Daily Update 25th March 2020

Good Morning Happy People and thank you for all of your fantastic photographs. It is wonderful to see you all. The sun is shining again so its another wonderful day to get outside and play.


At this page,you will find a beautiful range of great things to try out from painting with flowers to making a band from your kitchen equipment. This is fun for all the family.

If you are on Facebook,search for Maria’s Mini Movers. Maria is an ex-pupil from Sleights C of E School and is now a Professional dancer. She is doing a free dance lesson three times a week and the video will remain on her page.


I will have Tapestry open all day so semd me a message and let me know if I can help.

Mrs Brown’s story was an epic last night so look out for another today.

Happy Learning

Mrs Hann

Keeping Busy at Home

Hi Discoverers, 

I hope you are keeping busy at home, with some fun things to do. 

I have put lots of wool in the chest, which is outside of the school entrance. Please help yourself to this, baring in mind that others may want some too. With this wool you can make pom poms: you can make animals out of them, or decorate the rooms in your house. I have found the video below which should help you:

 There are also plenty of other things in the chest, such as skipping ropes, so that you can keep busy outside, and lots of material if you would like to make dens, or make things out of it. 

There continues to be plenty of pictures to colour in, and lots of different pens to use. 

Here is the link to Joe Wicks’ PE, if you would like to complete this at home:

I will keep in touch with you through this blog,  speak soon, Mrs taylor.



Tuesday 24th March 2020

Morning Leaders

I hope lots of you joined me with Joe Wicks this morning – 20 different exercises in 20 minutes – well done everyone!  My personal favourite was the ice skater.  Same time tomorrow if you didn’t manage to join us today.

You will probably have heard that we now have at least 3 weeks in our homes – in those 3 weeks I would like you all to set yourself a challenge.  You all know that I showed you a ukulele in the class a little while ago with the promise that I was going to teach myself so we can learn as a class together.  That is going to be my challenge over the next 3 weeks.  Your challenge could be anything from learning something new to completing something every day for those 3 weeks.

I will be in touch with your families over the course of the week and would love to find out what your challenges are.


Good Morning!

Hello Everyone,

I realise how hard it must be to balance jobs with home schooling support and I would like to offer some ‘Top Tips’ for getting home schooling off to a positive start.

I feel it is important to maintain a routine to provide structure to children’s days as we would in school.

I hope these tips may help:

  • Discuss the routine or timetable for the day – just as we would in school.
  • Have a dedicated work space/schoolroom.
  • work in short bursts of 30 to 40 minutes with regular breaks for exercise or fresh air in the garden.
  • mix up the lessons – with maths, reading, writing and spellings but also sport, music, art and crafts.

Please don’t panic or worry, this won’t be easy for anyone and there is no rulebook on this! We all learn as we go along.


I also thought it might be nice to complete a weather chart everyday with pictures and some writing. 

Start saving some recycling waste for junk modelling at a later date.

I’m looking forward to catching up with you all by phone during the week.

Take care and I’m thinking about you all.

Mrs Roe

Happy Tuesday!

Good morning everyone!

The sun is shining today, which is lovely!

Tapestry is up and running for Learners Class. Some of you have already been adding photos and videos or just posting a quick hello! It is a wonderful way of keeping in touch! This morning on Tapestry I have posted a daily timetable that you might want to use or adapt to suit your routine! It is only a suggestion and there to help you if you need it! I know I like a daily routine!

You could create your own timetable and decorate it to make it colourful! 

I will be contacting families through the week by telephone to make sure everyone is ok!

Keep in touch Learners (via Tapestry, the Website or contacting School) and please let me know if there is anything I can help you with and I will do my best to do so!

Keep smiling!

Mrs Brown

March 24th 2020 A Good Day To Dig For Worms

Good Morning Pioneers and Explorers,

I think it would be a good day today to dig for worms. Worms are fascinating and digging for worms is always a popular  Pioneer passtime.  I have posted a link to help you identify the different parts of a worm and the different types of worm. If you find any good ones please send me some pictures on Tapestry. 


With new updates from the government it is essential that we all stay home to stay safe. 

The chest at the front of school will continue to be filled and is a wonderful resource for us.

Happy Learning

Team Sleights

Happy Monday, Discoverers!

Hello, Discoverers. I am missing you at school, but pleased that you are all keeping safe at home. I am working in school with a number of children. We are have been busy making things and will work on the computers this afternoon.

I have heard there is a really fun exercise class each day on YouTube by the Body Coach. Why don’t you have a go at that this week? 

I will ring your families this week to check in on how you all are.

Take care, 

Mrs Taylor 

Good Morning Adventurers

Hello Adventurers and Parents,

I hope you are all well and managing some of the home learning we sent out to you last week as well as having fun with other activities.

We have also created some SumDog challenges for you to try or you can visit some of the links for different learning websites.

We are hoping to contact you all shortly so we can keep in touch.

Take care

Mrs Roe

Good morning Learners!

Good morning Learners…..Mrs Brown here. I hope you are all ok! Make sure you use your Home Learning Pack to keep busy and check the links on the Home page. I will be checking on you all regularly so you can keep in touch with me and let me know how you are. Keep smiling….. from Mrs Brown.

Daily Update-23rd March 2020

Good Morning All,

We hope that you are all well. Thank you to everyone who has made contact with school today. In a strange turn of events,the school has no internet at the moment so if you have any needs please contact Mr Grason using the school telephone number or those of you who have Tapestry can send a message that way.

Class Teachers will continue to update the blog.

Team Sleights.