Friday 26th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

It’s Friday!!
Another week has flown by and we have been blessed with some beautiful weather.  Many people are now beginning to return to work, so make sure that you spend time with your family this weekend doing something together.
Happy weekend.
Rain Before Rainbows – English
Our page of the book today talks about friends who are courageous and kind.  You might be missing some of your friends, or you may have had chance to see them from a distance.  I think we have all missed people who are important to us and are looking forward to when we can see them all again.
Today, I’d like you to think about what would make your ideal friend.  You will need to think about the personality traits that you are looking for – remember, we are all different and everyone likes different things.
I’d like you to have a go at drawing up an advert for your ideal friend today.  This could be in the form of a poster, piece of writing or maybe just a list of all the requirements, a little like an ingredients list for a recipe.
Graphs – Maths
Today, we are going to look at a conversion chart.  This type of line graph goes up in a straight line, allowing you to convert from one measure to another.
Use the conversion graph to help you answer the questions.
A Night Under the Stars

There is a picture at the end of our book, when she is full of hope for a new day dawning.

She has spent the night under a beautiful canopy construction and fairy lights, allowing the stars to shine through.

Today, I thought you might like to make your own canopy/den and possibly (if the weather and your parents allow) you might like to spend a night out under the stars. ⭐️?

I would love to see your creations.

Thursday 25th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Yet another beautiful day – please make sure you put on your sun cream and hats if you are outside. ??

Rain Before Rainbows – English

Today, I would like you to complete a piece of descriptive writing to go with the picture that you completed yesterday. Remember to choose your words wisely, using powerful vocabulary to build a picture in the reader’s mind.

Graphs – Maths

Today, we are going to look at pie charts. Remember these show a portion of a whole (like slices of a cake).

Have a look at the graph and then have a go at answering the questions.

Seed Dispersal – Science

‘Sowing and planting. Root before shoot. Stem before flower.
Leaf before fruit.’

When plants get to the end of their flowering cycle you may have heard the term ‘gone to seed’ this means that they have finished flowering and they are beginning to produce seeds to make new plants and flowers. These seeds travel in a number of ways.

Today, I’d like you to investigate the different ways seeds can be dispersed. You might want to begin by watching the clip below.


Good Morning Leaders
The sunshine continues to shine – remember your sun cream if you are going outside. ?
As things begin to get busier, it is important to keep taking some time to do lovely things with our families, noticing the new flowers, the changes in our environment and the wildlife that has come out of hiding before it disappears back to somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of humans.
On your walk today, see if you can spot anything different that you may not have spotted before.
Happy spotting. ?

Rain Before Rainbows – English

We have looked at both the illustrations and characters from the story.
For the next two days, we are going to use the information we have found to create our own image and piece of writing.
Think of a situation or emotion that you would like to portray.  Today, you are going to do an illustration of that and, if you upload a copy of this, I will try and guess the scenario you are trying to portray.
Tomorrow, we will complete the piece of writing to go with it.
Graphs – Maths
Today, we will be looking at a line graph.  Remember how this is different to a bar graph and what the line represents.
What types of information will be represented in a line graph rather than a bar graph?
Have a look at the line graph and have a go at answering the questions.

Inheritance – Science

We have looked at different animals and yesterday, we looked at the fox, one of the characters from our book.  Today, we are going to explore inheritance and how animals pass on their features to their offspring.
You will need the following items for the practical investigation in this lesson :
glue, string and a variety of materials you can find around the house like a paper plate, cardboard, foil, brown paper, baking paper.
Follow the link and choose the video ‘Inheritance’ – remember you can watch this as many times as you need to.

Tuesday 22nd June 2020

Good Morning Leaders
A beautiful start to the week – let’s hope it continues.??
I hope you enjoyed looking closely at the illustrations of the book yesterday.  Today we are going to concentrate on the characters – remember to look at the finer details of each picture to give you clues. ?
Rain Before Rainbows – English
After investigating the colours of the pages yesterday, today we are going to investigate the characters.
Have a look through the pictures and see what you can find out about the character in the story.  Can you tell how she is feeling?  Does the character(s) change throughout the story?  Why does this happen?
Graphs – Maths
Today, we are going to look at bar chart.  Answer the questions using the graph.
Nocturnal Animals – Science
The little girl in ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ has a companion who is a fox.  Foxes are mainly a nocturnal animal although some can be seen during the day.
Today, I’d like you to firstly define what a nocturnal animal is and then find out as much as you can about foxes.  You can present this information any way you would like.  You might want to create a poster, top trump card, fact file or something completely different.
Once you have found the information- why do you think the author has chosen a fox to be a character with the little girl?



Monday 22nd June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Hello Monday and a new week of learning.

It was nice to see the return of some sunshine over the weekend so I hope you all managed to enjoy some time outdoors with your families. I always think a bit of sunshine makes us feel brighter and ready for the challenges a new week will offer.

Last week, we looked at lots of the words in Rain Before Rainbows and, this week, we are going to concentrate on the illustrations – they can often tell a story all by themselves.

We are also going to be looking at lots of different types of graphs, reminding ourselves how to read them.

A busy week ahead – happy learning everyone.

Rain Before Rainbows – English

Today, I would like you to have a look at the pages of a book’. You may notice that this it not a complete copy of each page but a smaller section of the page that does not show any words or characters.

I have put the pictures into a specific order. Looking at these pictures, what do you think this tells you about the story or the mood that the author is trying to create as the story moves through?

Are there certain pictures that draw you in more than others? Why do you think this is?

Maths – Graphs

Today, I would like you to have a look at a pictogram and line graph and have a go at answering the questions.

Mood Colours – Art

After looking at your English learning, you will probably have understood the difference that colour can make on how something makes you think or feel. Some of this might be to express a time of day or to express a type of mood.

Today I would like you to choose an object, landscape or picture to re-create multiple times. You may decide to try a range of colour schemes or different amounts of light.

If the weather allows, you might want to do this at different times during the day which should give you a different aspect as the sun rises and sets. (You could even take a photograph to help you see the difference if you would like. ?)

Friday 19th June 2020

It’s Friday again already!!

This week seems to have flown quickly by. I hope you are all ready for a lovely weekend. You might want to try out your forest school knots making a den in your garden over the weekend to either enjoy in the sunshine or hide under in the rain. ?

It would be great to see your creations – happy den making.


English – Rain Before Rainbows 

‘A rope to hold on to.’

Today,I’d like you to have a go at a short piece of descriptive writing. Imagine you are a character in story. This could be any story you can imagine and you are up to the part where you need a rope to hold on to. Continue the story to tell me where you are, what you are doing and why you need the rope?


Maths – Ratio

This is the last set of ratio and proportion questions before moving onto a different topic next week.

See how many you can get.


Forest School

Another line from Rain Before Rainbows – ‘A rope to hold on to.’

There are a number of knots that we can learn to help us in forest schools – some of which are very useful in den building to help secure a tarpaulin.

Find yourself a piece of rope or you could even use a shoelace (remember to put it back in the shoe afterwards) and see if you can have a go at learning these knots. 

Thursday 18th June 2020

Good morning, Leaders,

Let’s hope the mist clears early today and we get to see some sunshine.??

It’s getting to the end of the first week back at school for some children. They have been learning alongside everyone at home, completing their activities in the classroom.

I have planted some mixed lettuce seeds in a pot outside the kitchen and I know that lots of you have also been planting, both flowers and vegetables. It would be lovely to see how they are getting on. Try and take a picture of your plants and upload it to Tapestry – I bet the rain has made them grown quickly. ???


English – Rain Before Rainbows

‘A map to guide us’

Today, I’d like you to use a story map template although, rather than a story plan, I’d like like you to think about making a map/story plan of your hopes and dreams.

You might want to make this cover your life or just the next few weeks, the timescale is up to you. Think carefully about the order in which you would like your events to happen.

What is going to be your ‘treasure’ at the end of your map?

Happy mapping.


Maths – Proportion/ Ratio

We now know that ratio is the relationship between two quantities.
Proportion is the a subset of this, proportion tells us about a portion or part in relation to a whole.

Have a go at the proportion questions in the pictures.



At school, we have looked at the life cycle of a human. This is a bit of a re-cap lesson with an investigation about the elasticity of skin.

You will need:

a ruler and different sized elastic bands.  – You will need to choose lesson number 4 – Human Lifecycles


Wednesday 17th June 2020

Good morning Leaders,

Over the weeks we have been in lockdown, I think everyone has had time to think about lots of things and many of you have tried to learn a new skill. It’s often a time that we remember things that we miss, things we had forgotten as well as things we want to try.

It’s important to also realise all the things you have done (which you might not have done) because you have been limited to where you have been allowed to go. Our beautiful text this week makes us think about all the good things around us on a daily basis, some of which we might normally overlook.

During our Wellness Wednesday activity I’d like us all to think about all the positive things that the last few weeks have brought – remember, everyone in your family might have something different. ?‍?‍?


English – Rain Before Rainbows

Figurative Language

Figurative language allows the writer to appeal to the reader’s senses, imagination and sense of humour. It paints a picture in the reader’s mind to better describe parts of their story to make it more interesting to read.

There are many different forms of figurative language. It is a language that is used non-literally to create a special meaning. It often has different meaning or intentions beyond the ways in which the word or phrase is typically used.

Figurative language can appear in multiple forms. These include: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, alliteration, idiom and onomatopoeia.

For some extra help, listen to this song – 

Today, I would like you to write a short description of what each of these words mean and include an example from the text if appropriate.


Maths – Ratio

Today, we are gong to have a look at ratio in some real life contexts.

Have a go at answering the different questions attached.

Wellness Wednesday

Today, we are going to give ourselves some time to relax, making slow and measured movements. Everyone in your family can join in if they would like.

You will need a chair for today’s session. Ideally a dining chair rather than the sofa but I’m sure you can possible have a go anywhere. 

Tuesday 16th June 2020

Good morning, Leaders

It was lovely to see the first faces back in school today alongside many of you sending in your work on Tapestry.

I look forward to seeing what you have been doing, both from the planned activities and all the other exciting things that you have been doing during lockdown – keep them coming. ?


Rain Before Rainbows – English

Here are some more lines from the book.

‘But… there are footsteps to follow. And words that are wise. A map that will guide us when troubles arise.”

I’d like you to read the lines carefully (and listen to the whole story again if you wish) and explain what you think these lines in the book mean. How are they different to yesterday’s lines?

You may need to use your inference skills and read between the lines.


Ratio – Maths

Now that we understand what ratio means, have a go at answering these questions.



You may have heard the phrase ‘following in the footsteps…’ which means to pursue something that someone has already done. This phrase is known as an idiom.

Today I’d like you to:
– Investigate other idioms
– Present a piece of work about who you would like to ‘follow in the footsteps’ of and why. You can present this however you wish.


Monday 15th June 2020

Good morning Leaders,

I hope you all managed to get outside this weekend with the return of some sunshine. ☀️

We are going to continue using the Rain Before Rainbows book for our learning this week and we will move onto having a look at the illustrations in the book.

Happy Learning. ?


Here are some more lines from the book.

‘Dark days may shake us. And worries creep in. With dragons to duel. And battles to win.’

I’d like you to read the lines carefully (and listen to the whole story again if you wish) and explain what you think these lines in the book mean.

You may need to use your inference skills and read between the lines.


A ratio shows how much of one thing there is compared to another.

Today, I’d like you to watch the short clip explaining about ratio – 

Once you think you have got it, have a go at the quiz at the bottom of the page to test your knowledge.


‘There are mountains for climbing. Journeys to take.’

Today, I would like you to investigate mountains. you might want to link this to your time zone work from last week and use the same countries, or you can use totally different ones.

See what you can find our about mountains in different countries – you might want to find the highest, the country with the most, or just find mountains in certain countries.

You can record your findings how you would like – this could be a poster, a table or even a set of top trumps cards – the choice is yours.


Have a great day everybody,


Mrs Walker