Learning About Our Site-In and Out of the Classroom

We have been in and out of the classroom, developing fieldwork skills and looking at our school site. We collected data, deciding if areas were friendly to nature or not. We worked on how to record our findings on a table. 

After reading Six Dinner Sid, we discovered that he had visited many places on our site. We experimented with positional language to describe where Sid had been. We used on, behind and next to. 

We used an online compass to find out about north, south, east and west and drew some amazing field sketches of what we could see when we looked north. There were lots of questions about what to include and we discussed the things that were always there and the things that moved.

We read our story about Sid in Sleights, identifying locations in our village and describing these. Sid visited the bus stop. The bus stop is opposite Botham’s. We spotted road signs and lots of letters on shop signs. We had some great chat about the telephone box and how things had changed over time! 

There are some amazing pieces of work on the walls now-story maps and field sketches and collections of data.

The Pioneers should be very proud of how they have worked this week. Their kindness and perseverance has led to a wonderful week for all.



Setting New Goals

This week Learners have been looking closely at the Global Development Goals. We are working on writing our own non-chronological report around these aspirational targets that will make the world a better place.  We are excited to welcome families into school on Wednesday to  explore these goals further.

In PE this half-term we are focusing on developing key multi-skills. This week have been throwing, sending and receiving a ball by rolling and catching. Learners showed lots of control and precise hand eye co-ordination and balance. Next week in PE we will be exploring and evaluating different ways to jump. We are looking forward to attending a local school multi-skills event in October, where we can showcase our skills.

This week in Science we have been exploring that the days are longer in the summer than the winter and drawing pictures of the activities we like to do in different seasons.

In art we have been getting to know our focused artist, Wassily Kandinsky. We used iPads to research some background information about him. We found out he was a Russian painter who loved to listen to music as he painted. He used his emotions to guide his creativity and painted using colour, shapes and lines. His style of painting was called ‘abstract’. 

Learners have enjoyed reading our brand new fluency reading books this week. Please support your child at home by reading regularly and recording in their reading record. This really does make a difference!.

Thank you for your support.

Pioneers Get Sorting!

We hit the ground running in Pioneers and everyone worked together to get organised and into the swing of learning together.

We have been sorting all sorts of things-houses,cutlery,bricks and our favourite gems and buttons.

We have discussed our rules for sorting and we have become highly observant when looking for differences-two holes or three? Smooth or wavy edges?

Tidying in a new classroom adds a whole new level of complexity to sorting and this has gone really well too!

The Pioneers also managed PE and sorting their own sets of kit.

Very Happy Learning

A brilliant first week in Year 2.

Learners have had an amazing start to the new school year.

We have settled wonderfully into the the routines of Year 2.

On our first day back, we were delighted to be able to watch the Tour of Britain go by school. There were lots of waves and cheers of support as the cyclists whizzed by.

Back in the classroom, we have been enjoying the book ‘Small steps, big change’ by Anne-Marie Cool. We identified th sustainable goals within the book and had some great discussion around the small steps we can make at Sleights to create big environmental change. We all agreed that ‘lots of people doing little things achieves more than one person doing everything’.

We have been finding out about how to stay safe online in computers this week and keeping our personal information online to ourselves.

In maths we have been counting in tens and ones in order too learn about place value.

Most importantly, we have come into school smiling and ready to learn, which is wonderful to see after 6 weeks away from the school routine.

Learners love to learn and we are all excited for the year ahead.

We will be swimming on Tuesday afternoons this half-term. Please bring your Learners swimming kit on Tuesday mornings.


Wonder at the Rotunda.


Learners enjoyed a marvellous trip to the Rotunda Museum in Scarborough. While we were there, we enjoyed a workshop called Dinosaur Detectives. We looked closely at fossils, dinosaur bones and were able to share our knowledge while we were there. This trip was an excellent way to consolidate all our History learning this term. Learners class have absolutely loved the history topic of dinosaurs, digs and discoveries and have shown huge engagement in their learning.

We were able to spend the whole day in Scarborough, so couldn’t resist a trip to the beach. We took with us some games and activities on a trolley from the Rotunda, with games such as ‘dinosaur egg and spoon’. Learners class had the best day out and the trip really brought our learning to life.

Elsewhere in the classroom this week, we have enjoyed some excellent science learning. We have learned about different food groups and the nutrients that different foods give us. We have looked carefully at our school dinners, identifying the nutrients we have been eating each day. I’ve heard that Learners have been doing the same with their meals at home too!

Thursday saw Sleights School sports day, which was a great success. The whole school ran, jumped, relayed, threw and cheered! The rain held off just until the final moment!

This week we are looking forward to Learners Class Julia Donaldson, a chance to celebrate one of our favourite authors! More information on that next week.

Learners are always so keen to learn and are totally awesome! 

The Chip Shop is Open

The Chip Shop opened in the classroom this week as we investigate the food chain from the sea to the plate. The Pioneers wrote their own menus and receipts for food and took orders in from customers who arrived. The customers were met and greeted with a ,”Good Morning Madam. How can I help you?”

The prices were pretty high but the service was excellent. 

We discussed how the fish was processed and filleted and they were interested in which bits were removed before we get to eat it.

We went on to discuss the process of fishing and the Pioneers were full of amazing questions including how the fishermen got the right fish, how did they know it was cod in the net and how they would get rid of things that they did not want to catch.

The Story-Book Wolf Leaves Evidence

We have been reading about wolves and listening to music with a wolf theme. We read Little Red, a version of the traditional tale where the wolf  has his coat removed at the end. The Pioneers made wonderful story maps and wrote lots of wonderful sentences.

This week we found some wolf evidence and we did a little bit of new learning about predators and their habits.

The wolf left behind fur and ear-wax, teeth and a little bit of his burnt tail. It got sizzled when he went down the chimney of the house to try to eat the three little pigs. Some of the evidence was stinky and some of it was a bit disgusting.

We read up on different types of teeth for different jobs and we found out that different animals have different poo. We set about making some wolf-poo adding bones and teeth and feathers. The Pioneers wrote lists of what may be in the poo and we measured the poo to ensure it was realistic in size. 

Music in the sunshine.

Learners have explored some wonderful RE learning this week. We have been learning about the messages of the parable of the Good Samaritan and the parable of The Lost Sheep and identifying the teachings and how they can impact our own lives. We used drama to understand the parables and drew story maps to re-tell key parts and had some very meaningful class discussions.

Our music focus this half-term is musical improvisation. We have been using body percussion to create improved rhythms and instruments to create improvised melodies. We have really enjoyed the creativity and freedom that improvising have given.  This week, we decided to take the instruments outside onto the school field. We got in to teams and along with a conductor, created improvised pieces together. We then enjoyed performing some improvised music to our friends in the sunshine. What a fantastic way to learn.

On Friday, we visited the Rotunda Museum in Scarborough and also spent an hour on the beach. Check out our class page next week for photographs and details of our brilliant trip.

This Thursday will be school Sports Day. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit, wearing the colour of their team – see this week’s newsletter for more details.