
We teach spelling in a range of ways in order to support children’s understanding and ability. Across Key Stage Two, children follow the North Yorkshire spelling programme. In Year 1 and Reception, spelling is taught using phonic sessions. In Year 2, spelling is taught using the Little Wandle spelling programme. 

Children are taught spelling patterns or rules across a series of sessions. These sessions begin by introducing and exploring the rule, before investigating and exploring patterns using games and activities. Children complete a review of the spelling pattern (like a spelling test) each week.

Spellings are handed out on a Thursday and are tested the following Tuesday.

Spellings are provided for children to learn on a regular basis. In many cases, the words that children are asked to learn are those found in the National Curriculum for English. A full list of the words that children are expected to learn whilst at primary school, including the year they are expected, can be found below.

See our Spelling Policy here: Spelling policy and procedure – Updated 2019

Statement of Spelling Intent

The children at Sleights will be provided with a spelling curriculum offer designed to:

  • Make the partnership between ‘phonics’ teaching and ‘spelling strategies’ explicitly clear.
  • Systematically build up children’s understanding and knowledge of the relationship between letters and sounds.
  • Enthuse and engage children to explore spelling strategies through practical and hands on taught sessions.
  • Teach the children to make links between alternative pronunciation and spelling, so that they can make informed opinions on spelling choices.
  • Equip children with a range of skills and approaches to tackle the spelling of unfamiliar words.
  • Give children the confidence to communicate and use words.

Statement of Spelling Implementation

The spelling curriculum at Sleights will be implemented across:

  • Daily phonic sessions across the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One. Sessions will include opportunities to revisit and review, teach, practise and apply.
  • In Key Stage Two, well planned and highly focused spelling sessions, focused on a unit of spelling strategies across a fortnight (see planning document)
  • Additional spelling booster sessions for those children who require further support.

Statement of Spelling Impact

The impact of our spelling curriculum will be measured through:

  • Pupil voice/confidence
  • Fortnightly spelling assessment tracking
  • Termly assessment scores
  • Feedback from children’s work across the curriculum
  • External assessments (SATs and Phonics Screening Check in Year 1)
  • Within children’s writing across the curriculum.

Spelling Word Lists for Children 

Year 1 Spelling

Year 2 Spelling

Year 3 and 4 Spelling

Year 5 and 6 Spelling


Children access phonics teaching from the start of their time at Sleights. In our Pre-School, children develop their listening skills and the ability to ‘tune in’ to sounds around them. Listening walks and activities focused entirely on developing understanding and knowledge of sounds support their progression into Reception class.

Across Reception and Key Stage 1, our children follow Letters and Sounds to support the delivery of the phonics curriculum.

Click here to hear how sounds should be made during phonics sessions.