Pioneers Class

Pioneers children are Reception aged (four or five years old). Children enjoy a range of creative and engaging play based activities, as well as formal inputs, to support their development and growth. Children in Pioneers are taught by Mrs Hann, Mrs McGill and Miss Greaves.

Learning begins the minute they walk through the door. The classroom is a carefully curated collection of wonderful things to allow the children to flourish. The classroom is theirs and everything in it is there for a purpose. What they chose to do may be completely different for each individual. This is when the learning happens. The resources are ready to use and accessible and the team work together to create, to communicate, to count and to grow 

Each day starts with exploration of the resources and suggestions for learning set out around the room. The Pioneers will come together for teaching. This will happen in small groups, as a whole class and often one to one. Across the day we will gather for mathematics, reading, writing and phonics sessions, to share stories and to learn about the world.

PE kits are in school all week to allow us to do PE at any time. This term, the Pioneers have dance on a Tuesday afternoon. 

Mrs Gurney teaches computing on a Thursday morning.

We are rolling with phonics and children will bring a book and their reading record home each day. Please read little and often and write a message in the reading record. All reading is good reading. This is such an exciting time.

Please look out for a text message to let you know when we will go to the forest. We will use our wonderful outdoor space as much as we can and this will not always be on the same day each week. 

Children’s progress and activities are recorded in their own Learning Journeys. These act as a summary of the journey children embark upon during their time in Reception and demonstrate the progress and success that has been achieved, as well as the next steps that may need to be taken.

It’s Friday,Pioneers !

We have made it to Friday. Congratulations. Here are some suggestions for learning:

Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play!

Here is a little maths idea that you can adapt and extend to suit your children. Select numbers that you may have been working with when estimating and counting this week.

It can lead to some great maths chat.

Useful phrases are,”I wonder…”,””How do you know? ,”Can you check?”

Remember to continue your estimating too.

Happy Counting


Read the book together. Look for capital letters. Look for any sounds the are on the sound map. Take it slowly.
This book has the -ng sound.
Here is the link to Geraldine:
Happy Reading


My Hand Wrting suggestion in Nn and Mm

Video on Tapestry

And we have done a little song for the weekend. It is a bit crazy. I hope you have fun watching.

Have a wonderful weekend and dont forget…

Play! Play! Play! Play!

Happy Stuff for Pioneers-Thursday

Welcome to Thursday.

Have a wonderful day and play,play,play. Here are some suggestions for things to do today:


Ooops! Mrs Hann Got It Wrong

Take a look at the photographs. Each one has an error,a mistake. Maybe I counted without checking. Take a close look. Can you spot what is wrong?
Make up some sums with a grown up. Get them to check them. Can they spot any errors?
Get a grown up to make some for you too. Send some to your granny.Can she spot mistakes?
Send me your pictures and I will see if I can spot the mistakes.
Happy Counting
Remember to check


I have done a little video to support you with capitals and lower case letter formation. Today I have done s,e,and t.

All writing is good writing.

Story Time

I had a special request from Miley to read Supertato so the video is there for you all. If you have any requests for story time please,please,please let me know. I love reading stories for you all.



Here is the next exciting part of our story Jack and the Beanstalk. I love drawing story maps and telling stories.

Here is an idea…tell me what you think…Don’t do any writing….Tell the story
Get a grown up to watch while you use my storymap to tell the story.
How does that sound?
Or just watch our silliiness and enjoy the drama
Happy Stories Y’all

It’s Wednesday Pioneers

These are my suggestions for learning today,if you need them  and some useful links that the Pioneers will recognise from school. They may help to fill a few moments in your day. Videos are available on Tapestry too.

Don’t forget to play . Play is the highest form of learning as someone very wise said. 

Play. Play. Play. Play . Play. 


Here is your new reading book and some ideas to use when you are reading.

Have your sound mat out to help you.

Watch Geraldine Giraffe to recap sh,ch and th. You might want to do this over a couple of days.
Here  are some  link to Geraldine: th sh ch

Find all the sh words. Read. Copy . Write. Can you think of any others.
Repeat this with the other sounds..


Here is a very useful link to use everyday alongside your lists in the pack from school.

It is Mr Thorne doing all the High Frequency words that are useful.

Happy Reading



Jack and the Bean Stalk

Here is my story map for the start of Jack and the Beanstalk. I had a lot of fun drawing it. A man in a giant top hat helped by holding the paper and Nick composed a piece of music to help to tell the story. Video on Tapestry.

I hope you like the music and the stories.
Draw your own story map.
I will add more tomorrow.
What do you think will happen to the beans?
Do you think that Jack will meet the owner of the boots?
Happy Stories



Here is some number stuff:

I hope that the estimating is going well.

Here is a link to one of our favourite counting songs:

Have a look at the next Numberblocks episode:

Counting on is a great way to get going with addition.

Have a numberline or a number square to look at.

You can count anything:shoes,pasta,teddies,stones or magic beans like me.

You can write down your number sentences if you fancy using + and =. You might even end up doing take away or subtraction.

If you are using playing cards the adding can get quite difficult so select your number to suit your needs. You could also try adding 3 numbers or even 4. once you’ve got the hang of it you can just count the symbols on the cards and miss out the magic beans.

Grown-ups – The Pioneers love to spot mistakes. It always good to make the odd error for them to identify and say why it is wrong.

Don’t forget to make your numbers nice and neat. I have added a little video to remind you.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the sunshine with your families.

Play. Play. Play . Play. Play.

Look What I Found In My Garden…

I hope that you had a go at some estimation and counting. Over on Tapestry is a suggestion to turn this into a competition. Have a go with the family.

Keep reading and writing he,she,me ,we,and be. Stick them on the fridge!

There is a new set of handwriting with capitals and lower case letters and the link to one of our favourite videos-Boom Shake the Alphabet

Its great for revision and for capital letters. We usually dance to this before lunchtime.

A funny thing happened when I went out in the garden. I found a pot of magic beans and some other very interesting items.

Take a look on Tapestry for a video of what I found.

Let me know who you think left the shoes.

I’ve written a little story starter for you and set out some Jenga words. Use your phonics and you can read it by yourself. You might fancy a bit of writing too.


Welcome to a New Week of Happy Learning

Welcome to you all.

Over on Tapestry are a selection of suggestions for short focussed tasks. There is a new reading book,some words to master and a little bit of handwriting to help you along.

There is a maths suggestion around estimating and counting with magic beans. The beans will feature in the story this week. I will share this later.  I have included some weblinks we have used before and a suggest of an episode of Numberblocks,

Sumdog has been updated and their should be a new challenge for those of you who enjoy this type of learning.

I would love to hear some fun ideas or questions for estimating.

Please please let me know if you need anything to support anything you are currently interested in at home.

Happy learning Pioneers.

Caterpillar Shoes and Funny Feet

Friday’s ideas are all about feet and they are fantastic.

Feet are great for counting in 1’s,2’s 5’s and 10’s.

Hop and Jump.

Feet are great for measuring

Compare your feet with your family.

Find something longer than your foot.  Find something shorter than your foot. Can yu find something the same length as your foot?

Get some paper and draw around your foot. Cut it out and use it to measure things.

Take a look at this beautiful little film.


Ask some foot questions:

How many shoes does a woodlouse need? What about a spider? Does a snail need shoes? What kind of shoes would a beetle like?


Take a look at this website for some wonderful animal feet.

Go outside with a basin of water. Get your feet wet and make patterns with your prints.

Pop over to Tapestry to see my videos for today.

Happy Learning

Team Sleights

Hop!Balance! Jump!

Now this is a wonderful suggestion for a chalk obstacle course that can be adapted to match the needs of the best balancer and the longest jumper. I am neither so I kept it very simple.

I got my chalk and drew some lines and symbols and made up some instructions for each area of my course. I had to include Hot Lava as this always features in Pioneer Play.

Here are some suggestions and pop over to Tapestry to see the video of my feet!

A straight line to balance on

A zig zag to step on

Dots to jump on.

A hopscotch

Use the features of your outside area too-don’t step on the cracks. Jump on drain covers.

Stay safe.

Happy Hopscotch

Egg Drop – A Story and a Challenge


Over on Tapestry ,You will find a video of Mrs Hann reading  a book called Egg Drop. It is the story of an egg who wanted to fly too soon. While still in the nest, all he thought of was soaring high above the clouds. But we all know,eggs can’t fly so this story does have a bit of a funny ending. 

Once you have listened to the story,you might like to have a go at the “Egg Drop Challenge”. Can you save the egg from breaking? 

Your challenge, should chose to accept it, is to design and make something to protect an egg when it is dropped.

Make it a family competition.
Get a grown up to help you.
Decide where you will drop your egg and from how high.
Remember this could be messy. A chocolate egg could also be used.
This website has lots of ideas to help you but as usual your ideas are always much better.

You could make certificates for the winners: Best Design, Safest Egg,Least Mess…

As always,we would love to see your photographs

Happy Learning,

Team Sleights

Wednesday 8th April – Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Good morning everyone.

The sun is shining again – what a beautiful day!

What a perfect day to have a Teddy Bear’s Picnic. Take your favourite toys out into the fresh air, put down a blanket and share some snacks. You could even have a go making a Teddy Bear Sandwich (See Tapestry for more details).

While your outside, look around, what do you see? What is the weather doing today? Are there many clouds today?

Maybe, take some paper and colouring pencils outside and draw things you see, the sky, some flowers, trees or birds.

Sing the Teddy Bear’s Picnic Song while you’re enjoying the sunshine! – see link. Be warned once you start singing it, you cant stop!

Have fun and don’t forget to send us your videos, pictures and messages on Tapestry  and let us know whatever it is you’re doing today!

Look out for tonight’s story on Tapestry – 6pm don’t be late!

Keep smiling – Team Sleights

Happy Holiday Pet Show

Now we all love having a pet.
Perhaps you have a dog. Maybe you have a cat or a hamster. It is possible that you may have a horse or some chickens.
Worms make great pets and I know that lots of you just adore woodlice. Tigers and alligators are tricky to keep as pets and prefer to be in the wild
Some of these can be difficult to handle and you may prefer an imaginary pet, a toy or a brother or sister.

Your mission for the holidays,should you choose to accept it is to hold a pretend Pet Show. Team Sleights will be doing this at home too.
Here are a few ideas:
Make a poster to advertise when and where your Pet Show will take place.

Plan the categories for your show. Here are some ideas:

Pet with the smiliest face
Pet most like its owner
Pet with the waggiest tail
Agility Course/obstacle course

Best Trick
Best dancer
Best singer
Best fancy dress
These are just ideas. As always your ideas are the best.

Make rosettes or medals as awards for pets and handlers.

Someone with a clipboard will need to be the judge.

Try out an app called Piccollage if you haven’t used it before. It lets you collect and arrange photographs and text.
It’s fun for making posters.It’s free.

You could also make a model of your pet from cardboard tubes,fabric and bits.

We would absolutely love to see photographs and video of your Holiday Pet Show.

Pop over to Tapestry to see some videos and photographs for ideas 

Happy Learning