Adventurers – Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning Adventurers, happy World Earth Day! I hope you are all well today – it looks like it is going to be another sunny day!

I have posted some links on tapestry so you can find out more information on World Earth Day and do some activities relating to it if you would like. It is the 50th anniversary this year and they are celebrating climate change. 


Today I have set an English, Maths and a short PE activity. 

Maths activity: 

To play some of the interactive pictogram games on Topmarks. Use the information gained from playing these games to write your own questions based on the pictogram you produced yesterday. 

Give these questions to a family member with your graph and see if they can answer them. 


English activity: 

Today we are going to  write a story based on the video we have been watching over the previous days. The plan is to include a clear beginning, middle and end with bullet points to show what will happen in each section.

If you are struggling for ideas, your story could be about a strong, beautiful flower that is battling the elements and pollution to survive. Or you could use the information you collected about the life cycle of a flower and tell the story of a seed growing into a beautiful flower going through each stage of the cycles. 

There is more information on this on tapestry. 


PE activity:

Roll a dice (if you don’t have a dice, you could make one or use an interactive one on the internet). 

Roll it and if you land on…

1 – run on the spot for 1 minute

2 – Jump twice 

3 – 3 star jumps

4 – do 4 rolls

5 – 5 mountain climbers

6 – touch your toes 6 times. 

Keep rolling! Can you make up your own exercises to challenge members of your family? 


I hope you all have a lovely day! 

Mrs Burton 

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I’ve seen lots of interesting door designs and I am looking forward to finding our where these doors will lead us next week.


Using your 6 sentences from yesterday, I’d like you see if you can now edit your sentences to make them even better.  Think about using; descriptive adjectives, powerful verbs, relative clauses, similes and metaphors.


E.g. I opened the magical door and saw …  a shoal of hungry shadows, tangoing through busy streets like a swarm


Continue taking your temperatures at the 3 chosen times of the day and either add them to your data collection or plot them on your graph if you are doing this as you go along.

You should have 3 pieces of data for each of your times by the end of today.

DIY Lava Lamp -Science

In science, you have been thinking about separating materials.  Have a go at making this fun Lava Lamp and watch how the materials separate.  How does this work scientifically?

It’s Wednesday Pioneers

These are my suggestions for learning today,if you need them  and some useful links that the Pioneers will recognise from school. They may help to fill a few moments in your day. Videos are available on Tapestry too.

Don’t forget to play . Play is the highest form of learning as someone very wise said. 

Play. Play. Play. Play . Play. 


Here is your new reading book and some ideas to use when you are reading.

Have your sound mat out to help you.

Watch Geraldine Giraffe to recap sh,ch and th. You might want to do this over a couple of days.
Here  are some  link to Geraldine: th sh ch

Find all the sh words. Read. Copy . Write. Can you think of any others.
Repeat this with the other sounds..


Here is a very useful link to use everyday alongside your lists in the pack from school.

It is Mr Thorne doing all the High Frequency words that are useful.

Happy Reading



Jack and the Bean Stalk

Here is my story map for the start of Jack and the Beanstalk. I had a lot of fun drawing it. A man in a giant top hat helped by holding the paper and Nick composed a piece of music to help to tell the story. Video on Tapestry.

I hope you like the music and the stories.
Draw your own story map.
I will add more tomorrow.
What do you think will happen to the beans?
Do you think that Jack will meet the owner of the boots?
Happy Stories



Here is some number stuff:

I hope that the estimating is going well.

Here is a link to one of our favourite counting songs:

Have a look at the next Numberblocks episode:

Counting on is a great way to get going with addition.

Have a numberline or a number square to look at.

You can count anything:shoes,pasta,teddies,stones or magic beans like me.

You can write down your number sentences if you fancy using + and =. You might even end up doing take away or subtraction.

If you are using playing cards the adding can get quite difficult so select your number to suit your needs. You could also try adding 3 numbers or even 4. once you’ve got the hang of it you can just count the symbols on the cards and miss out the magic beans.

Grown-ups – The Pioneers love to spot mistakes. It always good to make the odd error for them to identify and say why it is wrong.

Don’t forget to make your numbers nice and neat. I have added a little video to remind you.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the sunshine with your families.

Play. Play. Play . Play. Play.

Wednesday 22nd April 2020


Good morning all, 

Thank you for showing me your wonderful work yesterday, it looks like you’re having fun creating it, which is great!

Today in English, I would like you to create a plan for your opening paragraphs. These early paragraphs in your story, capture the setting and the character mainly, so it helps to have thought about how you would describe the two. I would like you to write down everything that you can think of, that would describe the setting (where the story is based). And then do the same for your character. Here is an example of mine:

In maths, today I would like you to complete the challenge, that will allow you to gather the information you need to complete the table that you created yesterday. You will need to lay out the fifteen items that you gathered on Monday, and cover them with a cloth/ towel. Then, individually call your family members in to the room. They need to complete the challenge separately, so that they don’t have extra time looking at the objects. You will need a timer for the next part. Show the items to each member of your family for 10 seconds, and then cover them up again, then ask them to name the items that they can remember. Next, add up a total and record it in the 10 second box, next to their name. Then show them the items for another 10 seconds (20 seconds in total), and record how many they remembered after this time, and then complete the same for another 10 seconds (30 seconds in total). Complete this challenge for each person in your home. I have included my example below:

In art, today I would like you to have another go at drawing your animal, but after receiving even more feedback from an adult at home. Like you did yesterday, I would like you to ask them to compare your drawing with the original picture, and ask them if they can give you some very clear, specific advice or how you could improve this. Then draw your animal again, after taking on board their advice, and compare all three pictures. Is your drawing improving, like Austin’s?


Mrs Taylor

Adventurers Activities – Tuesday 21st April

Good morning Adventurers!

Today, for you maths activity, I would like you to use the information you collected yesterday to make a pictogram to show the data. Use a different picture or colour for each category.

If you haven’t collected any data, you can use the following information:

What is your favourite colour?

red – 4

green – 3

blue – 6

pink – 7

purple – 2

other – 4

Have a look at the following link to get more information on pictograms.



English activity:

It was lovely to see some of the information you collected yesterday on the life cycle of a flower. This information is going to come in well when we come to write our stories at the end of the week.

Today, I would like you to choose a flower from the video and describe it. Think carefully about the parts of the flower focusing on how they look (the shapes and colours) and how the flower moves and grows throughout the video.

If you would like, you can create a piece of art to show the flower you have chosen alongside your writing.

Geography task: 

We are starting to work towards creating a map of our local area but first, I would like you to make some observations about things that are outside your house. 

I would like you to look outside your windows or walk into your garden and draw what you can see. Label the human features (things made/put there by humans) and the physical features (things that occur naturally) that you can see. If you can, use a compass (many electronic devices have these) to draw arrows pointing to the North, South, East and West. 

I am really looking forward to seeing your work! 

Mrs Burton 

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Good Morning Leaders

It’s nice to see so many of you posting or e-mailing about all the things you have been doing. I’d like to set a mission for anyone who has not yet had a go at doing so – see if you can upload or send something in by the end of the day.


Today I would like you to listen to Kit Wright’s poem ‘The Magic Box’. We are going to use his poem as a base for our writing using a door.

Write 6 different sentences about what you might find behind the magical door.

E.g. I opened the magical door and saw…. shadows dancing


Continue taking your temperatures at the 3 chosen times of the day and either add them to your data collection or plot them on your graph if you are doing this as you go along.

Are you beginning to notice anything about the temperatures you have taken?

Door Design

Time to get creative and think about the door that you would like to use in your writing. It could take you anywhere, opening a world of different possibilities.

The door is usually the first thing that you see that would invite you inside. Think about how you want your door to make the reader feel.  There can be decorated doors found in a number of different countries – have a look at the ones below.

You might want to think about decorating an actual door (please ask permission first) or drawing and colouring or painting your design on paper.

Happy Tuesday – 21st April

Good morning everyone!

The sun is shining today, what a bonus!

Todays activities are ;- (more information on Tapestry)

  • English – We are going to describe some characters today. Firstly, using Gabby from the ‘Bubbles’ video clip yesterday, then make up your own character for your story this week and describe them too! What do they look like? What sort of person are they? shy? noisy? adventurous? curios?
  • Phonics – todays sound is the ‘ea’ sound – see Tapestry for a fun sorting activity!
  • Maths – On your daily walk today, we are going to collect some information data! Choose four things you can look out for ie Flower colours red, pink, orange, yellow. How many of each can you see?
  • Music – Grab a pan and a wooden spoon – lets make a rhythm using different beats!

Please remember to read a little everyday! This is THE most important thing!

I did speak to some families yesterday (which was lovely). I will catch up with more families today!

Keep me posted with whatever you’re doing!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Hello everybody,

I was so proud of the work that you showed me yesterday on Tapestry, thank you for that 😀 And thank you to those of who who are taking part in these tasks. 

In English today, you are going to move on to writing a plan for your story. Yesterday, you decided which animal your character would live upon, now today you can use the video ‘Adrift’ to help you plan you story’s beginning, middle and end. Below, I have uploaded my plan for you, and you can write yours similar to mine, or change as many aspects as you would like. For example, you may decided that upon your animal, you live in a tent rather than a house.

In maths, yesterday you gathered 15 objects, in order to help you test the memory of your family. Today, you are going to create a table to record your results. The table should have space for each member of your family, and for each of their results after 10 seconds, 20 seconds and 20 seconds. I have created an example for you. You can use the same table, but change the names to match who lives at home with you. 

In art, you have already drawn a picture of your chosen animal, and you have watched the video of ‘Austin’s Butterfly’.

 In this video you can see how Austin manages to improve his picture everyday, until he has a fantastic, finished result. Today, I would like you to show your picture to an adult at home. Ask them to choose one specific area that you could improve on, and ask them to give you clear advice of how to improve it. You may need to show them the original picture also, so they can compare yours with it. After being given the specific advice, I would like you to create another picture of the same animal, and compare the improvement with yesterday’s version. Feel free to upload both comparison pictures on Tapestry, or send them in via email, so that I can begin to see your progress 😀 

Have a fantastic day all,

Mrs Taylor 

Look What I Found In My Garden…

I hope that you had a go at some estimation and counting. Over on Tapestry is a suggestion to turn this into a competition. Have a go with the family.

Keep reading and writing he,she,me ,we,and be. Stick them on the fridge!

There is a new set of handwriting with capitals and lower case letters and the link to one of our favourite videos-Boom Shake the Alphabet

Its great for revision and for capital letters. We usually dance to this before lunchtime.

A funny thing happened when I went out in the garden. I found a pot of magic beans and some other very interesting items.

Take a look on Tapestry for a video of what I found.

Let me know who you think left the shoes.

I’ve written a little story starter for you and set out some Jenga words. Use your phonics and you can read it by yourself. You might fancy a bit of writing too.


Together, we can change the world

We know that the last few weeks have been strange for everyone.

We are missing you all, so wanted to share some familiar faces with a familiar song for you to enjoy.

In the video, you may also recognise some artwork created by our children. We thought this needed sharing too. 

Thank you to our wonderful staff for getting behind the camera. I can tell you personally, it is not something we all found very natural! A big thank you too to Mrs Walker for putting this together. 

Team Sleights