Learners Class

Welcome to Learners' class page!

Learners Class currently includes Year 1 and Year 2, where the children are between the ages of 5 years to 7 years old. The class is taught by Mrs Brown and is supported by Mrs Gurney and Mrs Creek.

We teach Maths and English daily and are proud to provide our full and rich curriculum to our children with lots of exciting learning opportunities, including regular visits to our own school forest. We enjoy Collective Worship together each day, where we explore different values each half term. This half term our value is Truthfulness.

Each Thursday afternoon, we have IT lessons run by Mrs Gurney, providing us with valuable learning around technology. 

This term we will have PE sessions on Wednesday afternoon led by Hawkes Sports coaches. On Tuesday afternoons we will have dance sessions with Hannah Verity Dance. Please make sure your Learner always has a PE kit in school and that earrings are taken out at home in the morning before school.

Learners Class are passionate about reading and enjoy stories and books together daily. Each child has their own reading record diary, which goes between home and school alongside each child's reading book. These are used to record reading at home and are also brought in to school each day to record reading in class. Class reading books are changed regularly throughout the week.

Alongside reading at home, spellings are handed out on Thursday and tested the following Tuesday. Please support your child's reading at home by sharing and enjoying a book together each day - it really does make a difference! Children use the online tool 'Sumdog' to strengthen their Maths skills. On the programme, children have their own character and are rewarded with coins and prizes for completing homework tasks.

For more up-to-date information of what we are learning, please keep an eye on our weekly class blog! 

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

Goodbye, Mrs Vicar!

On 23rd September, the whole school gathered in St. John’s Church to say goodbye to Mrs Vicar (Reverend Veronica Carolan). Reverend Veronica begins her retirement after many years of faithful service and the school was so pleased to be able to mark this special occasion. The school shared songs, poems, readings and their heartfelt thoughts on Mrs Vicar. See the gallery for a snapshot of the service.

Leaders Leading Learning

Wow Leaders, what a start!  During PE this week Leaders have been using their skills to set up a range of activities for Learners to take part in.  The children devised and set up all the activities to practice basic skills before leading small groups of Learners through it, supporting and encouraging them along the way.  

Mrs Walker and Mrs Brown witnessed some fantastic teamwork and leadership skills in Leaders and some fantastic feedback from Learners about their favourite activities.  Well done everyone!

Who’s That Trip Trapping Over My Bridge?

As well as wolves,Trolls have held the attention of the Pioneers. We have been dressing up,making bridges and investigating food chains. Goats eat grass. Trolls eat goats. They also mixed paint and painted themselves as Trolls. We told the story,acted it out then wrote our own versions. We wrote descriptions of Trolls too.

The role play was exquisite with some turning into trolls when they put on the suit and the hat. 

A Request from the Wolf

Each child received a letter from the wolf. It was a request for help. After reading The Last Wolf by Mini Grey we found out that habitats and food chains are precious and need to be looked after. Every species is vital and we can play a part in looking after our planet. 

The wolf asked us to feed the birds,pick up litter and to plant more trees. He left us a parcel of conkers along with the letters.

One child suggested that we reply to the wolf and when these letters were written my heart was so big I thought that it might burst. The letters were so wonderful and I hope that the Pioneers will look after their trees and plant some seeds this summer.

The wolf has inspired us to make footprints in sand,to build dens in the forest and in the classroom,to learn about food chains and animal classification. We now know that wolves do not have feathers.

His final message is,”Please look after our planet.”

Very Happy Learning