Friday 26th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

It’s Friday!!
Another week has flown by and we have been blessed with some beautiful weather.  Many people are now beginning to return to work, so make sure that you spend time with your family this weekend doing something together.
Happy weekend.
Rain Before Rainbows – English
Our page of the book today talks about friends who are courageous and kind.  You might be missing some of your friends, or you may have had chance to see them from a distance.  I think we have all missed people who are important to us and are looking forward to when we can see them all again.
Today, I’d like you to think about what would make your ideal friend.  You will need to think about the personality traits that you are looking for – remember, we are all different and everyone likes different things.
I’d like you to have a go at drawing up an advert for your ideal friend today.  This could be in the form of a poster, piece of writing or maybe just a list of all the requirements, a little like an ingredients list for a recipe.
Graphs – Maths
Today, we are going to look at a conversion chart.  This type of line graph goes up in a straight line, allowing you to convert from one measure to another.
Use the conversion graph to help you answer the questions.
A Night Under the Stars

There is a picture at the end of our book, when she is full of hope for a new day dawning.

She has spent the night under a beautiful canopy construction and fairy lights, allowing the stars to shine through.

Today, I thought you might like to make your own canopy/den and possibly (if the weather and your parents allow) you might like to spend a night out under the stars. ⭐️?

I would love to see your creations.