Tuesday 30th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

What a change in the weather!! ?

I’m not sure you will be needing your sun cream on your walks today but possibly a raincoat and umbrella. ☔️

Why is the Sky Blue? – English

You should now have a list of questions from yesterday that you would like to know the answers to.

Today, I would like you to concentrate on question words and see if you can write a question beginning with as many different ones as you can think of. Why is probably one you have used most often in yesterday’s list.

Happy questioning.

Cube Numbers – Maths

Now that we have reminded ourselves about square numbers, I’d like you to look at cube numbers, making a 3 dimensional cube.

Have a go at the questions attached.


Follow Me Facts

Over the course of the week, I would like you to make a follow me card game.

The cards are a little bit like dominoes with 2 sides, one side will have a question and the other side will have an answer. The question on the final card will be answered on the first card so that they make a loop. (Have a look at the picture attached).

Each question that you fins the answer to this week will become part of your game.