Leaders Class

Welcome to Leaders class!

Leaders is an exciting time for the children at Sleights as they are the oldest children in school. Leaders class includes children from Year 6. They are taught by Mrs Porter and supported by Mr Everall in their own building on the school playground.

In Leaders, children are taught maths and English daily and they also gather together with the rest of the school in collective worship. 

Children in Leaders class love to read. The children are very lucky to have an amazing school and class library, filled with a diverse range of books that they can enjoy reading for pleasure. Children also enjoy listening to the class story at the end of each school day. In addition to reading for pleasure, Leaders also enjoy sharing a range of texts during whole class reading sessions, where they have the opportunity to read fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts as well as a whole class reading book. Reading at home is also incredibly important. Please record the reading that your child does at home in their reading record and ensure that this, alongside their individual reading book, is in school every day.

Children in Leaders class are very lucky to be taught by specialist teachers throughout the week. On a Tuesday, children will have swimming lessons at the Leisure Centre in Whitby. Children will continue to bring home their instruments to practice throughout the week and these will need to be returned on a Thursday morning ready for music with Ralph. Computing with Mrs Gurney will also take place on a Wednesday afernoon,

Each week, homework will be set on Sumdog on a Thursday. Children will also receive spellings every two weeks; these will be sent home on a Thursday. Spellings tests will happen on the second Wednesday.

Our class blog will be updated each week so keep an eye on this for exciting updates throughout the term.

Friday 15th October 2021

Wow – what a busy week!

We started the week with a shared session with Louise, learning all about the Tudors through drama activities.  A session of fun, laughter and ‘hands on’ learning.

Tuesday brought another swimming session – it is fantastic to see the water confidence really beginning to grow.

On Wednesday, it was the girls turn to play football at Eskdale and they all had a fantastic time, playing as a team and developing their football knowledge over the course of the matches.

On Thursday, we visited Scarborough Spa to take part in a STEM fair which showed the children many opportunities in these fields with many more ‘hands on’ activities to take part in; code cracking, brick laying, fulcrum balancing and medicine to list a few.  

With such a varied week – there has been so much learning taking place.

Families – please check Tapestry to see photos from these events.

Friday 1st October 2021

This week we have spent some time in the forest which allowed us to check on the status of our structures and answer the million dollar question as to whether the kindling was still  dry.  We were not too hopeful as it has been very windy and rainy.   We found a mixture of results but we were able to identify which structures had worked well and why, which should help us in the future. The next questions were: could we light a fire; did we have enough kindling. 

We managed to get the fire lit but quickly realised that there would not be enough kindling to boil our Kelly Kettle.  We decided to fill our most successful structures with more kindling so that we will be able to look forward to a nice warm drink (as it gets colder) the next time we are in the forest.


In collective worship this week, we have been continuing our journey through the bible although we are still in the book of Genesis.  We found out about the test that God gave Abraham in terms of sacrifice and what this means.

Friday 17th September 2021

Wow, what a busy start to the school year Leaders have had.  We have had lots of fun investigating the new classroom and trying out the different seating options. 

Our topic this term is ‘This is our World’ and we have been polishing up our map skills by using 6-figure grid references and showing our knowledge of famous structures around the world – very impressive!  In history, we are beginning to learn about the Tudors and have re-enacted our own Battle of Bosworth with our class splitting into the same ratios as they would have been then – who knew they would need their maths!

In collective worship this week, we have been investigating this term’s value of thankfulness and thinking about people in our school and the wider community who we are thankful for.  A time to reflect on all the people who help us on a daily basis. 

Leaders’ Home Learning – Tuesday 12th January 2021

Good Morning Leaders

Thank you for your patience yesterday with the technical issues that Tapestry was encountering. I am sure you have all being doing lots of fantastic learning. Please don’t worry if you were unable to complete yesterday’s tasks although, it would be great if you could look at the ‘What We’ll Build’ story post as we will be using that to base our English activities on for the coming weeks.

Also, a big thank you to everyone who uploaded a poetry video. I really enjoyed seeing you all and your concentration and characters really shone through.


Today, we are going to think about once of the first pages of the story. We are going to be using the page near the front of the book which is covered in tools.   We use tools to help us complete lots of different jobs. For a bit of fun, I have attached several photos of tools, and I would like you to guess what the tools are used for – some of them look rather strange!

We are going to build up to writing an explanation of how a tool or object works but with a slight twist.   Look at the pages attached of the book ‘Until I Met Dudley’ and investigate the explanations. You will see there are two very different explanations of the same object. Read these carefully and see if you can list the similarities and differences between the two explanations. Your list of similarities should then give you a list of features you would see in an explanation text. Keep this list safe as we will need it during the week.


We are continuing with our work on division today.

Year 5, page 16, Dividing. If you would like to check in with the video from yesterday to remind yourselves, please do before you start.

Year 6, page 15, Dividing. Your task today includes some long division. You can use this video to help you recap the long division method or, if you are confident, you might want to have a go at the first one and then watch the first bit of the clip to check your method. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/use-the-formal-written-method-of-long-division-to-solve-appropriate-calculations-c8wk0c?step=2&activity=video


Finally, your task is to create a cairn. Cairns are man-made towers of natural stones, usually built as a landmark or a memorial. All you need to do is gather a range of flat rocks and pebbles in different sizes, and then stack them in order, with the largest at the bottom and the smallest at the top.

See if you can get your cairn to balance, and count how many stones high your structure can hold.

For an extra challenge, change the foundation of your tower to a smaller stone, and see if you can rebuild it.

If you don’t have any rocks or pebbles, you could get create and use small items around the home.

Have a great day.

Monday 13th July 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Can you believe it? – It’s the last week of term!!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and you are ready to join us for our final activities of the school year.

New Horizons – English
It is our last week of term which means that everyone’s mind will now be turning towards the next challenge on the horizon. 
For year 6, that will be the next step in their education and a change of school which, in turn, will mean a much bigger group of children.  For Year 5, that will be thinking about being the oldest children in school and possibly what school will look like in September.
I would like you to take this opportunity to look both forwards and back – think about all the good things and fun times over the last year and then think about the challenges you are looking forward to facing.
You could choose to discuss these or possible write them in a table or on two sides of a set of scales.
Money – Maths
Look on tapestry to help the Year 6 children work our how much each activity will cost per child.
Homophone Hunt
There are many homophones that can sometimes get confused.  Have a go at this game to help you investigate the correct spellings.

Thursday 9th July 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I hope you all had a good day yesterday,  At school, we spent the morning outside in the forest and caught up with our maths in the afternoon.
Today, we are hoping to see if our flowers and leaves have dried out that we collected and pressed last week. ??
Why is the Sky Blue? – English
Have a look at the pages attached.  They have used flaps to hide information from the reader, which are used to tell you the answers to the questions.
Today, we are going to link our questions wit art work and have a go at re-creating a lift-the-flap item to record the answer to a question.  You could use any of the questions that you have previously written down.  The ones about an object will obviously work best if you can re-create the object in paper with a hidden flap.
Happy crafting!
Area of a Parallelogram – Maths
We had a go at the area of a triangle yesterday.  Today, we are going to investigate the area of a parallelogram.
Floristry Thursday ?
Today, we are going to have a look at the flowers and leaves that you left to dry from last week. 
If you find they are dried out enough, I would like you to make a piece of artwork from them.  You might want to use the pieces to make a picture of something (like the person attached) or just make an arrangement of your dried objects.

Wednesday 8th July 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I was sure the sun was going to put his hat on yesterday but I think he continued to hide throughout the day!!

I hope you have made some great plans to keep your ice cube frozen – take some time to collect the things that you have used in your design ready to make it at a later date.

Why is the Sky Blue? – English

You have probably heard the saying ‘that’s just the tip of the iceberg’ and possibly wondered what it means.

After looking at the page, what do you think this saying could mean?

We would think of people as icebergs with the tip representing all the visible things we can see straight away about someone with so many other things hidden underneath.

Today, think about someone you know well and think about them like an iceberg. What are the easily visible things which would represent the tip and what would be less visible and possibly hidden away that not everyone will see or know.

If you would like to, you could represent this with an annotated iceberg.

Area of Triangles – Maths

So far this week we have been looking at the area of 2d rectilinear shapes. Today, we are going to investigate finding the area of triangles.

Have a go at the questions below.

Sports – Get Moving

As we will be holding a virtual sports day next week I thought we would have a go at a fitness activity. A Samba carnival to invigorate us. ?


Tuesday 7th July 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I hope you enjoyed investigating constellations yesterday.  Did you manage to spot any of them last night?  It has been pretty cloudy recently so are much easier to spot in clear skies.  You might want to try some of the activities in the stargazing book over the holidays.
I love looking up at the sky on a clear night and star gazing. ⭐️
Why is the Sky Blue? – English
Today, I’d like you to spend some time investigating penguins and see how much more information you can find out about them.
Once you have collected your information, have a go at writing a fact sheet.
Volume – Maths
So far this week, we have looked at the area and perimeter of 2d shapes.  The area inside a 3d shape is known as it’s volume. Remember that volume is measured in a cubic measurement.
Have a go at answering the questions.
How can you keep warm and dry? – Science/ D&T
It’s time to be inventive!
Usually, things that keep you warm could also keep you cold (if you were already cold).  We are going to test this theory – Using what you might have found out about penguins,  I would like you to design something that would keep an ice cube frozen for as long as possible.
To make this a bit more tricky, I would also like you to make this waterproof so that the water does not escape once melted.
When designing your object remember to think about the properties of materials and the things that you will be able to get hold of.
Don’t forget to put some ice cubes in the fridge so they’ll be ready to test your invention.

Monday 6th July 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Happy Monday. ?
I hope you have enjoyed your weekend and spent time with your families.   I know that there will have been some busy families this weekend with the re-opening of more shops and businesses alongside those who have worked all the way through.
Only two weeks left before the end of the summer term and there’s so much to fit in. We are going to spend some more time looking at questions that our book raises and investigating some of the answers.

Why is the Sky Blue?  – English

I thought we would stick with poetry for today.
Have a go at writing a shape poem based on the theme of stars.

Area and Perimeter – Maths

We have looked at both area and perimeter before in school.  Today, we are going to re-visit both of these.  Remember that area is the amount inside a shape and the perimeter is the measurement around the edge of a shape.
Have a go at answering the questions.

It’s Written in the Stars

Today, we are going to be thinking all about stars.  In our class reader, Who Let The God’s Out?, we have had lots of discussion about star signs and the zodiac.
There are constellations that represent these signs as well as other constellations.
I would like you to choose some constellations to investigate – you can present your ideas in any format.
I have also attached a Forestry England guide to stargazing which has some lovely information and ideas – this might be a good place to start. 

Friday 3rd July 2020

Good Morning Leaders
Wow, what a quick week that was – I’m, not quite sure where is disappeared!!  It’s Friday again which means that all children are at home today.  Have a look at the activities for today or you might want to take some time to finish something that you haven’t completed from other days of the week.
Let’s hope the sun shines for the weekend and the sky is blue. ?
Why is The Sky Blue? – English


Choose one of the subjects that you have written questions about and have a go at writing a poem on the same theme.

You can choose any format of poetry you would like.

Mystery Tables – Maths
Can you crack the code to find out the mystery tables.
Can Fish Hear Things? – Science
This pages tells us all about the way fish can hear the vibrations of other fish and water features.
Today, I would like you to investigate a selection of different animals and find out about their hearing.
Can all animals hear?  Which can hear the best?  Can all animals hear the same sounds?