What a Wonderful Week

The sun is shining and that makes everything feel wonderful.

We all did our writing outside and playtime was bursting with energy. Our sunflowers are stretching up tall and the snails have all disappeared into the shady spots.

We were inspired by Matisse to create some collage. The Pioneers added their own frames and really enjoyed “painting with scissors.”

We got out on the field to get to grips with the organisation required for Sports Day which is fast approaching. That field is mighty big when you are 4 or 5. We are learning not to cut the corners!

Friday 19th May 2023

So much learning has been happening in Leaders this week. Here is our weekly round up!

In English, the children have been planning and writing narratives based on the animation, ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’. The vocabulary and sentence types used are really making for some excellent stories! I can’t wait to read the finished products next week.

In history, we have continued to learn about the Mayans. This week, the children learned about the four main time periods for this time in history: the preclassic, classic, post classic and contact and Spanish conquest. We explored some key events from each time period to consider the differences between them and plotted them onto a timeline. The children then learned the different theories of why the Mayan civilisation declined. 

We are currently learning about collage in art on Friday we researched and learned more about one of our focus artists, Ben Giles. We learned that Ben Giles works from his studio in Norwich in the UK, where he creates commissions for companies such as Google and Apple as well as many magazines. We enjoyed exploring his collages before the children created pages in their sketch books to demonstrate what they had learned about him as well as spending some time evaluating his artwork.

In Collective Worship this week, we focused on Christian Aid week. This is a charity the children are already familiar with from their work earlier in the year in RE. Together, we explored some of the people and communities Christian Aid help.

On Thursday, we were joined by the Zambezi Sunrise Trust, which is a charity that helps to provide education to children in Zambia. The children learned about the charities work and what life is like for the children who attend school in Zambia. We are looking forward to working with this charity to forge a link between Sleights and the Linda Community School. Next Friday, we will be holding a coffee and cake afternoon to raise funds for this amazing cause. 

Finally, we had tennis success on Wednesday, when eight children from Leaders competed in a tennis tournament. The children secured a wonderful third place! Well done!

A Fabulous Week!

We have had a lovely week in Adventurers class this week.

In maths, we have finished our mass and capacity topic and will be moving onto fractions next week.

We created forest backgrounds, in art, using water colour. This was inspired by the artist Megan Coyle. 

In PE, we did cricket and loved it! We managed to hit the ball really far across the field!

Adventurers 🙂

A Magnificent Week of Work

We have had another four day week but we have certainly done five days’ worth of work. The Pioneers have been on fire. We have been building up our knowledge of the creatures living on our school site and we focussed on snails. However,when we went on a snail hunt we only found one snail and a couple of rather large slugs. There were plenty of woodlice. Thankfully our wonderful families made up the shortfall and we imported a large number of snails all of which have found new homes outside…with a few inside too.

We have really enjoyed spotting pattern and shapes in shells and plants and recreating these using loose parts and pastels and pipecleaners.

The whole week has been just wonderful.

Music is in our soul.

In Re this week, we have been celebrating everything wonderful about our world. We learned that Christians believe that God made the universe and everything in it. We had some meaningful discussions and drew pictures of the things in the world that we found most wonderful!

In music, we continue to enjoy soul music and have been singing and clapping along to the beat. Learners class sing with joy and enthusiasm.

In PSHCE we have been recognising stereotypes and were able to give some great examples. We then drew pictures to recognise that jobs and careers are achievable by any gender, ethnicity and background!

In Maths the Year 2’s have been getting to grips with time and have been dedicated in using our class clock to determine different times of day during this week. The Year 1’s on the other hand have been enjoying learning about capacity and volume.

As always we have enjoyed sharing stories together and reading our favourite stories.

Don’t forget it will be class photographs this Tuesday 16th May.


A Week With Adventurers!

Another fabulous week in Adventurers!

In art, we learnt about Elizabeth Gower and created our own collages inspired by her artwork. In science we discussed solids, liquids, and gasses and then acted out being each state of matter.

We have started to explore capacity and mass in maths and found it challenging at first but we are starting to get it. In English, we used Jamboard to find facts about the climate crisis to help us write letters next week. 

We also practiced our skills on scratch in computing with Mrs Gurney. We managed to make three different characters move in the app!

Adventurers 🙂


Friday 12th May 2023

It has been a busy week in Leaders Class.

This week, Year 6 children sat the SATs. The children approached the week with positivity and demonstrated excellent effort throughout. A big well done to all of the Year 6 pupils from Leaders.

The Year 5 Leaders have been exploring angles this week. They can identify and estimate angles and are looking forward to learning more next week.

In art this term, our focus will be on collage. This week, the children demonstrated the collage skills they already have when designing their own cover page for this unit. Next week, we will begin to explore our focus artist so keep an eye on our class blog for updates. 

In writing this week, Leaders have finished their character descriptions, with a focus on Scissors from the animation ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’. The children have really pushed themselves to use new and challenging vocabulary and have succeeded; the pieces were extremely interesting to read. 

A big well done to Leaders for another brilliant week!

God Save The King

The Pioneers and their families had a wonderful afternoon celebrating the King’s Coronation. The classroom was packed and we made commemorative plates,King Charles spoons and crowns. On the floor, we built a huge structure inspired by Westminster Abbey. One high point was our rendition of God Save the King on Kazoo. This was unrehearsed!

Thank you to everyone who joined in the fun and helped with the tidy up too.


Finding Out About Beekeeping

We had a wonderful morning with Mrs Robertson who brought in all her beekeeping kit. The Pioneers already had a lot of knowledge about bees and their body parts. This allowed them to ask very specific questions like,”Do bees have noses?” Mrs Robertson added to their existing knowledge giving us a glimpse into the life of a bee. Pollination was modelled with big paper flowers and a little bee. We all got up and did the wiggle dance that bees use to communicate with other bees. We got to handle parts of the hive and try on the suits used to stay safe.

So much learning and thank you to Mrs Robertson for sharing her knowledge and passion.


A Really, Royal week.

Learners have been busy, busy, busy with incredible learning during this four-day week.

We have enjoyed digging deeper into poetry and have delighted in sharing the poems we love. We have explored rhyme and alliteration, alongside our theme of  ‘When I grow up’. This week we have been creating our own poems, each individual to our owns dreams and aspirations for the future. The finished products are sensational and will without a doubt be displayed proudly on the board outside our classroom for all to read – We are going to make a class poem book to put in the School library too. There really is no end to our talents!

In History, we have been learning about Captain Cook and exploring his link to Whitby.

In DT, we have begun to think about where are food comes from and how it gets from farm to fork.

In Music, we are learning a new song. The style of music is soul music, which is prompting lots of musical discussions around beat and tempo.

In PE this week we have enjoyed dance sessions, along with gaining skills around tennis and are looking forward to improving just in time for celebrating Wimbledon!!

In Art this term, we are focusing on collage. Our new focus artist is Kazimir Malevich a famous Russian artist who uses shape and colour to create wonderful art. Learners were inspired by his style and created some amazing art work in their art books.

What a jam-packed week we’ve had, which ended with a wonderful open afternoon on Friday to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles 111. Families joined us in class to make bunting, flags and thought about the rules we would make if we were King for the day? Thankyou to everyone that joined us.