This was great to see!

Furthermore, the Adventurers have continued their learning regarding e-safety, ensuring they are able to staff safe whilst online! In addition to this they have continued learning about the Stone Age.

What a fantastic week it has been and we look forward to week 4!

Adventurers start to the term.

The Adventurers have had a fantastic second week and should be really proud of their efforts! In English, they have worked very hard to produce their own Terra Carta about the environment and they look great!

The have started gymnastics in P.E, began exploring the Amazon Rainforest in geography and made a good start to our science topic of light! It is great to see the Adventurers settling back into school life so well! 

We are all looking forward to next weeks learning, keep up the great work!


Another Week In Adventurers!

Hello families, 

This week in PE, Adventurers have been doing cricket. They think this is really fun and cannot wait to get back at it next week. We have also learnt a new dance to ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ and we love it!

In Science, we have been exploring states of matter and looking at how states change. We looked at how heating and cooling can change state. 

In English, we became reporters and interviewed each other to build speech for our newspaper reports about Zambezi Sunrise Trust.

Adventurers 🙂