Friday 15th May 2020

Happy Friday Discoverers, 

I hope you’ve had a fun week, and are ready for the weekend. Do you have anything planned?

Today in English, we are going to focus on performance. I know that you have worked very hard creating your poems, and sometimes, only the author knows how they should be read. It would be great if today you could perform your poem to your household. Why don’t you go to the place that you were inspired? Or read it before bedtime tonight? You could even set up a stage in your home, and gather your audience. 

Wherever you perform, it would be brilliant if you could focus on the rhythm of the poem, and think about your tone as you read. Some parts of the poem you may want to speak low, and others may be more high. You might want to slow down at points, or speed up even. Lastly, think about if you would like to add any actions within your performance. Take a look at Michael Rosen when he performs: he uses his hands and mouth mainly, and captures your attention. 

Enjoy your time to shine, you’ve earned it!

In maths yesterday, you were finding fractions of amounts. These were called unit fractions, because the numerator (number on the top of the fraction) was always one. 

Today, I am setting you a challenge to find non-unit fractions. This is where the numerator is more than one. 

Just like yesterday, I have given you an example of how to do the working out, and I have given you the answer for the first question. There is an additional step within the working out, compared to yesterday. 

Look carefully at the different steps and take your time. I know you can do it 😀

Who’s up for the challenge?

You have worked very hard in science this week, and have created different food chains, as well as learning new vocabulary. 

Today, I have found a fantastic game for you online. You need to firstly identify all living things, and then arrange them in to a food chain, and finally, arrange them within a key (we looked at keys in class, using liquorice all sorts).

Have fun with this game and see how many answers you can answer correctly. 

Have a fabulous weekend, 

Mrs Taylor 

It’s Friday and I Need Your Help!

This one was very popular with addition so try it now with subtraction.
Can you mark,correct and finish my calculations please?
Can you show me why some of these are not correct?
Remember to practice your number formation and maybe do a bit of estimating. Don’t get rusty now!

Take a look ar this maths link for some simple games. Try Two digit number labelling for a bit of a challenge and Subtraction to support subtraction!
Happy Counting

I have tried and I have tried but I really cannot get it right. I wanted to build a great catapult to help my Lego friends but it just didnt work.
Perhaps you can help.
Can you build a catapult to fire a lego person up into the tree to do the rescue?
Show me how!
Happy Learning

Stuck is one of my all time favourite stories.
I have started the story map but I need you to finish it for me.
There are too many things stuck in the tree and I simply cannot manage to remember them all!
If you would like to you could draw a story map to help you to retell the story or you could watch my story video with the volume down and retell the story as it goes along.
Have a wonderful day.

Friday 15th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Friday again already – I just don’t know where the week disappears. The weather forecast says we are going back to some warmer weather, so we’ll think about taking learning outside in the sunshine next week. Have a fantastic weekend spending time with your families – stay safe.


Today is the time to put your poem together. Using your ideas from yesterday see how many verses you can put together.

Remember it doesn’t necessarily have to rhyme or have a rhythm but, if you choose to, see if you can follow a pattern.

I can’t wait to read your completed poems.



I thought I’d do some baking, but I need help with the ingredients. Using the given fractions of the items, write the list of how much of the ingredients I will need for my recipe.

1/5 of the eggs

3/10 of the flour

1/4 of the sugar

2/25 of the cocoa

3/8 of the chocolate

1/16 of the margarine

Once you have the ingredients, I have decided to make cakes for all me neighbours and will need to make 3 times the recipe – write a new list to tell me how much of each item I will need.

I Have a Dream – Art

To end our week on dreams, I’d like you to be creative and make a poster based around ‘I have a dream …’, displaying one of your dreams for the future.

Posters should be bold and eye-catching, so think about this in your design.

Good Morning Adventurers – the sun is shining!

I’ve been so excited about poetry week and so have you by the look of all the wonderful rhyming words, ideas and short poems you’ve been sharing with me on Tapestry.

I can’t wait to see and hear the end results!

Here are today’s activities if you wish to give them a try. (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Yy’

English – For shared reading I’ve included two poems to read together ‘Awkward Child’ and ‘A Boy Went Walking’. I hope you enjoy them! I’ve also posted a short video of myself reading the beginning of ‘Under the Love Umbrella’ to help you write the beginning of your poem. I’ve included a photo of my poem so far.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3. Then tackle questions on fractions of an amount. (watch my video for practical help)

Don’t forget French Thursday!

Please could I do a last request for ‘Hello’ videos or photos, from all our class, before Monday.

Thank you and enjoy your day.

Mrs Roe



Thursday 14th May 2020

Hello Discoverers,

Thank you for showing me your poem starters yesterday, they are sounding amazing. I can’t wait to see the finished results.

Today, in English, I would love you to finish writing your poem. There are no rules: it can rhyme or not rhyme, it can be as long or as short as you want, and it can have a silly twist. Poems usually include lots of description. Think about the adjectives, similes and metaphors that you used within your setting description, and try to think of some that will fit into your poem. 

Also, if you looked at the link earlier in the week, it talks about the use of repetition in a poem, see if you can repeat a line, or a verse, to make it catchy and memorable. 

Here is the link for Michael Rosen’s youtube channel, I know that you loved his ‘Chocolate Cake’ poem, so thought you might like to see more.

I have also included this example for you, to show that a poem can be written however you want, and decorated how you want. 

Most importantly, have fun writing it!


Here are your answers for yesterday’s fraction questions. How did you find adding and subtracting fractions? 

Today, we are moving on to looking at: finding fractions of amounts. 

In my example, I have completed the first one for you, to show you how to find the answer. I have then continued to show my working, but not the answer, for the following three questions, and then the remaining four I am hoping you will be able to manage yourself. 

Remember, to find a fraction of an amount, you simply divide the amount by the denominator (number on the bottom of the fraction). 

Have a go, and let me know how you get on. 

In science, we have been looking at food chains. You have watched clips about different food chains, and yesterday focused on a farm. Today, I would like you to consider a food chain that may be occurring in your garden, or your nearby grassy-area. Which food chain may be there? 

Spend some time outdoors, observing the producers (plants) and consumers (animals) that you may see. The predators may not be in sight, as they like to catch the consumers off guard. You may be able to think about which animal might like to eat the consumer, without seeing them. 

You can write names, or draw your food chain. 

Here are some examples for you:

Have a wonderful day,

Mrs Taylor 

Hello Learners – Thursday 14th May

Good morning everyone,


I hope you are all ok. The sun is shining today!

Todays suggested learning on Tapestry today is as follows;-

In Maths, we will be finding a quarter of a number today. Using the same activity as Monday we will split the objects into 4 equal groups today!

In English, we will used the colour information we gathered yesterday to write a colour acrostic poem. There are easier and harder options to try! Don’t rush this is will take some thought!

In phonics today we will look at the split diagraph o-e, as in the words home, nose and cone.

Let’s do some PE today as the sun is shining! Let’s practise our throwing and catching skills! You can use a ball, an apple, a teddy or a rolled up pair of socks! There are some video clips to practise throwing techniques or just to play some fun games! Enjoy!

It is lovely to hear from you whether you are doing these activities or creating your own!

Please keep in touch! (keep smiling)

Best wishes, 

Mrs Brown


Can You Save Floyd,the Fireman and the Rhinocerous from the tree?

All the things are stuck in the tree and they need to get down.
We’ve tried a rocket.
We’ve tried a zip wire.
Now let’s try a parachute.
I have collected some materials to make a parachute. Which one will work best?
Try different material and different shapes and sizes. Can you save Floyd,the firemen,the rhinoceros and Mitch,his cat ?


Here is a little game to play with a number line,a dice and some magic beans.
We started with 6 beans. Roll the dice and give away the correct number of beans.
The winner is the person who gets rid of all of their beans.
You could just play or you could talk about each calculation.You could write down each subtraction !
That’s up to you and your Pioneer.
We just had fun and the counting just happens.

Here is the link to a Numberblocks episode about bigger numbers.
Its a good one.
And here is a number square game that you might like to play when it is quiet and it is snowing and hailing:

And a great song,

Happy Counting

That’s Maths Magic

Here is your new reading book.
Over the next few days I will add links to help you focus on ee and oo.
The most important thing is to enjoy reading together so get comfy and have a nice time.

Pop over to Tapestry to see the videos and more photographs to help you.

Happy Learning

Thursday 13th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

What a high scoring game last night – I think I’ll need to make things harder!

Today, I’d like to encourage you to take part in the activities and get members of your household involved too – maths can be a multi-player game and I’m sure you will welcome the extra eyes spotting the colours for your rainbow. Many eyes make light work.


We are going to have a go at writing out own poem using Paul Cookson’s as a base. We are going to ‘magpie’ the line ‘Let no one steal your dreams…’

Today I want you to make a list or mind map of all the dreams that you have (I know that some of you have already been thinking about this). They can be as small or as big as you like e.g. getting muddy playing football with friends to living in a castle.

You could then start to think about how you want to group your ideas together to make verses for your poem. It does not have to rhyme – remember you can also use syllables, assonance and consonance to give your writing rhythm



Using your knowledge from yesterday have a go at the memory game to match the fractions, decimals and percentages.

There are lots of levels to choose from and you can even play against someone in your family if you would like, choose the number of players at the bottom of the yellow score box.

Rainbows – Art/ICT

It’s Thursday again and I’m sure many of you will be out clapping for key workers this evening. Lots of people have been painting and drawing rainbows and this has become quite a symbol in lots of windows. I’d like you to use this theme today and, when you are out on your daily exercise, take something with you to take pictures. See if you can spot all the colours of the rainbow and put them together to make a rainbow picture. Have a look at the example.

I am also going to see how many I can spot on my walk with Rolo and let’s see how many of us manage to get a complete rainbow.

Happy hunting.

Good Morning Adventurers – Welcome to Wednesday!

Keep up the great work everybody! I just love seeing it all on Tapestry.

We had some wonderful leaf art and poetry yesterday. Great fraction work too!

Today I’ve got lots of exciting things for you to try and a new book to share with you called ‘Under the Love Umbrella’ by Davina Bell.

Mrs Burton has also posted a super DT project on Tapestry which will keep you very busy!

Here are today’s activities: (more information on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Pp’

English – join me and listen to our new story then we will start writing ideas for our poem based on this book.

Maths – Key Skills for Year and Year 3 then non-unit fraction work and a problem to solve!

Art – let’s create some more leaf art pictures. See how imaginative you can be!

I hope you enjoy trying some of these activities and have a lovely day.

Mrs Roe

It’s Wednesday – 13th May

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are al ok today!

Today’s suggested learning – details on tapestry – is as follows:-

In Maths today, we are are going to test our skills of how well we can spot a half! We should be experts by now! Remember a shape needs 2 EQUAL parts to be in half!

In English, we are collecting some colour information, in order to write our Acrostic Colour Poems tomorrow! I think you will enjoy this task today!

In Phonics, we will carry on with split diagraphs and focus on the i-e sound – there’s a fun sound spotting activity to do!

Last week in Geography, we researched continents and found out all about them. Today, we will investigate oceans – see if you can answer Mrs Brown’s questions about oceans today!

I think the weather is set to improve soon and the warm sun will return! 

In the meantime, keep busy and keep being kind to each other and keep smiling 🙂

I am missing you all,

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown