Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good morning Discoverers,

I have been so excited for you to write you stories in English, after hearing about and reading some of your plans. I love how you have put your own twist on the plot! Enough of the planning now though, we are ready to write. Today I would like you to write your first paragraph. The opening paragraph to your story includes lots of description about the setting: it’s where you want to draw the reader in, and capture their attention. I have included an example of my opening paragraph, but also a copy of the complete story. I would usually share the WAGOLL at the beginning of our new topic, so I wanted to do this today to give you an idea of what your story could look like. 

In maths today, I would like you to analyse the data from your completed table. Can you answer the following questions: Who in your family, has the best memory? Who has the worst memory? Are there any patterns linked with age and memory? Are there any patterns linked with gender and memory? My results showed that the older the person, the better their memory. In order to analyse your data, it may be useful to create a graph. I would like you to create a bar graph, to represent each person’s results at 10 seconds, 20 seconds and 30 seconds, like I have shown you below:

Today will be the last day that you will create another drawing for your animal. I am so impressed with the perseverance you have shown in art this week. You have proved that you are able to take constructive advice, and use it to help you make progress, and that is exactly what I have seen so far. So for the last time, I would like you to once again, speak with a family member and ask them to give you some clear, and specific advice about how you can improve your animal drawing. Then, create you final drawing, making it the best yet. Afterwards, take a look at all four pictures, and be proud of the improvements you have made 😀 

Speak soon,

Mrs taylor 

Happy Stuff for Pioneers-Thursday

Welcome to Thursday.

Have a wonderful day and play,play,play. Here are some suggestions for things to do today:


Ooops! Mrs Hann Got It Wrong

Take a look at the photographs. Each one has an error,a mistake. Maybe I counted without checking. Take a close look. Can you spot what is wrong?
Make up some sums with a grown up. Get them to check them. Can they spot any errors?
Get a grown up to make some for you too. Send some to your granny.Can she spot mistakes?
Send me your pictures and I will see if I can spot the mistakes.
Happy Counting
Remember to check


I have done a little video to support you with capitals and lower case letter formation. Today I have done s,e,and t.

All writing is good writing.

Story Time

I had a special request from Miley to read Supertato so the video is there for you all. If you have any requests for story time please,please,please let me know. I love reading stories for you all.



Here is the next exciting part of our story Jack and the Beanstalk. I love drawing story maps and telling stories.

Here is an idea…tell me what you think…Don’t do any writing….Tell the story
Get a grown up to watch while you use my storymap to tell the story.
How does that sound?
Or just watch our silliiness and enjoy the drama
Happy Stories Y’all

Hello Learners – Wednesday 22nd April

Hello Everyone.

We are being so lucky with the weather right now. Long may it last!

Todays suggested learning (more details on Tapestry) is as follows;-

In maths, we are going to create a pictogram from the information we collected yesterday. This is quite a skill so be really proud of yourself if you manage it! I have provided lots of examples to help you!

In English, there is a delightful audio clip of some beach sounds. Close your eyes and imagine you are there.  What can you hear? How does it make you feel?

Geography today, this will help us with our story. Where will our magic bubble take us? to a different country perhaps? Can you name 4 countries in the World and find out a little bit about each one? What is the weather like there? What foods to they eat? Are there any famous landmarks (ie the Eiffel Tower is in France) 

Please remember these are only suggestions to be enjoyed if you would like to use them.

Don’t forget to send you video ‘hello’ messages in by the end of Thursday. I will put them together and send them out to you on Friday! I think this will be lovely!

Stay happy whatever you do today!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Wednesday 22nd April 2020


Good morning all, 

Thank you for showing me your wonderful work yesterday, it looks like you’re having fun creating it, which is great!

Today in English, I would like you to create a plan for your opening paragraphs. These early paragraphs in your story, capture the setting and the character mainly, so it helps to have thought about how you would describe the two. I would like you to write down everything that you can think of, that would describe the setting (where the story is based). And then do the same for your character. Here is an example of mine:

In maths, today I would like you to complete the challenge, that will allow you to gather the information you need to complete the table that you created yesterday. You will need to lay out the fifteen items that you gathered on Monday, and cover them with a cloth/ towel. Then, individually call your family members in to the room. They need to complete the challenge separately, so that they don’t have extra time looking at the objects. You will need a timer for the next part. Show the items to each member of your family for 10 seconds, and then cover them up again, then ask them to name the items that they can remember. Next, add up a total and record it in the 10 second box, next to their name. Then show them the items for another 10 seconds (20 seconds in total), and record how many they remembered after this time, and then complete the same for another 10 seconds (30 seconds in total). Complete this challenge for each person in your home. I have included my example below:

In art, today I would like you to have another go at drawing your animal, but after receiving even more feedback from an adult at home. Like you did yesterday, I would like you to ask them to compare your drawing with the original picture, and ask them if they can give you some very clear, specific advice or how you could improve this. Then draw your animal again, after taking on board their advice, and compare all three pictures. Is your drawing improving, like Austin’s?


Mrs Taylor

Happy Tuesday – 21st April

Good morning everyone!

The sun is shining today, what a bonus!

Todays activities are ;- (more information on Tapestry)

  • English – We are going to describe some characters today. Firstly, using Gabby from the ‘Bubbles’ video clip yesterday, then make up your own character for your story this week and describe them too! What do they look like? What sort of person are they? shy? noisy? adventurous? curios?
  • Phonics – todays sound is the ‘ea’ sound – see Tapestry for a fun sorting activity!
  • Maths – On your daily walk today, we are going to collect some information data! Choose four things you can look out for ie Flower colours red, pink, orange, yellow. How many of each can you see?
  • Music – Grab a pan and a wooden spoon – lets make a rhythm using different beats!

Please remember to read a little everyday! This is THE most important thing!

I did speak to some families yesterday (which was lovely). I will catch up with more families today!

Keep me posted with whatever you’re doing!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Hello everybody,

I was so proud of the work that you showed me yesterday on Tapestry, thank you for that 😀 And thank you to those of who who are taking part in these tasks. 

In English today, you are going to move on to writing a plan for your story. Yesterday, you decided which animal your character would live upon, now today you can use the video ‘Adrift’ to help you plan you story’s beginning, middle and end. Below, I have uploaded my plan for you, and you can write yours similar to mine, or change as many aspects as you would like. For example, you may decided that upon your animal, you live in a tent rather than a house.

In maths, yesterday you gathered 15 objects, in order to help you test the memory of your family. Today, you are going to create a table to record your results. The table should have space for each member of your family, and for each of their results after 10 seconds, 20 seconds and 20 seconds. I have created an example for you. You can use the same table, but change the names to match who lives at home with you. 

In art, you have already drawn a picture of your chosen animal, and you have watched the video of ‘Austin’s Butterfly’.

 In this video you can see how Austin manages to improve his picture everyday, until he has a fantastic, finished result. Today, I would like you to show your picture to an adult at home. Ask them to choose one specific area that you could improve on, and ask them to give you clear advice of how to improve it. You may need to show them the original picture also, so they can compare yours with it. After being given the specific advice, I would like you to create another picture of the same animal, and compare the improvement with yesterday’s version. Feel free to upload both comparison pictures on Tapestry, or send them in via email, so that I can begin to see your progress 😀 

Have a fantastic day all,

Mrs Taylor 

Together, we can change the world

We know that the last few weeks have been strange for everyone.

We are missing you all, so wanted to share some familiar faces with a familiar song for you to enjoy.

In the video, you may also recognise some artwork created by our children. We thought this needed sharing too. 

Thank you to our wonderful staff for getting behind the camera. I can tell you personally, it is not something we all found very natural! A big thank you too to Mrs Walker for putting this together. 

Team Sleights

Monday 20th April – Home Learning

Good morning Learners Class and families. I hope you had a happy Easter and stayed well and safe!

I have put some suggested tasks on Tapestry this morning.

In English we will be writing a story this week and there is a delightful story called ‘Bubbles’ to watch today!

In maths I thought we would practise some Key Skills (like we do in class every day).

There’s some fun phonics with Mr Thorne and Geraldine – always a winner with Learners Class.

Finally, some PE! Just Jump! – see Tapestry for further fun details!

I will be ringing all families in the next couple of days, so please have a think if there’s anything in particular I can help you with and I’ll do my best to provide it!

New Sumdog challenges have been set today – which I know you all enjoy!

Most importantly keep being happy and kind to each other and of course keep smiling 🙂

I am missing you all!

Mrs Brown

Ps look out for tonight’s bedtime story at 6pm


Monday 20th April 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

As I have managed to tell many of you over the telephone, I will be uploading new work, daily. Every week day you will receive a small activity, which will help you to complete a whole task by Friday. I will give you work for maths, English and in a foundation subject. Feel free to take part in as much of the work as you would like, and remember, you can also complete your own tasks, or work that has previously been given. I will try to give examples to help you, and if you need any further assistance, please get in touch.

In English this week, we will aim to write a story. Our story will be based on a short film called ‘Adrift’. Today, I would like you to watch the short film, and decide: If your character had to live on an animal, which animal would it be? Create a map of all the reasons why it would be good to live on this animal. Below I have included the film, for you to watch, and my map. I have chosen for my character to live on a leopard.


In maths this week, we are going to be completing challenges, to test the memory of everybody who lives in your household. We will do this by showing them a collection of 15 objects, and checking how many they can remember after different amounts of time. So for today, find 15 small objects that nobody will need to use over this week, and put them in a bag. However, you mustn’t let anybody in your home see them, as they may remember the items when it comes to the challenge. 

The foundation subject that we will focus on this week is art. By the end of the week, you will have created a fantastic picture of the animal, which your character will live upon, in your English story. For today, I would like you to watch the film below, called Austin’s Butterfly. Throughout the week, we will complete the same process as Austin. This will challenge your perseverance, but I know that by Friday, you will be so proud to compare your drawings, and it will be well worth your determination.  Today, use books and/or the internet to help you find a picture of the animal which you will draw. Try to save or print this picture so that you can use it throughout the week.

I am excited to work with you this week, completing the tasks I have set. Have fun.

Mrs Taylor 

Caterpillar Shoes and Funny Feet

Friday’s ideas are all about feet and they are fantastic.

Feet are great for counting in 1’s,2’s 5’s and 10’s.

Hop and Jump.

Feet are great for measuring

Compare your feet with your family.

Find something longer than your foot.  Find something shorter than your foot. Can yu find something the same length as your foot?

Get some paper and draw around your foot. Cut it out and use it to measure things.

Take a look at this beautiful little film.


Ask some foot questions:

How many shoes does a woodlouse need? What about a spider? Does a snail need shoes? What kind of shoes would a beetle like?


Take a look at this website for some wonderful animal feet.

Go outside with a basin of water. Get your feet wet and make patterns with your prints.

Pop over to Tapestry to see my videos for today.

Happy Learning

Team Sleights