Leaders Class

Welcome to Leaders class!

Leaders is an exciting time for the children at Sleights as they are the oldest children in school. Leaders class includes children from Year 6. They are taught by Mrs Porter and supported by Mr Everall in their own building on the school playground.

In Leaders, children are taught maths and English daily and they also gather together with the rest of the school in collective worship. 

Children in Leaders class love to read. The children are very lucky to have an amazing school and class library, filled with a diverse range of books that they can enjoy reading for pleasure. Children also enjoy listening to the class story at the end of each school day. In addition to reading for pleasure, Leaders also enjoy sharing a range of texts during whole class reading sessions, where they have the opportunity to read fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts as well as a whole class reading book. Reading at home is also incredibly important. Please record the reading that your child does at home in their reading record and ensure that this, alongside their individual reading book, is in school every day.

Children in Leaders class are very lucky to be taught by specialist teachers throughout the week. On a Tuesday, children will have swimming lessons at the Leisure Centre in Whitby. Children will continue to bring home their instruments to practice throughout the week and these will need to be returned on a Thursday morning ready for music with Ralph. Computing with Mrs Gurney will also take place on a Wednesday afernoon,

Each week, homework will be set on Sumdog on a Thursday. Children will also receive spellings every two weeks; these will be sent home on a Thursday. Spellings tests will happen on the second Wednesday.

Our class blog will be updated each week so keep an eye on this for exciting updates throughout the term.

Thursday 18th June 2020

Good morning, Leaders,

Let’s hope the mist clears early today and we get to see some sunshine.??

It’s getting to the end of the first week back at school for some children. They have been learning alongside everyone at home, completing their activities in the classroom.

I have planted some mixed lettuce seeds in a pot outside the kitchen and I know that lots of you have also been planting, both flowers and vegetables. It would be lovely to see how they are getting on. Try and take a picture of your plants and upload it to Tapestry – I bet the rain has made them grown quickly. ???


English – Rain Before Rainbows

‘A map to guide us’

Today, I’d like you to use a story map template although, rather than a story plan, I’d like like you to think about making a map/story plan of your hopes and dreams.

You might want to make this cover your life or just the next few weeks, the timescale is up to you. Think carefully about the order in which you would like your events to happen.

What is going to be your ‘treasure’ at the end of your map?

Happy mapping.


Maths – Proportion/ Ratio

We now know that ratio is the relationship between two quantities.
Proportion is the a subset of this, proportion tells us about a portion or part in relation to a whole.

Have a go at the proportion questions in the pictures.



At school, we have looked at the life cycle of a human. This is a bit of a re-cap lesson with an investigation about the elasticity of skin.

You will need:

a ruler and different sized elastic bands.

https://home.empiribox.com/lessons/habitats/  – You will need to choose lesson number 4 – Human Lifecycles


Wednesday 17th June 2020

Good morning Leaders,

Over the weeks we have been in lockdown, I think everyone has had time to think about lots of things and many of you have tried to learn a new skill. It’s often a time that we remember things that we miss, things we had forgotten as well as things we want to try.

It’s important to also realise all the things you have done (which you might not have done) because you have been limited to where you have been allowed to go. Our beautiful text this week makes us think about all the good things around us on a daily basis, some of which we might normally overlook.

During our Wellness Wednesday activity I’d like us all to think about all the positive things that the last few weeks have brought – remember, everyone in your family might have something different. ?‍?‍?


English – Rain Before Rainbows

Figurative Language

Figurative language allows the writer to appeal to the reader’s senses, imagination and sense of humour. It paints a picture in the reader’s mind to better describe parts of their story to make it more interesting to read.

There are many different forms of figurative language. It is a language that is used non-literally to create a special meaning. It often has different meaning or intentions beyond the ways in which the word or phrase is typically used.

Figurative language can appear in multiple forms. These include: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, alliteration, idiom and onomatopoeia.

For some extra help, listen to this song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-zGjduZE9c 

Today, I would like you to write a short description of what each of these words mean and include an example from the text if appropriate.


Maths – Ratio

Today, we are gong to have a look at ratio in some real life contexts.

Have a go at answering the different questions attached.

Wellness Wednesday

Today, we are going to give ourselves some time to relax, making slow and measured movements. Everyone in your family can join in if they would like.

You will need a chair for today’s session. Ideally a dining chair rather than the sofa but I’m sure you can possible have a go anywhere.


Tuesday 16th June 2020

Good morning, Leaders

It was lovely to see the first faces back in school today alongside many of you sending in your work on Tapestry.

I look forward to seeing what you have been doing, both from the planned activities and all the other exciting things that you have been doing during lockdown – keep them coming. ?


Rain Before Rainbows – English

Here are some more lines from the book.

‘But… there are footsteps to follow. And words that are wise. A map that will guide us when troubles arise.”

I’d like you to read the lines carefully (and listen to the whole story again if you wish) and explain what you think these lines in the book mean. How are they different to yesterday’s lines?

You may need to use your inference skills and read between the lines.


Ratio – Maths

Now that we understand what ratio means, have a go at answering these questions.



You may have heard the phrase ‘following in the footsteps…’ which means to pursue something that someone has already done. This phrase is known as an idiom.

Today I’d like you to:
– Investigate other idioms
– Present a piece of work about who you would like to ‘follow in the footsteps’ of and why. You can present this however you wish.


Monday 15th June 2020

Good morning Leaders,

I hope you all managed to get outside this weekend with the return of some sunshine. ☀️

We are going to continue using the Rain Before Rainbows book for our learning this week and we will move onto having a look at the illustrations in the book.

Happy Learning. ?


Here are some more lines from the book.

‘Dark days may shake us. And worries creep in. With dragons to duel. And battles to win.’

I’d like you to read the lines carefully (and listen to the whole story again if you wish) and explain what you think these lines in the book mean.

You may need to use your inference skills and read between the lines.


A ratio shows how much of one thing there is compared to another.

Today, I’d like you to watch the short clip explaining about ratio – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsq7hyc/articles/z8kfnbk 

Once you think you have got it, have a go at the quiz at the bottom of the page to test your knowledge.


‘There are mountains for climbing. Journeys to take.’

Today, I would like you to investigate mountains. you might want to link this to your time zone work from last week and use the same countries, or you can use totally different ones.

See what you can find our about mountains in different countries – you might want to find the highest, the country with the most, or just find mountains in certain countries.

You can record your findings how you would like – this could be a poster, a table or even a set of top trumps cards – the choice is yours.


Have a great day everybody,


Mrs Walker 

Friday 12th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I can’t believe that it is Friday again already!! Let’s hope that we see the sun over the weekend – a little bit of brightness always makes us feel better. If you’re like me, the grey weather can sometimes make you feel a bit gloomy and a bit of sunshine ☀️ makes us feel so much better – exactly like the rainbow? after the rain. ☔️

Keep your eyes out for those things that bring happiness this weekend.

Rain Before Rainbows – English

When you have listened to the story you will realise there are some rhymes along the way which help to give the story rhythm.

Today, I’d like you to go back to you list of ‘befores’ and see if you can add some additional lines to go with them.

Examples from the story are; Clouds before sun… The old day is done.

Lightning will flash… tall waves will crash.

Money – Maths

Today, you are going to think about saving money. Answer the questions to make your way through this exciting quest and save the kingdom. At the end, you will discover your money personality type. Are you a reckless spender or a savvy saver?


Rain Before Rainbows – Science

Today, we are going to investigate more about wind. In 1805, a British Naval officer called Francis Beaufort introduced a scale from 0 -12 for measuring the speed of the wind at sea. I’d like you to find out about this scale and make yourself a table to record it.

Then, you might also like to make yourself a windsock, which will help you read the direction and strength of the wind.

Here is a simple design you could follow; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eQekeMktG8&feature=youtu.be or you might like to design your own.

Thursday 11th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Thank you to those of you who braved making videos yesterday. It would be fantastic to get more of you involved – even if I don’t see your faces and just hear your recording.

I am really missing see you all so it would be amazing to hear/see more of you involved next time. ?

Rain Before Rainbows – English

Today, I’d like you to go back and listen to the story again.

This time think about how they story makes you feel – this might be different in different part of the story.

You can either draw these thoughts and feelings like a story map or just discuss them with your family. Remember – it might not make everyone feel the same.

Money – Maths


When you want to start saving money it is important to know what things cost.

Today, I’d like you to do some research to find out how much things cost to buy.

If you had £20.00 to spend what would you buy? It doesn’t need to be from the list (but make sure you have done your research).

Rain Before Rainbows – Science

Today, we are going to investigate how rainbows are formed before seeing if we can make our own rainbow.

Rainbows are amazing – did you know that no two people will see exactly the same rainbow!! ?

You’ll be pleased to learn that you can make a rainbow without rain – have a go and see if you can create your own.

Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I have enjoyed reading all your things that come before each other. You have thought of some that I would not have. It’s fascinating how different people’s mind work and what appears on their lists.

We are going to be creative today, time to be brave and get those video skills used. It gets easier – honest!!

I can’t wait to see your forecasts. ? ☁️ ?

Rain Before Rainbows – English

Today, we are going to think about some of the other weather-related topics covered in the book.

I’d like you to listen to this piece of music – https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02b5b25 – and then make a list of all the things that you think the music is trying to portray.

You might want to listen more than once and list the things as you think they happen in the music. What techniques have the musicians used to make you think these things?

Money – Maths

If you think back to our online safety sessions with the PSCO you will remember that not everything that happens online is necessarily safe or within the law.

Today, you are going to help Liam and his family decide if they are being scammed.


Weather Forecasting.

After listening to ‘The Storn’, I’d like you to have a go at doing your own weather forecast to go alongside the piece of music.

You might want to make yourself a map and record yourself doing the forecast in front of it. Come on Leaders – be brave. ?

Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Although not quite as sunny, at least it was dry yesterday, I hope you all managed to get outside for a walk again.

All the rain will make the plants grow but unfortunately, it will also make the weeds grow too so you might need to top up your knowledge on which are weeds and which are your seedlings.

We will all have grown very green fingers if our plants produce fruit and flowers. ??

Rain Before Rainbows – English

Many of you have taken part in the Eskdale Festival at some point and I would like us to imagine you are taking part in your own festival today.

Adding you list to the lines from yesterday, read your additional lines aloud.

Have a go at videoing yourself and watch it back – you might want to do this more than once to see I if you can make your expression or fluency better.

Upload your video if you would like to, I’d love to see you performing your new lines.

Money – Maths

Think about the difference between a need and a want.

Today, look at the notes and split them into the categories of need and want. Can you name anything where the distinction between a need and a want is not always clear?


Night Before Daybreak – Geography

I would like you to pick a time of the day and then record what time it is in different countries at the same time. Pick 9 other countries to put in your list.

Is there a pattern to the times in different countries? Follow the link to find out more about time zones.


Monday 8th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I hope you have all had a good weekend albeit much colder than it has been recently. The gardens will be thankful although let’s hope the sun returns soon.

We are going to be using a beautiful book called ‘Rain before Rainbows’ for some of our learning and we will be investigating the themes that it contains. You might have seen a rainbow over the weekend, heard thunder or even seen hailstones (in June!). There will be lots of things to talk about and we will start off today with a ‘big question’.

Happy chatting.?

Rain Before Rainbows – English

This week we are going to be using a beautiful book called ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ which you can hear being fully read on a different post.

Here are a few lines from the book;

Rain before rainbows, Clouds before sun.

Night before daybreak. The old day is done.

See if you can find any other pairs of things where one would come before the other. Make a list of the ones you can think of.

Money – Maths

This week we are going to be focussing on money and using some of the MoneySense activities from NatWest

Today, you are going to find out more about how a bank works. Use the link below to find out more.


Big Questions

Having time at home and being made to slow down often makes us look at things more closely. It makes us ask questions and notice smaller things that we might not notice in our busy lives.

Today, I’d like you to talk about one of these big questions with your family. Remember that not everyone might have the same answer or opinion.

Where in the world would you like to be right now? Why?

There is no need to record anything, just take time to talk to each other.

Friday 5th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

‘Thank Crunchie it’s Friday’, was used on a television advert which has always stuck in my head.

With that mind, I thought we’d have a bit of a chocolate theme to our topic task for today in the hope that you will have something to enjoy with your families over the weekend.

Happy Friday everyone.

Graphic Novel – English

Today is your last day to complete your novel (unless you want to continue over the weekend) and conclude your story.

I can’t wait to see them!

Happy drawing. ✏️

Function Machines – Maths

Today, we are going to take away the function machines and replace them with arrows. This will lead to us being able to follow the algebraic expressions.

For example, one expression would be 5x+12

Complete the equations if x=5, x=11 and x=24

Chocolate Bar Baking

As it’s Friday, (and possibly raining ?) I thought we’d get back in the kitchen. Have you ever cooked using your favourite chocolate bar?

Today, I’d like you to see if you can find a recipe using your favourite bar and have a go at making it. I’ve attached some ideas if you’d like to use them.

Kit Kat – http://jensfavoritecookies.com/2015/03/23/crispy-kit-kat-blondies/

Bounty – https://www.janespatisserie.com/2016/09/09/no-bake-bounty-cheesecake/

Mint Aero – http://maverickbaking.com/aero-mint-chocolate-brownies/

Crunchie – http://shewhobakes.co.uk/recipes/crunchie-shortbread-biscuits/