A Final Request for ‘Hellos’

You may have seen on Tapestry, I have been asking for you to send in videos of you saying ‘hello’ to your classmates. 

You can send a quick video, a drawn picture, a written message or even just a picture of you smiling, and I will be sending these to everybody who has submitted. 

This will allow you to see everybody, who I know you are missing, and make each other smile 😀 

This is a quick reminder, that tomorrow will be the last day to send something to me, before I pass them on to you. 

Here is a picture from our last school trip: I love to see your happy faces. 

Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

Thank you for sharing your work yesterday, it was such a pleasure to see your engagement with the tasks I have been setting for you. 

In English today, you are going to use your emotion graph, which you created yesterday, to write some speech sentences. 

Please can you watch this video, and then write a speech sentence, for each of the points in the story that you labelled on your graph yesterday. I have included an example for you. 


Well done to those of you who sent me in your answers for the maths bonus question. The answer was: Red flower = 20 and blue flower = 5. I saw that many of you got this correct, so well done 😀

I have also uploaded the answers for yesterday’s questions, and set you your next ones. Don’t forget to mark them and let me know how you got on. 

In French today, please can you create your poster of Tuesday’s translation, and put it up somewhere in your home for all to see. You may want to tell your family members, that you will be giving them a quiz at the end of the week, so that they make sure to pay attention to your poster. I have included an example below:

Have a great day everybody,

Mrs Taylor 

Monday 4th May 2020

Happy Monday Discoverers,

I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend, what did you get up to? I finally cut my grass!

In English, you finished writing your fabulous stories last week, and although we are now going to move on, we are still going to use the short film ‘adrift’ to help us. You are all familiar with the video now, which makes it easier for you to focus on the writing. I want us to look at speech this week. 

Firstly, today I would like you to create an emotion graph. This is where you plot how Jane (or your character) is feeling, at different points in the story. I have plotted an emotion for every paragraph, you may decide to plot an emotion for the beginning, middle and end of your story. Here is my example to help you:

Today, in maths, I have given you your answers for Friday’s questions, and I have again set you another eight. We are continuing to work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division this week. Let me know if you have any questions. 

I have also included a bonus question, can you rise to the challenge? 

We are going to focus on French, during our foundation subject this week. We will be looking at ‘days of the week’. Today, I would like you to watch the video, which helps you to say, and write the days of the week in French. And then I would like you to create a poster of the word Monday in French, and place this in your home somewhere for all to see. At the end of the week, I thought you might like to give your family a quiz, and see if they remember how to say the different days in French. 

Enjoy your day, speak soon,

Mrs Taylor 

Friday 1st May 2020

Hello Discoverers,

It’s the beginning of a new month today, and the end of our week. I hope that you have some nice things planned for the weekend. I know that I am going to be taking Indie on some long walks, and I’m going to try making a butternut squash, spinach and feta tart. I’ll let you know how it goes.

In English today, it would be great if you could finish writing your story. Follow yesterday’s instruction for writing your final paragraph/s. If you have already finished, why don’t you film yourself reading it, and upload it to tapestry for me to see. Or you could even take a photo of your story and upload that. The ones that I read yesterday were brilliant! 

If you want, you could arrange a bedtime story for your family tonight, and read them your finished version. I know that they will love it 😀

In maths, here are the answers for yesterday’s questions. Did anybody get full marks? I have also included the next set of questions, which I will share the answers for on Monday. Remember to read the questions carefully, make notes of any important information, and think about which operation you will need to use (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division). 

Yesterday, in geography, you created fantastic posters, advertising your new attraction in Sleights. Today, I would like you to draw your attraction up close. You can use colours if you want, and try to add as much detail as you can. 

Enjoy your Friday everybody,

Mrs Taylor 

Thursday 30th April 2020

Hi there, Discoverers, 

Great effort yesterday, keep it up! 

In English today, you are moving on to writing the final paragraph/s for your story. In these paragraphs you reveal the solution to the problem. In my story the problem was that Jane was lonely, and in the final paragraphs, this was solved by a companion joining their lands together. What will your solution be? I can’t wait to find out 😀 

Here are your next set of maths questions, and the answers for yesterday’s work. How did you score?

In geography yesterday, you created a map of where you would build your Sleights addition. You also wrote the reasons why you think it would be a good idea. Today and tomorrow, I would like you to work on creating a poster to advertise the opening of your idea. You can choose to create this by hand, or using a computer. I chose to create mine using Microsoft Word. Include as much detail as possible, can you spot what I’ve missed? 

Have a great day Discoverers, 

Mrs Taylor 

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning, Discoverers, 

Thank you for sharing your work yesterday, I really enjoyed hearing and reading your stories, and seeing your wonderful working out, in maths.
I am also excited to share the next park of your geography project, as your plans are looking great. 

In English today, you will take the reader, once again, on an emotional journey.
In my next paragraph (paragraph number 6), a new character visits Jane, but then leaves again. What will happen next in your story?
Today, please can you write your next paragraph.
And remember, you can write something similar, or not, and you can write more paragraphs or less. 

Today in maths, I have written you some word problems, which need solving.
Take your time working through the questions, and try to decide which calculations you will need to complete, in order to reach your answer.
I have also uploaded the answers from yesterday’s questions, good luck! 

In Geography today, I would like you to think about where you might build you addition to Sleights village.

I have included my example for you. I drew a simple map of the surrounding area, and then labelled a few roads, and put a star where I would place my communal gardens and compost bins.

Then, write a short sentence about why you have chosen to build your addition there.

I am excited to see you plans.

Have a great day,

Mrs Taylor 

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good morning Discoverers,
I know that you worked fantastically yesterday, so well done, and thank you
In English today, we are moving on to writing our fourth paragraph, where we will snatch away the hope from our character, and the reader! We are creating a roller coaster of emotions. In my paragraph I wrote about the eagle flying back to its home, and giving the impression that Jane would be alone forever. I know that some of you planned stories that were different to the original film, and to my version, so feel free to create a paragraph which captures your plan if you would prefer. Also, I am basing the amount of paragraphs we write, on my story, but if you find that you would like to write less or more than this, that it also fine to do. 
Check out the answers for yesterday’s maths questions, how did you get on? I could already see some fantastic answers from those of you who shared them with me, so thank you and well done! Here are today’s questions, I will upload the answers with tomorrow’s questions. Good luck! 
In Geography today, I would like you to think about Sleights, and what you think could be added to it, to make it a better place to live. Can you create a list of things that you would like to have in the village, with reasons why? I have created a short list of things. Feel free to use these ideas, or create your own. 
I am looking forward to seeing your work,
Have fun,
Mrs Taylor 

Monday 27th April 2020

Happy Monday Discoverers, 
I hope that you had a lovely weekend, in the beautiful sunshine.
In English this week, we are continuing to write our ‘Adrfit’ story. You previously wrote your second paragraph, which focused on describing your character. Now, you are going to move on to writing the third paragraph. This paragraph is where you begin to introduce the problem to the reader. My paragraph touches upon Jane being lonely, and wanting a companion. It comes before the paragraph where we give the character, and the reader hope, that the eagle is visiting with good news. 
This week in maths, we are going to focus on the four main operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I have created eight questions for you, each of which require you to use formal written methods. I have wrote the questions in the format of the written methods, so if you simply copy them into your maths books, you should be able to work them out as they are. This is similar to what we do during our 10 in 10, at the beginning of each maths session. I will upload the answers here tomorrow, when I give you your next set of questions. 
For our foundation subject this week, we are going to focus on Geography. I want us to think about the village that we live in, Sleights, and consider what we could bring to the village, to improve it. Today though, I want you to simply create a list of everything that Sleights already has. For example: a post office. I have included a picture of my list, but I know that you can think of other things to add to it. 
Have a great day,
Mrs Taylor 

Friday 24th April 2020

It’s Friday Discoverers,

I bet you are ready for a rest, after all of your hard work this week. 

In English today, I would like you to write the next paragraph in your story. This second paragraph will capture the description of your character. Remember to refer back to your plan, where you described your character, using adjectives, similes and metaphors. We will be continuing to write our story next week, so take your time, and think carefully about how you want to structure your sentences. 

Yesterday, you were able to determine a pattern within your results, and create a graph to represent this. You may have found that boys have a better memory than girls, or that girls have a better memory than boys. You may have found that the older the person, the better their memory, or the younger the person, the better their memory. Whatever results you found, I want you to try another challenge on your family, to see if you find the same pattern. You can think of your own challenge to test their memory, or I have a suggestion for you.

Say a two digit number out loud and ask your family to repeat it, then a three digit number, and then a four. Keep going until they are unable to repeat the number, or until they repeat it incorrectly. Record how many digits they were able to repeat, so that you can compare the results afterwards. Remember to challenge each person in your family individually, so that they don’t have an advantage when it is their turn. 


Lastly, in art you have been persevering with your animal drawing, and have produced several copies of the same animal, but including improvements each time. I was astounded with what you produced yesterday. Today, I want you to look at all of your drawings, and then focus on the progress you have made. Then, write down all of the things that you are proud of, and that you like about your final drawing, and the things that you have improved on the most. I want you to be as proud of your pictures as I am, because they are amazing.

You are all superstars, have a great weekend,

Mrs Taylor 

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good morning Discoverers,

I have been so excited for you to write you stories in English, after hearing about and reading some of your plans. I love how you have put your own twist on the plot! Enough of the planning now though, we are ready to write. Today I would like you to write your first paragraph. The opening paragraph to your story includes lots of description about the setting: it’s where you want to draw the reader in, and capture their attention. I have included an example of my opening paragraph, but also a copy of the complete story. I would usually share the WAGOLL at the beginning of our new topic, so I wanted to do this today to give you an idea of what your story could look like. 

In maths today, I would like you to analyse the data from your completed table. Can you answer the following questions: Who in your family, has the best memory? Who has the worst memory? Are there any patterns linked with age and memory? Are there any patterns linked with gender and memory? My results showed that the older the person, the better their memory. In order to analyse your data, it may be useful to create a graph. I would like you to create a bar graph, to represent each person’s results at 10 seconds, 20 seconds and 30 seconds, like I have shown you below:

Today will be the last day that you will create another drawing for your animal. I am so impressed with the perseverance you have shown in art this week. You have proved that you are able to take constructive advice, and use it to help you make progress, and that is exactly what I have seen so far. So for the last time, I would like you to once again, speak with a family member and ask them to give you some clear, and specific advice about how you can improve your animal drawing. Then, create you final drawing, making it the best yet. Afterwards, take a look at all four pictures, and be proud of the improvements you have made 😀 

Speak soon,

Mrs taylor