A fresh half-term.

Welcome back everyone, i hope you had a great half-term.

Learners have been busy as always this week.

We have begun our English work around narrative and have enjoyed retelling The Three Billy Goats Gruff using a story map. We  are excited to develop our own stories, based on this popular story, as the weeks go on.

In maths we are learning about 3D shapes this week. There has been a lot of discussion about the names and properties of 3D shapes.

In Science, our new topic is plants. On Tuesday we looked carefully at daffodils in class and were able to draw and label the parts of a plant.

In RE, we have a new value, Justice. We have delighted in being able to resume our whole school Collective Worship in the Hall, this has been lovely to enjoy and learn together again.

We REALLY enjoyed World Book Day this week. We dressed up as a character from a book – and we looked amazing! We worked so hard to create our own class book, with a maths theme (which was personalised to Sleights School). We were SO proud to produce ‘Odd Bob and Even Steven Go To Sleights School’. We worked on one page each and the result was tremendous – a real team effort. The book will go in our library for all to enjoy!

Great work Learners!


Well-Being Week

This week in class we have thought a lot about well-being.

We were lucky to have a visit from Mel our well-being nurse, who shared the story ‘The Colour Monster’ with us. This book combined colours with feelings and we were able to articulate the different feelings that we knew. We then, created our own colour monsters using paper plates and different colours. Mel taught us some relaxation techniques and how to breather and relax mindfully. We really enjoyed the session.

In PHSCE we have thought about the groups and families we belong to and how thankful we are for the people in our lives.

We have enjoyed many stories as always in class this week. However this week, we have been particularly lucky to have some Learners  request to read their favourite stories to the rest of the class during story time. This has been an absolute joy! Such wonderful readers, such confidence and such a celebration of reading!

Well done Learners Class, I am so proud of you!

Wishing all of Learners Class and their families a happy half term. 

A Wonderful Week to be a Learner!

Learners have had the busiest of weeks this week and ‘we have had the best week ever!’

On Monday morning, some children walked down to the mobile library in the village and delighted in choosing some new books for us to read at story time, Next month another group of children will visit the library, return these books and choose some more to enjoy. 

On Monday afternoon, to build on our RE topic of Judaism, we held a Jewish Shabbat in class. We laid tablecloths and dressed the tables with plants and candles. We then enjoyed toasted bagels and juice together. We really felt the spirit of the celebration of Shabbat.

On Wednesday, we enjoyed forest school learning. The sun was shining and we had the best day in the fresh air. We transferred our RE learning to the forest and thought about another Jewish celebration called ‘Sukkot’, where Jewish families build a hut called a ‘Sukkah’ and sleep in there for a few nights to remember the Jewish pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

On Thursday, we became scientists and tested absorbent and non-absorbent materials. We used pipettes, water and different materials. We tested each one and recorded our results accordingly. I think there are a few budding scientists in Learners Class.

We have also enjoyed many stories this week as always.

What a wonderful week to be a Learner!


Chinese New Year Celebrations

We have enjoyed finding out more about Chinese New Year this week. We spent time finding out about how animals link to different years and the meaning of this. We also delighted in creating our own Chinese lanterns and were amazed at how easy they were to make (some of us went home and made them with our families too).

In RE we spent time looking closely at the Jewish Shabbat and hope to enjoy our own Shabbat next week – please give consent on Parent Pay, for your child to sample the foods. 

On Wednesday 9th February we will be visiting the forest, please send your child in old clothes and please bring a spare pair of shoes in a bag. Thank you.

This week, a few Learners requested to bring in their favourite books from home and read them to the class. This has been wonderful, we are hoping to continue sharing our stories together over the coming weeks.

Scientists in the making!

We have have been so enthusiastic about our learning this week.

Building on our Science topic of materials, we deepened our knowledge by being able to describe and label properties of the materials around us. We had so much fun and our scientific vocabulary was astonishing, freely using words like transparent, opaque and flexible to describe! This was wonderful! See our pictures of some properties of materials within our classroom.


Also, this week we have enjoyed making Ocean collages, which crossed curricular Geography with Art. We were peaceful and calm while enjoying this activity – just like the ocean itself!

Learners Class just love to learn – I can’t wait to see what next week brings!

A happy week!

This week Learners have been excited to learn more about different religions of the World. In Collective Worship we celebrated World Religion Day which fell on Sunday 16th January. We shared and celebrated stories from Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism faiths. These stories created great discussion points and conversations and an awareness and acceptance of religious diversity. I am always impressed to see how easily Learners discuss their own beliefs with such conviction. 

In English, we have been learning how things work, our focus this week ‘the dishwasher’.  A few trips to our staffroom dishwasher and  a little hep from our book ‘Until I met Dudley’,  inspired us to write our own explanation text about hoe it actually worked. We can talk you through what happens from the moment the pots go in, until the moment they come out!

We have continued our jogging laps of the playground, despite the chilly weather this week  I think it has actually made us jog a little faster!).

We finished the week with a musical extravaganza. We firstly learned about beat and pulse and clapped along to rhythms and songs before getting out some instruments. Then, we used chime bars and beaters to make our own sounds. We compiled music using crotchets and quavers to help us with our beats. We enjoyed playing and also appreciated each others music.  We played, we smiled, we even conducted each other. We simply loved it! 

Learners Class love learning!

Inventors and Inventions

We have embraced our new topic of ‘Inventors and Inventions’ this week.

We have explored the history of Lego. We now know when, where and who created it and can explain the story behind it’s invention. 

In History, we are looking at key inventions over time….. what better place to start than with the wheel. We found out the wheel was invented in Mesopotamia 6000 years ago, we thought of as many modern uses for the wheel as we could – there were ALOT ranging from ferris wheels to scooters.  

We have been busy learning our 2 times table in Maths this week and perfecting our multiplication and division skills by transferring our knowledge to answering word problems.

In English, we have been watching an animation called ‘The Shirt Machine’ to inspire our writing. We delighted in each creating a unique shirt that had a special function – we had an edible shirt, a shirt that plays musical instruments and a shirt that would hypnotise your parents to think it was Christmas Day every day and many more…..

Year 2’s have spellings to learn at home this week – please check book bags! There will be a spelling test each Tuesday.

Please read with your child as often as you can at home (and write in their reading record). This is the most important way you can support your child at home!

Learners Class love to learn!


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Learners and families.

It’s hard to believe we’ve only been in class 3 days this week as we have achieved so much.

Our new topic this term is ‘Inventors and Inventions’, we are so keen to find out more about this and all agreed it sounds exciting!

This week, we have been exploring the book ‘Junk DNA’ by Clare Thompson. We collected some bits and bobs of scrap metal and pieces of junk and created some wonderful art to inspire our writing! Take a look at some of the pictures we created!

We have introduced a new Christian Value this half term of ‘perseverance’ and have been considering how we can use this value ourselves in our everyday lives. On Thursday we were interested to learn about Epiphany and how the 3 Kings persevered on the their journey to follow the star to worship Jesus.

In Geography, we studied the Oceans of the World and as usual found a catchy song to aid our learning.

This term Learners will have Mr Gokool’s PE sessions and Mrs Gurney’s computer sessions on Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure your child has a PE kit in School.

Next week, Year 2’s will start to bring home Spellings as homework. Please look out for these in book bags. 

If you need any further information or if I can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

Mrs Brown

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas….

We have been bursting with writing ideas this week, inspired by the Aldi Advert ‘A Christmas Carrot’. We have enjoyed making story maps and using these to re-tell the story. We have looked at what makes a great story opener and we have used descriptive language to describe the characters and we have loved every moment of it! It is wonderful to see such enthusiasm for writing!

In RE this week, we have been learning all about the Christmas Story and thinking about the importance it holds for the Christian religion.

We are continuing to enjoy our dance sessions with Hannah Verity Dance and our Christmas routine ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ is really starting to take shape! 

We are starting to feel Christmassy and are enjoying Christmas stories and singing Christmas songs – it’s safe to say we are quite excited!

Learners’ are a happy, hardworking and fun class.


Brrrr a cold week!

Hello everyone,

Learners have been on weather watch this week. Our Science topic is seasonal change and this has been a great week to study the seasons. We have been filling in our weather charts each day and recording the temperature from out thermometer outside. We have even found time for some weather themed painting.

In English, we have been preparing for our new narrative writing topic. We will be using the Christmas advert ‘A Christmas Carrot’ to inspire our writing. We are all very excited to start writing next week.

We hope you will tune in on Tapestry at 6pm each evening in December for our advent calendar style Christmas story ‘How Winston Delivered Christmas’. Get cosy with a hot chocolate and a biscuit while you listen each night.

Look out for a new challenge on Sumdog this week!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Learners Class