Learners Class

Welcome to Learners' class page!

Learners Class currently includes Year 1 and Year 2, where the children are between the ages of 5 years to 7 years old. The class is taught by Mrs Brown and is supported by Mrs Gurney and Mrs Creek.

We teach Maths and English daily and are proud to provide our full and rich curriculum to our children with lots of exciting learning opportunities, including regular visits to our own school forest. We enjoy Collective Worship together each day, where we explore different values each half term. This half term our value is Truthfulness.

Each Thursday afternoon, we have IT lessons run by Mrs Gurney, providing us with valuable learning around technology. 

This term we will have PE sessions on Wednesday afternoon led by Hawkes Sports coaches. On Tuesday afternoons we will have dance sessions with Hannah Verity Dance. Please make sure your Learner always has a PE kit in school and that earrings are taken out at home in the morning before school.

Learners Class are passionate about reading and enjoy stories and books together daily. Each child has their own reading record diary, which goes between home and school alongside each child's reading book. These are used to record reading at home and are also brought in to school each day to record reading in class. Class reading books are changed regularly throughout the week.

Alongside reading at home, spellings are handed out on Thursday and tested the following Tuesday. Please support your child's reading at home by sharing and enjoying a book together each day - it really does make a difference! Children use the online tool 'Sumdog' to strengthen their Maths skills. On the programme, children have their own character and are rewarded with coins and prizes for completing homework tasks.

For more up-to-date information of what we are learning, please keep an eye on our weekly class blog! 

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Learners and families.

It’s hard to believe we’ve only been in class 3 days this week as we have achieved so much.

Our new topic this term is ‘Inventors and Inventions’, we are so keen to find out more about this and all agreed it sounds exciting!

This week, we have been exploring the book ‘Junk DNA’ by Clare Thompson. We collected some bits and bobs of scrap metal and pieces of junk and created some wonderful art to inspire our writing! Take a look at some of the pictures we created!

We have introduced a new Christian Value this half term of ‘perseverance’ and have been considering how we can use this value ourselves in our everyday lives. On Thursday we were interested to learn about Epiphany and how the 3 Kings persevered on the their journey to follow the star to worship Jesus.

In Geography, we studied the Oceans of the World and as usual found a catchy song to aid our learning.

This term Learners will have Mr Gokool’s PE sessions and Mrs Gurney’s computer sessions on Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure your child has a PE kit in School.

Next week, Year 2’s will start to bring home Spellings as homework. Please look out for these in book bags. 

If you need any further information or if I can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

Mrs Brown

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas….

We have been bursting with writing ideas this week, inspired by the Aldi Advert ‘A Christmas Carrot’. We have enjoyed making story maps and using these to re-tell the story. We have looked at what makes a great story opener and we have used descriptive language to describe the characters and we have loved every moment of it! It is wonderful to see such enthusiasm for writing!

In RE this week, we have been learning all about the Christmas Story and thinking about the importance it holds for the Christian religion.

We are continuing to enjoy our dance sessions with Hannah Verity Dance and our Christmas routine ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ is really starting to take shape! 

We are starting to feel Christmassy and are enjoying Christmas stories and singing Christmas songs – it’s safe to say we are quite excited!

Learners’ are a happy, hardworking and fun class.


Brrrr a cold week!

Hello everyone,

Learners have been on weather watch this week. Our Science topic is seasonal change and this has been a great week to study the seasons. We have been filling in our weather charts each day and recording the temperature from out thermometer outside. We have even found time for some weather themed painting.

In English, we have been preparing for our new narrative writing topic. We will be using the Christmas advert ‘A Christmas Carrot’ to inspire our writing. We are all very excited to start writing next week.

We hope you will tune in on Tapestry at 6pm each evening in December for our advent calendar style Christmas story ‘How Winston Delivered Christmas’. Get cosy with a hot chocolate and a biscuit while you listen each night.

Look out for a new challenge on Sumdog this week!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Learners Class

We’ll weather the weather, whatever the weather!

This week in Science, we have been learning more about the weather. We have thought about temperatures and how these are reflected in seasonal change. We have made our own weather charts and will be recording the weather every day next week. We also have a class thermometer ready and will be recording the temperature outside our classroom each day and also recording this information on our charts. We have been watching the weather reports in class, but who knows what the weather will do?

On Wednesday, we enjoyed Forest School.  We made some forest memory sticks. We took our time and really focused on improving our skills. We chose a stick and wrapped around some string, using knots to secure each end. This took considerable concentration and perseverance and our efforts certainly paid off! We then attached some pretty leaves and plants to our forest memory stick. The sense of achievement was awesome! 

In English, we have been comparing our own homes to that of Victorian homes in preparation of becoming Estate Agents. We have used our knowledge of Victorian houses  in order to use persuasive language in a way that will encourage a prospective buyer – we are excited to get writing! 

We are excited to be included in Paddy Billington’s “Sleeps for Santa” song on our local radio station and he will be coming to school this week to record us. We have enjoyed practising the song this week and are starting to feel a little bit Christmassy! More details of when this will be airing to follow!

Learners’ Class are such happy, busy Class. 


Busy, busy, busy.

Wow, another busy week in Learners’ Class.

In RE this week, we have been reflecting on the times we have heard Christian prayers and hymns.  We thought about how these songs and prayers made us feel and how they help Christians learn about what God is like.

In maths, we have been getting to grips with money, finding out the worth of each coin and using these to help us problem solve. We are also becoming 10 times table whizzes, – which is our focus times table this half -term.

In English and History, we have been comparing our own homes with that of Victorian homes. We were quite shocked to learn about a time with no TV or games consoles! We were even more shocked to learn that the toilet was outside in Victorian times – this caused a real stir in class!

We have enjoyed printing using paints and leaves this week in Art. There is no shortage of autumn leaves to be collected and we enjoyed using different coloured paints to print. Our leaf creations are beautiful.

Remember, next Wednesday is Forest School day, please come dressed appropriately for the weather with lots of warm layers. We are sure to have a fun day!

Learners’ Class

A week to remember….

In RE this week, we have enjoyed the Bible story ‘Jonah and the Whale’. We discussed the key points of the story and were able to make clear links with God and explain how Christians use the story of Jonah to guide their beliefs. RE is one of Learners’ favourite subjects and the discussions in class are always heart-felt and meaningful.

In DT, we have enjoyed designing, creating and evaluating rockets! They look amazing and will be zooming home at the end of the week. 

We took our maths learning outside this week. Armed with chalk and our learning, we wrote the ten times table in our own space of the playground. This was so much fun. Outdoor learning is always a winner!

On Thursday (Armistice Day) we remembered those who have fought in the War to protect us. We created beautiful fields of poppies, using paints and finger printing. We were very proud of our pictures and displayed them outside our classroom at the end of the day for all to see.

We have enjoyed LOTS of stories together as always this week – we love books!

I hope you enjoy reading about our week!


Astronauts in the making!

As part of our new writing focus, we have been excited to watch an advert from the European Space Agency this week.  The Agency was appealing for astronaut candidates for their new space mission – we decided to apply!

We thought carefully about the skills and qualities we had that would make us a successful astronaut – we had lots!.

On Wednesday, we had an interview selection process in class – see attached photo. We interviewed potential astronauts (our friends) and asked them some probing questions about their skills and qualities. Luckily – we all got the job! 

Next week, we will be launching into space and writing a newspaper report to reflect our journey!

Also this week, we have been celebrating Diwali. We created our own artwork to show how we individually interpreted light. We used brightly coloured paints to reflect brightness, joy and positivity. Take a look at our Gallery of artwork. I think you will agree they look wonderful.

There will be some new challenges set on Sumdog this week, so enjoy the games and test your skills.

Don’t forget to watch our School Harvest Festival on Tapestry this week. It is just lovely.

Learners Class



An awesome week!

Wow, what a week we’ve had!

On Monday, we had lots of discussion around Harvest Time and vegetables. We excitedly prepared for the visit of David Atherton, the British Bake-off winner of 2019, who is visiting on Friday.

We all enjoyed a visit to the Church on Tuesday. This was the first visit in a long while and the children thought the visit was “awesome”. We were joined by Father Michael who showed us around the Church and led us in a prayer of thankfulness.

In DT this week, we have been joining textiles using knots and loops. This was great fun and became a challenge in itself to join together all our pieces of material – there was a wonderful sense of  teamwork in class, which contributed to our success.

Our Reading Together Day on Thursday, was a great success! We had full day of reading stories and sharing books. We enjoyed a visit from Adele from Whitby Library, who informed us of an up-and-coming Christmas Reading Challenge – details to follow. We had some mystery story-tellers, throughout the day, who shared their favourite stories with us. What a happy day!

What a wonderful half-term we have had.

Learners’ Class love books!

Have a lovely half-term holiday!


Learners love reading!

This week, we have been so excited to bring in our books from home and share them together. It has prompted a discussion in class, which has resulted in us organising a Reading Together Day. On Thursday 21st October we will immerse ourselves in books, poetry and reading for the whole day. We will share stories, talk about characters and settings and explain why our favourite books ARE our favourite books. Please bring a book from home on this day if you would like to – also there may be a few surprise storytellers through the day! “Reading is a passport to countless adventures”. We are very excited!

Also this week, we have been using our knowledge of London to create an autobiographical piece of writing, which focuses on a character of our choice living in London. We have created pieces of writing from a London guard, a child in London and even the Queen herself – each piece of writing is individual and unique (just how we like it!).

In History, we have been learning how toys have changed over time. Of course we couldn’t resist and just had to make our own “old toy” –  a cup and ball game, with paper cups, string and foil. These created so much fun and laughter in class. Some things just don’t go out of fashion!

We always have a buzz for learning and just love to learn!

Learners Class   

Learners are mathematicians!

We have been working hard in maths this week, learning addition facts and inverse operations. we’ve practised every day and by the end of the week we’ve cracked it! Such an achievement!

In English, we have focused in on London (as we have been so interested to learn more). We have immersed ourselves in London’s landmarks using drone footage. This has inspired us to write about where we would visit if we were to spend the day in London and why we would choose to do so. 

In Science, we have found out what makes day and night happen. We used torches and globes to demonstrate how the sun shines on the Earth as it rotates – we found this fascinating! 

We have shared stories together as always and have particularly enjoyed Katie in London by James Mayhew this week.

We love books in Learners Class!