Thursday 7th May 2020

Hello Discoverers,

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday, your posters are looking fab!

In English, over today and tomorrow, it would be great if you could write a setting description to describe the setting that you drew yesterday. A setting description usually consists of one or two paragraphs, using many adjectives, similes and metaphors, to describe where a story is taking place. 


For maths, I have uploaded the answers to yesterday’s questions, but also I have included your questions for today and tomorrow. I will reveal their answers on Monday. Remember, read the questions slowly and carefully, making notes with key information to help you work out the answer. 


In French, it would be great if you could create the remaining four posters, over today and tomorrow. You have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday left to covert, and create posters for.

Why don’t you include the quiz for your family, during tomorrow’s celebrations for VE day? But you will have to be quick in displaying the next four day’s French translations, so that your family have time to learn them 😀 

I hope that you have a great day today, some brilliant celebrations tomorrow, and enjoy your weekend. 

Speak soon,

Mrs Taylor 

Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

I hope that you managed to enjoy the sunshine that we had yesterday.

Today in English, I would like you to think of a setting (place) that you character was travelling to, in your ‘Adrift’ story. I want you to imagine what it might look like there: it may be space, a desert, a made up land etc. 

I would like you to draw the setting, including as much detail as possible. Enjoy taking your time, and experimenting with colour. 

Here are the answers for yesterday’s maths questions, and your next set for today 🙂 I hope that you enjoy marking your own work, and seeing how many you get correct. Remember, if you didn’t score too well, aim to get one more correct, you can do it! 

In french today, you are moving on to writing the French translation of ‘Wednesday’. Remember, you can watch Monday’s video to help you. Create a poster of the translated word, and display it somewhere around the home, for all to see.

Enjoy your day,

Mrs Taylor 

A Final Request for ‘Hellos’

You may have seen on Tapestry, I have been asking for you to send in videos of you saying ‘hello’ to your classmates. 

You can send a quick video, a drawn picture, a written message or even just a picture of you smiling, and I will be sending these to everybody who has submitted. 

This will allow you to see everybody, who I know you are missing, and make each other smile 😀 

This is a quick reminder, that tomorrow will be the last day to send something to me, before I pass them on to you. 

Here is a picture from our last school trip: I love to see your happy faces. 

Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

Thank you for sharing your work yesterday, it was such a pleasure to see your engagement with the tasks I have been setting for you. 

In English today, you are going to use your emotion graph, which you created yesterday, to write some speech sentences. 

Please can you watch this video, and then write a speech sentence, for each of the points in the story that you labelled on your graph yesterday. I have included an example for you.

Well done to those of you who sent me in your answers for the maths bonus question. The answer was: Red flower = 20 and blue flower = 5. I saw that many of you got this correct, so well done 😀

I have also uploaded the answers for yesterday’s questions, and set you your next ones. Don’t forget to mark them and let me know how you got on. 

In French today, please can you create your poster of Tuesday’s translation, and put it up somewhere in your home for all to see. You may want to tell your family members, that you will be giving them a quiz at the end of the week, so that they make sure to pay attention to your poster. I have included an example below:

Have a great day everybody,

Mrs Taylor 

Monday 4th May 2020

Happy Monday Discoverers,

I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend, what did you get up to? I finally cut my grass!

In English, you finished writing your fabulous stories last week, and although we are now going to move on, we are still going to use the short film ‘adrift’ to help us. You are all familiar with the video now, which makes it easier for you to focus on the writing. I want us to look at speech this week. 

Firstly, today I would like you to create an emotion graph. This is where you plot how Jane (or your character) is feeling, at different points in the story. I have plotted an emotion for every paragraph, you may decide to plot an emotion for the beginning, middle and end of your story. Here is my example to help you:

Today, in maths, I have given you your answers for Friday’s questions, and I have again set you another eight. We are continuing to work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division this week. Let me know if you have any questions. 

I have also included a bonus question, can you rise to the challenge? 

We are going to focus on French, during our foundation subject this week. We will be looking at ‘days of the week’. Today, I would like you to watch the video, which helps you to say, and write the days of the week in French. And then I would like you to create a poster of the word Monday in French, and place this in your home somewhere for all to see. At the end of the week, I thought you might like to give your family a quiz, and see if they remember how to say the different days in French. 

Enjoy your day, speak soon,

Mrs Taylor 

It’s Friday! – 1st May

Good morning everyone!

Its is Friday today and it is also the new month of May.

Todays suggested learning is as follows;- (see Tapestry for more details)

In maths, I have added some links to Top Marks focusing on addition ad subtraction. If you haven’t accessed Top Marks before, give it a try – its lots of fun!

In English, we are going to write the second bit of our story – the middle – our character will set off on their adventure, where will they go and who will they meet?

In phonics today, we will look at the ph sound. This sound is in words like elephant, dolphin and phonics! Click on the document through Tapestry and see which real or pseudo words you can read.

DT – Let’s design and make a healthy sandwich today. Remember it is important to design it first and to think about the ingredients and utensils you will need. Also to think about how your sandwich is healthy. We have done this in class before so you will be experts!

Look out for our final story of the week tonight. Over the weekend I will send out a reminder of all five stories this week and we can vote for our favourite – just like we do in class.

Keep in touch with me on Tapestry whatever you are doing today and remember when you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

Keep smiling and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Brown

Friday 1st May 2020

Hello Discoverers,

It’s the beginning of a new month today, and the end of our week. I hope that you have some nice things planned for the weekend. I know that I am going to be taking Indie on some long walks, and I’m going to try making a butternut squash, spinach and feta tart. I’ll let you know how it goes.

In English today, it would be great if you could finish writing your story. Follow yesterday’s instruction for writing your final paragraph/s. If you have already finished, why don’t you film yourself reading it, and upload it to tapestry for me to see. Or you could even take a photo of your story and upload that. The ones that I read yesterday were brilliant! 

If you want, you could arrange a bedtime story for your family tonight, and read them your finished version. I know that they will love it 😀

In maths, here are the answers for yesterday’s questions. Did anybody get full marks? I have also included the next set of questions, which I will share the answers for on Monday. Remember to read the questions carefully, make notes of any important information, and think about which operation you will need to use (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division). 

Yesterday, in geography, you created fantastic posters, advertising your new attraction in Sleights. Today, I would like you to draw your attraction up close. You can use colours if you want, and try to add as much detail as you can. 

Enjoy your Friday everybody,

Mrs Taylor 

Good Morning Thursday – 30th April

Hello everyone!

I can’t believe it is Thursday already!

I hope you are all well and happy! It was lovely to speak to some families yesterday, you are all doing an amazing job!

Today suggested Home Learning activities are;- – more details on Tapestry.

In Maths, we had fun with Sock Addition yesterday, today we are going to play Sock Subtraction – so take away instead of add!  In English we are going to start to write our own story. Just the beginning today, paying particular attention to your setting and your charachter (adding as much detail as possible). Phonics today concentrates on the wh sound – in words such at ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘wheel. Finally, in Geography there is a lovely video clip to watch all about the United Kingdom – I think you will enjoy it!

Keep cheerful and look after each other. Keep me posted with whatever you are doing, as I love to hear from you.

Look out for story number 4 tonight! – tomorrow will be the last one, then we can vote for our favourite!

Keep smiling!

Best wishes, Mrs Brown



Thursday 30th April 2020

Hi there, Discoverers, 

Great effort yesterday, keep it up! 

In English today, you are moving on to writing the final paragraph/s for your story. In these paragraphs you reveal the solution to the problem. In my story the problem was that Jane was lonely, and in the final paragraphs, this was solved by a companion joining their lands together. What will your solution be? I can’t wait to find out 😀 

Here are your next set of maths questions, and the answers for yesterday’s work. How did you score?

In geography yesterday, you created a map of where you would build your Sleights addition. You also wrote the reasons why you think it would be a good idea. Today and tomorrow, I would like you to work on creating a poster to advertise the opening of your idea. You can choose to create this by hand, or using a computer. I chose to create mine using Microsoft Word. Include as much detail as possible, can you spot what I’ve missed? 

Have a great day Discoverers, 

Mrs Taylor 

Wednesday’s Welcome

Good morning Learners and families. I hope you are all ok?

These are todays suggested learning activities – See Tapestry for further details!

In Maths, we will have some fun today with Sock Addition – follow the pictures carefully to help you!

In English, I would like you (using your Story Plan) to say through your own story. You might need to do this a few times to get it just right! Include as much detail as you can from your plan and make sure you have a beginning, middle and end to your story.

Todays phonics sound is the aw sound. Watch Mr Thorne and Geraldine – they always make us smile!

Music – A song to enjoy today! A song from the musical Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat! Listen to the song and/or learn the words!

Please make sure you are reading everyday – even just a little. Check out Oxford Owl if you haven’t already!

Look out for Story Number 3 tonight on Tapestry – as we are voting this week!

Remember. when the sun isn’t out we have to make our own sunshine!

Keep smiling (you are all doing a great job)

Mrs Brown