Happy Holiday Pet Show

Now we all love having a pet.
Perhaps you have a dog. Maybe you have a cat or a hamster. It is possible that you may have a horse or some chickens.
Worms make great pets and I know that lots of you just adore woodlice. Tigers and alligators are tricky to keep as pets and prefer to be in the wild
Some of these can be difficult to handle and you may prefer an imaginary pet, a toy or a brother or sister.

Your mission for the holidays,should you choose to accept it is to hold a pretend Pet Show. Team Sleights will be doing this at home too.
Here are a few ideas:
Make a poster to advertise when and where your Pet Show will take place.

Plan the categories for your show. Here are some ideas:

Pet with the smiliest face
Pet most like its owner
Pet with the waggiest tail
Agility Course/obstacle course

Best Trick
Best dancer
Best singer
Best fancy dress
These are just ideas. As always your ideas are the best.

Make rosettes or medals as awards for pets and handlers.

Someone with a clipboard will need to be the judge.

Try out an app called Piccollage if you haven’t used it before. It lets you collect and arrange photographs and text.
It’s fun for making posters.It’s free.


You could also make a model of your pet from cardboard tubes,fabric and bits.

We would absolutely love to see photographs and video of your Holiday Pet Show.

Pop over to Tapestry to see some videos and photographs for ideas 

Happy Learning


Thursday 3rd April 2020

Good morning Leaders and Discoverers

We have been so impressed with all the things you have been doing with your families this week so, once you have finished off any activities that need completing, we are asking everyone in the school to have a go at telling and writing stories.

Have a look at Mrs Hann’s video of her story cubes and then have a go at telling a story using the cubes to help you. You might want to make up a story to tell to someone else in your family using the cubes and then ask them to tell a story using the cubes too. You will be surprised how many different stories you could make using the same cubes.

If you would like to share your stories with us that would be brilliant; you could video your story telling or write your story, if you wish, and upload it to Tapestry. Can’t wait to see them.

Happy story telling!

Mrs Walker and Mrs Taylor

Thursday 2nd April 2020

I’m so pleased to see you’re beginning to share exciting things on Tapestry.  I’d like to set a challenge for anyone who has not yet posted to have a go today.    This could be a message, a photo, a video or even just a reply to this message.  Let’s see if we can get everyone involved. If you haven’t yet signed up please send an e-mail to Mr Grason to join.
English – you should have given someone your instructions to try yesterday.  Did they work?  Had you missed anything out?  I would like you to use today to make any changes that you may have needed and check that your steps all include imperative verbs.
Maths – as the weather is nice again today, we are going to mix our time and science together.  I’d like you to all go out for a walk today and measure your heart rate every 4 minutes (you might need to take a paper and pencil to record your results) for the duration of your walk.  Once you have returned home, use your results to produce a line graph recording your results.
Topic – if you have collected some resources, have a go at making your Victorian light from your design.
Get our for some fresh air and I look forward to seeing your results.
Happy recording.
Mrs Walker

Thursday 2nd April 2020

Good morning Discoverers,

After completing your bar chart yesterday, today I would like you to start a new task, related to time and statistics. I would love you to create an obstacle course for you and your family. It can be as long or as short as you like, and you will need to time everybody’s performance. Record names and timings within a table as we will use this information tomorrow. 

Now that you have created your meal or snack for your family, I would like you to finalise your instructions. Yesterday, you were able to determine if any changes needed to be made to your original writing. Today, I would like you to make the changes that are needed, and then write up your finalised set of instructions. I would love to see the results on Tapestry, so that I can try out your instructions for myself. 

You have now finished writing your clues for your treasure hunt. Today, place the clues in your hiding places and hand the first one to your family. Watch them try to find the treasure, and check out if they manage to get the clues quickly, or if they struggle because you’ve been so cryptic. 

Good luck,

Mrs Taylor 


Thursday 2nd April

Good morning Learners and good morning Adventurers!

It is Thursday (already!) we hope you are all well and happy this morning!

We have decided to team up today in some activities with a common theme……RAINBOWS.

Here are some suggested activities for you today (See Tapestry for further details).

  • Maths/colour – Go on a colour hunt around your home and garden. Can you find some objects that match the colours in Mrs   Brown’s song?
  • Draw a beautiful rainbow in your purple book. Tell and write a story about a magic rainbow or make a list of the colours you have used.
  • Phonics (Learners Class) – sound buttons today. Keep practising!
  • Music – A new song to learn – I Can Sing a Rainbow. Will anyone be able to sing it back to us on Tapestry?
  • Also, as we didn’t make it on our trip Ryedale Folk Museum have sent us an exciting link to A Museum From Home. Check it out, here’s the link  https://www.ryedalefolkmuseum.co.uk/museumfromhome/

Keep us posted whatever you’re doing today and look out for rainbows!

Mrs Roe and Mrs Brown


Good Morning to you all.

Here is your maths mission for today should you choose to accept it.

Look carefully at each ladybird.

Count the spots on one side.

Count the spots on the other side.

Write a number sentence using +and =

Ask yourself some maths questions,” I wonder…

Which Ladybird has the most spots?

Which Ladybird has the smallest number of spots?

What if….

I add one more?

I take one spot away?

Draw your own Ladybirds with 10 spots,7 spots or 5 spots.

As always,send me your pictures or videos. I love to log on and see them

Happy Maths

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Good morning Leaders

April already – where did March go? 

It’s fantastic to see you are beginning to upload things to Tapestry, having a go at your challenges.  It will be a great way to see your progress.  If you haven’t decided on your challenge or I haven’t yet collected your ideas, don’t worry I will be collecting all of them when I speak to your families (or you can post on Tapestry and tell me too!) and then we can put together a list so you call all see what people are doing.  I love the ideas I have been collecting so far.

English – It’s time to test those instructions, either try them out yourself or give them to someone else in the family to have a go at – remember to follow the instructions exactly to see if they work.

Maths – Continuing our work on time here are two links to time games that you might want to have a look at.



Topic – Have a look at this short video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLce9i2Ci5wand make a list of the similarities and differences between a mosque and our local church in Sleights.

Happy April everyone.

Mrs Walker



Wednesday 1st April

Good Morning, Welcome to a new month!

It’s been lovely to see all the wonderful activities you are doing at home and for us to be able to talk about them on Tapestry.

We have a new classroom Adventurers!

Are you ready for three new tasks? If you would like to give them a try, here they are:

Maths – as it’s the 1st April today I thought it would be nice to create our own calendar and mark on some special events for this month.

English – Exciting news! Try out your treasure trail with your families today then write a set of instructions so they can make you a treasure trail to follow.

Science – as we are surrounded by all the lovely features of springtime I thought a spring scavenger hunt would be good fun.

You will find more details about these activities on Tapestry and I hope you have a super day whatever you do.

Take care

Mrs Roe

Hello Learners and hello April!

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and happy!

I was so impressed with the caves you made for you bears yesterday. Your bears looked so cosy inside!

Here are some suggested activities to try today (See Tapestry for further information on each one).

  •  Still thinking about ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’, can you write some instructions of how to get to the bears cave. Start your sentences with words like First, Next, After that……
  •  There is a fun maths/memory game to try! We loved this in my house yesterday!
  •  Phonics – Eva spotted the split diagraph a-e sound on her walk yesterday (clever girl Eva) it was in the word Iburndale and again in Lane. Can you spot some more today. (see document on Tapestry).
  •  History – We are loving learning about Victorians in our class, today can you draw, paint or even build a Victorian house.

Keep smiling whatever you’re doing today and keep me posted as always!

(See you at Storytime at 6pm) Mrs Brown