Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Lovely to speak to so many of your families yesterday and hear how you are all getting on.  There were some amazing dream catchers made from all sorts of things – you are all very inventive. When you are out on your daily exercise you might want to start looking at all the different colours that you see. If you are able, take a photograph of them – you will need these later in the week.


Let No One Steal Your Dreams – Paul Cookson

Read the poem and then think about the answers to these questions;

What is the poem about?

What message do you think he is trying to tell people?

How does he tell the message through his writing?

Does the poem rhyme and is there are pattern?

Make a list of the features you can see.




Have a go at this fraction matching game using both fractions and visual representations Remember that an improper fractions means that the top number is bigger than the bottom number (which means there is more than 1 whole) and that a mixed fraction tells us how many whole ones and how many pieces (which also means there is more than 1 whole).

There are lots of different levels – see how far you can get.


Science – Micro-organisms

What is a micro-organism? Watch this short clip to explain what mirco-organisms are.


Now for the investigation – how can we grow our own?

You will need some bread, some resealable bags and some oil. Please ask a parent first.

Watch the video below, you can stop it at any time and it also stops and asks you to re-start when you are ready. You can watch multiple times if needed.


Monday 11th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

If we were at school this week it would be SATS week and our class would be split with the Year 6 children sitting 2 papers today. Instead, we are all ‘together’, even though that may be virtually at present, and we are going to be basing our tasks this week on dreams. “For those who dare to dream, there is a whole world to win.”Dhirubhai Ambani


This week we are going to be looking at poetry around the theme of dreams. First, I’d like you to listen to the song – please feel free to sing along – come on Leaders, you know you want to!!


  1. What is a dream? Explore as many possible meanings as you can.
  2. Why is it important to have dreams and goals in your life?
  3. What are your dreams for your future?



In the first part of this investigation you will be adding fractions together to make a whole, before moving on to making more than a whole, followed be more than one whole.

There are 3 steps to this investigation – challenge yourself as much as you can.

Dream Catcher

To link with our work on dreams, have a go at making a dream catcher. You can make these in all sorts of different ways. First, you need to find or make a hoop. This could be a readymade hoop shape or you could make your own from; a bendy twig, an old metal coat hanger or anything you can mould into a circle shape.


See what you can find out about dreamcatchers. Where did they originate?

Thursday 7th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

A bank holiday weekend – fingers crossed for sunshine.

If you are celebrating VE day, have a lovely time, if not enjoy spending some time with your family – maybe set up your dining room as a café or restaurant and surprise the adults in your household.

Also, a final call for your hello videos or message photos. If you haven’t already, please make sure I have them for Monday and then I will put them together and send them out to everyone who has contributed.


Time to start thinking about getting to the end of your project. How did you plan your workload? Have you got lots left to do?

I’m looking forward to seeing your comics and animations after the weekend. There has been some amazing work completed so far.


Problem Solving

Have a go at using the clues to solve the problem. Remember to read the clues carefully – you many not need all of them!

History – VE Day

I’m sure you have seen the activities that Mrs Burton has been posting and I know that many of you have been making decorations and bunting ready for the occasion but, what does it all mean?

Find out all you can about what VE Day is – https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/48201749 – this might be a good place to start.

Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Another beautiful day with sunshine to warm our hearts. As you will know, it is VE Day on Friday and I know that Mrs Burton has been posting lots of VE ideas for you. I was wondering whether you were planning to do anything with your families, and I would love to hear. Send me a message, video or photos to let me know your plans – can’t wait to hear.


Have a look at the clips to give you some more ideas for your comic strip or animation. If you are animating, you will need some patience to capture the movements – if you do too much at once it won’t necessarily work.



Remember not to rush, you have the rest of the week to finish your project.


Diagonal Addition Investigation.

Look at the green square which contains the numbers 2,3,12 and 13.
Do you notice anything about the sum of the numbers that are diagonally opposite each other?

Look at the pink square.
What happens this time when you look at the numbers diagonally opposite each other?
What about the yellow square?
You could try with other squares which have four numbers in them.
Can you find a reason why what you notice, happens?

Look at the squares shaded red. They form the corners of a large 3 by 3 square.
If you add the numbers diagonally opposite each other, what do you notice with this larger square?
Can you find a reason why what you notice, happens?

What happens for squares of different sizes?

Geography – What is a Biome?

Today I would like you to investigate biomes. You can use the clip below to help you.


Once you have found out, choose one type of biome and carry out some further investigation. You can present this information however you wish.

Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

I have seen some fantastic stories and settings so far which makes me excited for what will be produced by the end of this week; the creativity is flowing. I’m sure there will be some amazing things to look forward to.


In English this week, you have a choice. I would like you to either end up with your story in a comic strip or, if you have the facilities, to have a go making your story into an animation. For either option you can use your story setting from last week to help you.

Today is the time to decide which option you are going to choose and make a start. I will continue to upload things to help you but would like you to decide how you are going to go about this task and which part you feel that you want to do first.

Here is information about both animations and comic strips. Have a look and make your choice. You may want to make a start today too but remember you have the rest of the week to complete this so there is no rush – build up your comic/animation over the course of the week.






Have a go at this game today. Choose your ‘bot’ and see if you can win the challenge -use your knowledge of the four operations.



Problem Solving – Computational Thinking

There are some fantastic free resources available as schools are currently closed. Here is a resource from icompute for you have a go at.

You will need to be systematic and logical to solve the problem. Good luck!

Monday 4th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

May the 4th be with you!  I hope you have all had a good weekend. For those of you who have made a rain gauge, it would be interesting to share results to see how the rainfall differs depending on where we live. If you haven’t made one and would like to, you can find the instructions both on Tapestry and the website.

I hope that you are all still practicing the things that you challenged yourself to – I have heard and seen some amazing results already. I am still persevering with the Ukulele when I get the chance.


In English this week, you have a choice. I would like you to either end up with your story in a comic strip or, if you have the facilities, to have a go making your story into an animation. For either option you can use your story setting from last week to help you.

Today’s task is to try and a flipbook. This will show you how small changes build up to make a picture of something changing or happening.



Multiplication Grids

Can you work out the numbers that need to go into the squares so that when you multiply the rows and columns you get the products shown? You can only use the numbers 1-9 and you can only use the numbers once.

The numbers in red show the difference between the sums of the products in the third row and the third column.

Can you make another grid that has a difference of 1? What is the biggest difference you can make? Is it possible for there to be a difference of zero? If not, can you explain why not?


I would like you to make a collage type poster all about yourself and the things you have been doing in lockdown. This can then be used to send to other children in the class, especially if you have not uploaded a ‘hello’ video.

Don’t worry if you cannot do this electronically, it can be made using paper and pens – the important thing is to collate the important information and present this in an easy to understand format.

Friday 1st May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

It’s May already! 

Year 6 – you would normally be on the final run up to SATS but we already know that, this year, is very different… or is it.  At Sleights, we know that SATS are a very small part of your journey and the fun you’ve had along the way and both the memories and friends made are just as important.  You are all uniquely different and that’s what makes you special. 

I miss every one of you but have been honoured to share your lockdown journeys through videos, photos and conversations with you and your families.  Remember, your classmates are also missing you too so, keep sending in those ‘hellos’ and I will try and put them together for next week.  


You should have the start of your story done and I’d like you to spend today getting to the end your story.

Where does your magical door lead? Can you get back or maybe you stay through the door?


Problem Solving

Look at the problems, decide what operation you need to do and then solve the answer.

Once you have solved the problems, look at the questions again and identify any information that you did not need to solve the problem (it may have just been put in there to try and catch you out!).

Story Setting

It’s Friday again already!

I’d like you to have a go at making one or more of your story settings over the next few days. You can do this either inside or outside and can use anything you like – have a look at the examples.

You might want to use natural resources, recycling or just art and craft materials that you already have. You might also decide to use Lego, Playmobil or other figures that you already have at home.

Please remember to take pictures of your setting (unless you are going to leave it all made) as we will be using these next week.

Thursday 30th April 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

It has been fantastic talking to your families and finding out what you have been up to. Don’t forget you can send in your work, or anything you would like to share, on Tapestry or by e-mail. I love seeing all your achievements – you are very talented Leaders!!


You now have all the tools required to write your own story. You may like to write about a more traditional portal that leads you to a magical world, or you may prefer to draw upon your personal experiences, as we have explored throughout this unit.

To recap on all the key points we’ve been learning:

  1. Describe the portal in detail. You may want to show the portal through the eyes of the main character.
  2. Think about what lies on the other side of the door. Allow yourself the opportunity to write about what interests you and what is important to you.
  3. Great writers steal ideas (‘magpie’) from other great writers. Reflect upon the portal stories that you have loved reading and consider what made these so engaging. Try to bring in some of these skills and techniques into your own work.  
  4. Enjoy it. Writing is all about sharing a passion for words, stories and the world of possibility. If you love the story you are writing – so too will your reader.

You don’t have to write all of your story today; we will be carrying on tomorrow to complete our stories.


Today we are going to look at division. Have a look at another Supermovers video to re-cap on the link between division facts.


How about a game? Have a go at this one, see how many coins and how far you can get in Cave run, using your division skills.


Finger Spelling – Sign Language

Fingerspelling is a way of spelling words using hand movements and is part of learning sign language. Each letter of the alphabet has a different sign. British Sign Language (BSL) uses a two-handed version.

Fingerspelling is only a part of learning sign language but getting you to learn your name would be a great start. Have a look at the posters for the letters you need (there is a left-handed and right-handed version) and see if you can have a go. Upload a video of you signing your name.

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Thank you for sending in your ‘hello’ videos. If you haven’t and would like to please try and send them in by the end of this week.


Through the Eyes of Character

First, think of a character – it’s easier if you base this on someone you know.

  • What are they called?
  • What do they look like?
  • What sort of a person are they (miserable/friendly/kind/aggressive)?
  • What do they say?
  • What do they do?
  • How do they treat other people?
  • How do other people treat them?

Now compose a short piece of descriptive writing based on seeing a mysterious door through the eyes of your character. Use a simple opener to drop the reader straight into the action:

Samantha stared. … Ali hesitated. …

Have a look at the paragraph and table to help you.


Today we are going to look at division. See if you can beat Bartley Bluebird and Wolfie Wolf (football mascots) to the answers before they appear.


Then have a go at the times tables questions – time yourself and see how quickly you can complete the answers.


Story Map

Just before school closed, we were writing a story. For this story you could use whatever method you wanted to create a story map.

I’d like you to make a story map for your magical door story. If you liked the way you mapped last time you could use it again. If you would like to try a different style of mapping that’s great too. (Comic Strip, storyboard, timeline, story path, bullet points etc.)

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Don’t forget to join me on Tapestry if you would like to join in with this week’s game.  Wednesday 6.30pm – a maths theme this week.


In the sentences below, the adverb ‘slowly’ is used to describe how the man enters the room. Adverbs are like roving reporters – they can be moved around the sentence, e.g.

  1. The man went in, slowly
  2. Slowly, the man went in.  
  3. The man went slowly in.
  4. The man slowly went in.  

By changing the position of the adverb, we can often either alter the meaning or add emphasis to a sentence.

Try playing around with the adverb position in the following sentence. Think about how it alters the meaning and where the emphasis is best placed.

Cautiously, Samantha crept towards the door that stood before her.

Try this out again on 3 sentences of your own.


Today we are going to mix addition and subtraction in some missing number calculations. Use what you know about the operations to work out the missing numbers.

Rain Gauge – Science

After seeing the recent weather forecast, it looks like we are expecting some rain after all the beautiful sunshine. I thought it would be a good idea to be able to compare our temperatures graph with another about rainfall.

I’d like you to have a go at making a rain gauge and recording the daily rainfall. Remember to empty it daily or subtract the previous day’s results if you are leaving the water in.
