Friday 5th June 2020

Happy Friday Discoverers, 

I hope that you’ve had a good week, and are ready for the weekend.

Today in English, you are going to continue writing your diary entry, as a Victorian child at school. 

I was impressed to see that you got off to a great start yesterday, so today, you will be focusing on writing the rest of your diary. This will focus on the afternoon at school. 

Remember to write in the first person, as if you are the Victorian child, and you will also be writing in the past tense, as the events have already happened. 

Also, diaries are a time to reflect, and can help people process their feelings from the day, so try to write about how you felt during different activities, and perhaps the reasons for this. 

How did you manage with yesterday’s maths problem? That’s great to hear. 

I have another one for you today. 

You need to match the descriptions of people’s numbers, with the correct number. 

I will upload the answers on Monday for you. 

Good luck! 


In science today, you will be looking at how water is transported through a plant. 

Here is today’s video: 5. How does water get from roots to leaves in a plant?

To help you understand this, it would be great if you could carry out the experiment. 

You may be able to do this today, if you have the write equipment, but if not, you could save it for another day. 


Enjoy, and have a fabulous weekend, 

Mrs Taylor 

Friday 5th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

‘Thank Crunchie it’s Friday’, was used on a television advert which has always stuck in my head.

With that mind, I thought we’d have a bit of a chocolate theme to our topic task for today in the hope that you will have something to enjoy with your families over the weekend.

Happy Friday everyone.

Graphic Novel – English

Today is your last day to complete your novel (unless you want to continue over the weekend) and conclude your story.

I can’t wait to see them!

Happy drawing. ✏️

Function Machines – Maths

Today, we are going to take away the function machines and replace them with arrows. This will lead to us being able to follow the algebraic expressions.

For example, one expression would be 5x+12

Complete the equations if x=5, x=11 and x=24

Chocolate Bar Baking

As it’s Friday, (and possibly raining ?) I thought we’d get back in the kitchen. Have you ever cooked using your favourite chocolate bar?

Today, I’d like you to see if you can find a recipe using your favourite bar and have a go at making it. I’ve attached some ideas if you’d like to use them.

Kit Kat –

Bounty –

Mint Aero –

Crunchie –

Thursday’s News – 4th June

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all ok today!

The weather is a little bit cooler, but not raining at the moment – which is good!

Today’s suggested learning on Tapestry is as follows:-

In Maths we will begin to look at 3D shapes!

In English, I want us to think about where and why we use a question mark in our writing – so ask lots of questions today and draw an invisible question mark in the air when you do!

Some more spellings today, Lots to practise – how many will you get correct?

Mrs Brown came across an interesting short video about how computer games work – I thought you might be interested to find out!

Don’t forget you can sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge tomorrow – don’t forget!

Take care and keep in touch with me on Tapestry and let me know what you are doing!

Keep smiling πŸ™‚

Mrs Brown

Good Morning Adventurers – It’s baking day!

I just thought as the weather still isn’t very nice and I had two very soft, brown bananas in my fruit bowl that it might be good to try out our weighing skills and make some banana bread (or you could try another recipe depending on the ingredients you have at home).

We will continue with our key skills, animal fact files and add to our mini beast/animal habitat boxes.

I’ve been very impressed with all the work you’ve done so far this week so please keep posting it.

Today’s activities include:

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Xx’

English – research information on your chosen animal and write this up using subheadings.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then try out your weighing skills baking.

DT – continue to add more detail to your mini beast/animal habitat box.

French – find the French names for different animals.

There’s lots of activities to choose from today and I hope you enjoy them. (More information for each task is on Tapestry)

I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy your day

Mrs Roe

Thursday 4th June 2020

Good morning Discoverers,

You’re working really well this week, keep it up and well done! 

In English today, you are going to use everything you have learned so far, about a Victorian child’s school day, and begin to write your diary entry, as if you were the Victorian child. 

It would be great if you could include some of the activities that you wrote on Monday, and include some emotions that you were writing on Tuesday. Yesterday may have helped to plan how you might structure your diary, and what you may talk about first.

For today, simply focus on the morning of your day at school, and we can write the afternoon part tomorrow. 

I have included some examples of things that you may want to include, as these are typical features that are usually included within a diary entry. 


Here is the answer for yesterday’s maths problem. Did you manage to answer this correctly? Well done!

Today, I have another one for you. This time, you have to decide if you agree with Mo, or not. 

The only clue I will give you to answer this problem is: remember to check how many beads there are altogether.

Good luck!

I have been so impressed with your science work this week. You have included lots of detail, and learned tricky, new vocabulary, well done πŸ˜€

Today we are moving on to looking at the pollination process. 

I would like you to watch the video on the usual link, it is called: What is pollination and how does it work?

Then, it would be great if you could create a cycle, a little like my example, which includes the different steps within the pollination process. 

Have another fantastic day,

Mrs Taylor 

Thursday’s Happy Learning for Pioneers

Get comfy!
This is not Mr Wolf’s Week but it is a peak into the world of the teachers in Explorers,Pioneers and Learners.
We wanted to let you see what they get up to from day to day. It is very special and we hope that you enjoy it.
You could have a go at making up a similar story for your family.
Share. Read. Enjoy.


Happy ReadingThis suggestion for learning is a a bit like Monday’s Days of the Week Suggestion.
There’s lots of ideas here to do with the months of the week.
Write out the months on postits.
Can you recognise and read each month?
Try this out:This month is……………..
Next month will be …………….
Last month was ………………..
The first month of the year is….
The last month is…….
My birthday is in …….
Christmas is in……………………….
This may lead on to chat about seasons.
That might be tricky.
Use the words for handwriting. Your Pioneer will spot the use of capital letters and see the difference in size when used together with the lowercase.
Use a selection of capital letters and ask your Pioneer to match the correct one with the correct month.
The spelling is very tricky. If they want to try writing them by themselves then that is great too.
Count the months.
Have a go at putting the months of the year in order
Here is a little rap to help you out.

This one is quite complex with lots of extra information and it is catchy. Enjoy

Here is the next episode of Mr Wolf’s Week written using phonics the Pioneers can use for reading and writing.
Try out making and discussing weather symbols.
Take a look at the weather forecast for some ideas.

This link allows you to pretend being a Weather Presenter. We have used it before in the classroom
Have fun.

Thursday 4th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Oh dear – where did the sunshine go, I wonder? Let’s hope it returns soon although our gardens will be glad of the rain and I know that lots of you have been planting so keep an eye on how quickly the water will make things grow. With water in mind, ? I thought we’d have a go at something water based this afternoon – can’t wait to see your creations.

Maybe we could have our own boat race!

Graphic Novel – English

Continue working on your graphic novel so that you have a complete story by Friday.

Happy drawing. ✏️

Function Machines – Maths

Today, we are going to include algebraic expressions in our function machines. This may sound difficult but it’s not!

You are just going to use β€˜n’ to express your number, which means that β€˜n’ can stand for any number that you decide to use to put through the function machines.


Rubber band Boats

Have a go at making a boat propelled by a rubber band. You should be able to attach the sticks enough without necessarily needing glue if you use more rubber bands. If you don’t have spoons, see what else you could use to propel your boat; strong card or plastic from a carton


How fast can you make your boat travel? Which is the best design bottle to choose?

Can you feed the frog?

Miss Idle has made a frog using an old box and painted a frog on the front.
She cut a hole out and added a flap for it’s mouth. Can you roll a dice, count the dots and look at the numeral, then post that amount of bugs into the frogs mouth? Can you count out loud as you are doing it? Well done!

Good Morning Adventurers – Welcome to Wednesday!

Well, we’ve woken up to a cloudy, rainy day and the sunshine has gone for now!

But I think it’s a great day for doing some indoor exploring and learning and myself and Mrs Burton have lots of super activities you could try. (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Ww’

English – think of another animal you would like to study. Draw and label a picture of it and write down some facts you already know. I’ve chosen the Painted Lady Butterfly as we raised these several times in class.

Maths – Key Skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then we are going to explore weight/mass/. You could try making your own balance scale to compare the mass of different objects then weigh 10 everyday objects and order them by their mass/weight.

Geography – choose a country you would like to visit and create a leaflet about it.

DT – carry on adding more detail to your minibeast/animal box.

There has been some fantastic work posted on Tapestry and I am very proud of everything you are doing Adventurers. Please keep sharing.

Enjoy your day!

Mrs Roe 

Wednesday’s News – 3rd June

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all ok today! The sun has gone in for a while, but I’m sure it will be out again soon!

Today’s suggested learning on Tapestry is as follows:-

In Maths we are looking at 2D shapes and using the correct language to describe them.

In English, we are thinking about persuasion. What does it mean and how do we do it?

Let’s do some spellings today and become experts at spelling the days of the week!

In History, we are being introduced to a new historical figure – Henry VIII – he is so interesting!

Keep in touch with me through Tapestry as always. Do some colouring today or get out a board game – they are always fun!

Keep smiling even though the sun has gone in, it will be out again soon!

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown