It’s Wednesday – 13th May

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are al ok today!

Today’s suggested learning – details on tapestry – is as follows:-

In Maths today, we are are going to test our skills of how well we can spot a half! We should be experts by now! Remember a shape needs 2 EQUAL parts to be in half!

In English, we are collecting some colour information, in order to write our Acrostic Colour Poems tomorrow! I think you will enjoy this task today!

In Phonics, we will carry on with split diagraphs and focus on the i-e sound – there’s a fun sound spotting activity to do!

Last week in Geography, we researched continents and found out all about them. Today, we will investigate oceans – see if you can answer Mrs Brown’s questions about oceans today!

I think the weather is set to improve soon and the warm sun will return! 

In the meantime, keep busy and keep being kind to each other and keep smiling 🙂

I am missing you all,

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown