Learners Class

Welcome to Learners' class page!

Learners Class currently includes Year 1 and Year 2, where the children are between the ages of 5 years to 7 years old. The class is taught by Mrs Brown and is supported by Mrs Gurney and Mrs Creek.

We teach Maths and English daily and are proud to provide our full and rich curriculum to our children with lots of exciting learning opportunities, including regular visits to our own school forest. We enjoy Collective Worship together each day, where we explore different values each half term. This half term our value is Truthfulness.

Each Thursday afternoon, we have IT lessons run by Mrs Gurney, providing us with valuable learning around technology. 

This term we will have PE sessions on Wednesday afternoon led by Hawkes Sports coaches. On Tuesday afternoons we will have dance sessions with Hannah Verity Dance. Please make sure your Learner always has a PE kit in school and that earrings are taken out at home in the morning before school.

Learners Class are passionate about reading and enjoy stories and books together daily. Each child has their own reading record diary, which goes between home and school alongside each child's reading book. These are used to record reading at home and are also brought in to school each day to record reading in class. Class reading books are changed regularly throughout the week.

Alongside reading at home, spellings are handed out on Thursday and tested the following Tuesday. Please support your child's reading at home by sharing and enjoying a book together each day - it really does make a difference! Children use the online tool 'Sumdog' to strengthen their Maths skills. On the programme, children have their own character and are rewarded with coins and prizes for completing homework tasks.

For more up-to-date information of what we are learning, please keep an eye on our weekly class blog! 

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

A crane in the playground!

This week we have been incredibly excited. A huge crane arrived at school, to deliver the new Early Years buildings. Learners class were so excited and delighted in going outside to watch. We were amazed!
Monday and Tuesday saw the transition of the Year 2’s to Adventurers Class and we welcomed in the new Year 1’s with open-arms! We had a wonderful few days in our new classes and I know the new Learners will be wonderful.
In English this week, we have been using Christina Rossetti’s ‘What is Pink’ poem for inspiration and decided to write our own class poem. Please check out our video on Tapestry of our wonderful poem, we all felt very proud.
In Science this week, we have been focusing on how we keep ourselves healthy. We have been describing balanced meals, using different food groups and have also been able to identify the need to exercise, drink plenty of water and sleep to keep ourselves fit and strong.
As always, we have enjoyed reading and listening to stories in class this week. Some Learners even brought in their own books from home and read these to their peers. This is always fabulous to see. There is always a buzz for learning in Learners Class! 🙂

A Musical Extravaganza!

What another wonderful week we have had. It is SO true, Learners class love to learn!

Today (Thursday), has been our amazing musical extravaganza in Church. It was fantastic! We all felt so amazingly proud to be part of such a wonderful school community.  Every class performed and each were outstanding. We could all feel the positive energy within the Church this afternoon. 

In Learners Class we reflected on the value of Trust and performed our music focus song of ZooTime. This was so much fun and we loved sharing this fun song with our friends and families.

In Science this week,, we have been thinking about the nutrients we get from the foods we eat and how this helps our bodies to grow. We have been paying particular attention to our school dinners, seeing if we can spot the proteins and carbohydrates on our plates.

We have been continuing to learn more about the artist Paul Klee this week. His love for colour inspired us to create our own personal colour charts – linking each colour to our feelings and emotions. We also perfected our skills of blending two colours together – this was harder than it sounds – we found that using oil pastels made the technique a little easier!

Another wonderful week of learning. We are Learners by name and learners by nature!


Poetry is in the air!

Learners have embraced poetry in English this week. We have been looking closely at Christina Rossetti’s poem ‘What is Pink?’. We discussed the language and mood the poem evokes. We then began to create our own colour poems, thinking carefully about our word choices and the overall feeling of the poem. We are very proud of our poems so far and hope to put all our ideas together to create a class poem to perform next week. 

In Science we have been learning about our senses, we can identify the parts of the body that enable us to see, hear, taste, touch and smell. 

In Art, we have been drawing in the style of Paul Klee. Drawing on our sills of mark making and using light and dark tone, we drew a Paul Klee style portrait. We listened to relaxing piano music as we drew and our final pieces were wonderful. 

We are enjoying singing in class in preparation for our musical concert in Church next Thursday (7th July) at 1.30pm.

Learners Class love to learn 🙂

We love the outdoors!

We have had a week full of the great outdoors this week. We have enjoyed our first School sports day in two years and it was sensational! The sun was shining, the children tackled each activity with a sense of fun and positivity. They cheered each other on and supported their friends and siblings. Our families were able to spectate this year. There were smiles all round! 

On Friday, we ended the week with a visit to the forest. The weather was beautiful, we found some shade and laid out some rugs and cushions. We read and enjoyed stories together, we sketched using grass and charcoal, we climbed trees, and we even practised our singing for the up and coming church concert. We embraced every moment of being outdoors.

In maths, we have been measuring water this week and learning about capacity and volume. Whilst in science, we have been identifying parts of our bodies.

We were delighted to receive a reply from our hedgehog awareness letters (sent to our neighbours last week) and were lucky to receive a gift of a hedgehog ornament along with a letter. This certainly made our day and we were so thankful to our kind neighbour.

Who knows what next week will have in store?

Read our blog next week to find out!

Learners class.

What an exciting week!

Wow! What an exciting week we have had. We enjoyed our usual swim session on Tuesday and we are becoming so much more confident in the water.

In RE, we have begun to discuss our new focus question ‘What makes some places sacred?’ We had purposeful discussions about the word sacred and we drew pictures of our own ‘safe’ places and were able to explain why it was special to us.

On Thursday morning we were lucky to welcome local artist Liz Collier into Learners class. She worked with us all morning to create some art pieces around the theme of ‘diversity’. This will be collaborated into a whole school art piece and we are so excited to see the final result. Enjoy our pictures below;-

To add to our excitement, we were able to watch the demolition of our pre-school building this week. This was fascinating and a big moment for the school, as we look forward to the building of our new Early Years classrooms! There were lots of ‘oooohs’ and ‘aaahs’ from the children (and staff) as the building came crashing down! As our writing topic is currently letter writing, we have been inspired to write our next letter to the builders on site, we are thinking carefully about the questions we may ask them.

What an exciting week!

Learners class

A Creative Week!

Learners Class have been busy writing letters in English this week. Letters to each other, letters to Mrs Eglon (thanking her for a delicious Jubilee lunch), letters to the neighbours providing them with information of how to be a ‘hedgehog hero’. We are really enjoying this writing topic.

In Maths we have been busy measuring weight. We have become human balancing scales and have been checking which objects in the classroom are heavier and lighter than each other.

We are LOVING our class song ‘Zootime’ in Music and have been reflecting on how the song makes us feel and trying to guess how old the piece of music is. Ask us to sing it for you at home, I think you will be impressed!

On Thursday afternoon, we became artists. Our new focus artist is Paul Klee, who draws in a cubism style. We  looked at some of Paul Klee’s work and tried a portrait in the cubism style. Our drawings were wonderful. Take a look at our pictures.

We are excited to attend Quad Kids Sports event tomorrow afternoon (Friday 10th) . Please make sure your child has a PE kit in schools, applies sun cream before school, has a hat and a water bottle to take with them. I am sure it will be great fun and a lovely way to end a busy week. 

Learners Class

A Healthy, Happy Week.

This week in Learners Class, we have been super healthy!

We have enjoyed our swimming session at the pool.  Our water confidence is growing with each week we go! It’s lovely to see such happy faces in the pool.

Alongside swimming this week, we have been lucky to have enjoyed some dance sessions with Hannah Verity Dance. This is always a winner with Learners class as we dance to the music and learn new routines.

Now the warmer weather is here, this makes running our daily kilometre much more enjoyable, We have delighted in trying to pace our jogging technique this week.

In PHSCE this week, we have been learning more about finances, recognising the money we use and discussing the range of ways we can pay for the things we need.

Also, with the Queen’s Jubilee just around the corner, we are continuing to learn about British Values. Even better, we have had some visiting teachers from other classes to help us learn. What a treat!

Let’s hope the sun continues to shine.

Join us here next week, to find out what Learners have been up to!

Learner Class 🙂

Summer is on the way!

Summer is certainly on the way. We have enjoyed having our playtimes on the field this week and being able to leave our coats inside.

The learning in the classroom has been busy as always.

In history, we have kick started our new topic of ‘Dinosaurs’, as you can imagine this certainly sparked real excitement in class. We used books from the library to find out some very interesting facts and can’t wait to keep on finding out more in the coming weeks.

Our focus artist in Art this term is Pablo Picasso and this week, we have been drawing some Picasso-style animals. There are definitely some budding artists among us!

In RE, we have discussed the meaning of the word ‘Gospel’ and how Christians interpret the good news that Jesus brings. This week we have thought in particular about how Jesus showed forgiveness to others.

In PHSCE we recognised we have to pay for the things that we buy and we have been able to identify the everyday things our families need to spend money on. 

Swimming is most definitely the highlight of our week. We are just loving going to the local pool and learning new skills!

Keep posted nest week to find out what exciting things we have been learning about!

Learners love to learn!


Four days of fun and learning.

Even though it’s been  a four day week, we’ve been so busy!

In Maths we have been focusing on position and direction. We have practised quarter turns, half turns, three quarter turns and full turns. We took our learning outside on Wednesday to practise our left and right movements. 

We are starting to learn a new song in music, called ‘Zoo Time’. It’s definitely catchy!

We have been busy writing book reviews this week, reading books is something Learners Class love, so it was easy to write down our recommendations to others.

On Thursday, we marked National Hedgehog Awareness Week by having a fully hedgehog day! Everything we did was connected to hedgehogs (even maths). In the afternoon we made hedgehog bookmarks and we took three hedgehog houses down to the forest. We  really hope we get some spiky visitors!

The weather is getting warmer and it’s wonderful to be able to take our learning outdoors.

If anyone has any hedgehogs in their garden, please post a picture on tapestry and we will make a plan of local hedgehog sightings. #hedgehog heroes.


Summer term is here already!

Welcome back everyone, I hope you had a lovely Easter break!

We have lots of fun activities to look forward to this term. Learners Class will begin swimming lessons on Tuesday mornings this term. Please make sure to give your permission on Parent Pay if you haven’t already.

Mrs Gurney will be teaching computers on Tuesday afternoons this term.

This week in Maths, we have enjoyed learning about position and direction. We have made quarter turns, half turns, three quarter turns and full turns with lots of objects around the classroom and have had lots of discussion around clockwise and anti-clockwise.

In Science, we have classified animals in to 6 main groups depending on their features and enjoyed drawing pictures to demonstrate our learning.

In English this week, we have been making posters about animals that are good ‘Learners’ – like our class name! We each has our own ideas of animals that were smart and were able to back-up our opinions with facts.

In Art, drawing is our new topic and we have been looing at the artist Pablo Picasso. We learned about his style of drawing portraits and had a go ourselves. We thoroughly enjoyed this and the finished pieces were fantastic!

As part of Hedgehog Awareness week, next week, we will be having a ‘hedgehoggy day’ on Thursday 5th May. We will keep you posted!

Learners love to learn!