Monday 27th April 2020

Hello Monday!

Yet another lovely weekend. I hope you all spent lots of time outside in the sunshine with your families. We are going to carry on with our theme of doors in English; by the end of the week we will have written a story.


Today, read the extract from the Snow-Walker’s Son. Catherine Fisher uses the pattern of three actions in a sentence to advance the action and inject a sense of pace into her writing. This helps to balance description, action and dialogue. e.g.

  • The keeper hung his lantern on a nail, took the key from a dirty string around his neck, and fitted it into the keyhole.
  • With both hands he turned the key, then tugged out the red chain in a shower of rust and pushed the door.  
  • He stepped well back, handed the stranger the lantern, and jerked his head.  

Can you come up with three of your own sentences using this skill?


This week we are going to be looking at the four operations. Today we will start with addition – decimals. Remember to make sure that your numbers are in the right place value columns before you start to add them.

R.E. Islam

As we have been looking at Islam, I would like you to investigate Ramadan. You can find lots of information if you follow the link.

Why is Ramadan going to be celebrated differently this year? How are Muslims going to follow this festival?

Monday 27th April 2020

Happy Monday Discoverers, 
I hope that you had a lovely weekend, in the beautiful sunshine.
In English this week, we are continuing to write our ‘Adrfit’ story. You previously wrote your second paragraph, which focused on describing your character. Now, you are going to move on to writing the third paragraph. This paragraph is where you begin to introduce the problem to the reader. My paragraph touches upon Jane being lonely, and wanting a companion. It comes before the paragraph where we give the character, and the reader hope, that the eagle is visiting with good news. 
This week in maths, we are going to focus on the four main operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I have created eight questions for you, each of which require you to use formal written methods. I have wrote the questions in the format of the written methods, so if you simply copy them into your maths books, you should be able to work them out as they are. This is similar to what we do during our 10 in 10, at the beginning of each maths session. I will upload the answers here tomorrow, when I give you your next set of questions. 
For our foundation subject this week, we are going to focus on Geography. I want us to think about the village that we live in, Sleights, and consider what we could bring to the village, to improve it. Today though, I want you to simply create a list of everything that Sleights already has. For example: a post office. I have included a picture of my list, but I know that you can think of other things to add to it. 
Have a great day,
Mrs Taylor 

Welcome to a New Week of Wonderful Learning!

Happy New Week,Pioneers!

To start our Maths week,  get counting to 20.

Put the digits in order again. Grown ups could make some mistakes when counting out loud. Pioneers,can you spot them making a mistake?

Get a number sqaure ready. Ask a grown up to say a number and you need to find it on the square. You could use a timer to see how quickly you can do this.

Watch and sing along with this episode of Numberblocks:

Play Race to 20. A video is on Tapestry. Here is what you need to play:


Here are some suggestions for your phonics and reading for the week.

There are documents over on Tapestry that you can dip into daily:sound button words,caption cards and the phonics posters we use in our daily lessons

I will add more words and sentence ideas about Seeds over the course of the week.


Scensational Seeds

Seeds are amazing.

Look for seeds in your food. I took some photographs of my breakfast and found lots

Look for seeds in your garden.

I found some dandelions. They are incredible. Have a look for some. They are magical.

Here is a little video of an dandelion life cycle. It is one of my favourites:

Happy Learning


Take a look at this amazing video. All this is going on in the garden .

Have a wonderful day of learning.


Hello Leaders

I know that lots of you, even though you have enjoyed the time off, are now missing your friends. I know that I am missing see you all. Learners have been taking part in a lovely idea that I would like us to re-create with your help.

I would like everyone to upload, or e-mail in, a video of themselves with a message for the class or even just a simple ‘hello’. I will then put them all together into one and post this for all the class to see.

Happy filming.


That Friday Feeling! – 24th April

Hello everyone!

Todays suggested Home Learning is as follow;- (see Tapestry for more details)

  • Maths – you have done so well with your data handling this week – todays task is to use some Scaled Pictograms to retrieve information. Do not be put off by the word Scaled it simply means that each picture is worth more than one. Have a go and see how you get on – it is a great skill to learn.
  •  English – think of some WOW words today. WOW words make our writing even better! What is the best WOW word you can think of? Use some story books to help you!
  •  Phonics – the ir sound today. Read the real and pseudo (alien) words – we love to do this in class!
  •  Art – Bubble Art – We have been thinking about bubbles in our story this week, so today sketch them, draw them, paint them even make them! have some fun with this.

I have received a lot of video messages to say ‘hello’ to each other – thank you so much! I will send these out at 12pm today on Tapestry – I can’t wait! Please remember to respect the privacy rules and not share these outside Tapestry.

Enjoy the sun today and keep in touch whatever you are doing!

Have a lovely weekend

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Friday 24th April 2020

Good Morning Leaders

It’s Friday again already, and another good weekend forecast, I can’t believe where the week goes!!


Here is a poem called ‘The Door’ by Miroslav Holub. I would like you to listen to the 2 versions of the poem being read by different people and then I would like you to have a go at reading, and recording if you would like to, you own version. I’d love to hear your poem.

Go and open the door.
Maybe outside there’s
a tree, or a wood,
a garden,
or a magic city.

Go and open the door.
Maybe a dog’s rummaging.
Maybe you’ll see a face,
or an eye,
or the picture
of a picture.

Go and open the door.
If there’s a fog
it will clear.

Go and open the door.
Even if there’s only
the darkness ticking,
even if there’s only
the hollow wind,
even if
is there,

go and open the door.


At least
there’ll be
a draught.


You will be recording and plotting final temperatures today. Once you have a completed graph answer the following questions;

What was the hottest temp at each time of the day?

What is the mean temperature of the latest temperatures taken?

What is the median temperature of the earliest temperatures taken?

What is the mode temperature of the middle temperatures taken?

Story Setting

I’d like you to create a picture of your story setting which is hiding behind your door. You can be an inventive as you like, and this can be done in any media you like.

You could, make it outside out of natural things, draw on a piece of paper, decorate with craft things, use recycled rubbish or even make it out of food. There are no limits to how you could portray your setting.

Please take a photograph of your finished setting, I would love to see them, and you will need your setting next week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe.

Adventurers – Friday 24th April

Good morning Adventurers! It is almost the weekend and it looks as though it is going to be another sunny day! 

I have planned a few activities today if you would like to do them – I would love to see them if you do.

Maths Activity

Today for your Maths, I thought it would be fun to do a bit of problem solving. The problem is based around data handling and recording information.
Earlier in the week, I asked you to collect some information using tally charts. This problem requires you to use that skill (and a few others!)

Have a look and the problem and have a go… 

Let me know how you get on!


Art activity

The images from the video we have been using in English have been absolutely beautiful! I would really like to see if you can create a piece of art based on the video.

 My favourite flowers in the video are when they stand out really bright and vibrantly in front of the black background (if you follow the link of the video and scroll down, you can see pictures of these below the video). 

What are your favourite flowers in the video? Or do you have a favourite flower in your garden or one that you see when out walking? If so, take a photograph and use that. 


English activity:

For your English, I would like you to continue to follow the plans you have made for the story and finish it. Remember to use those paragraphs to show the beginning, middle and end of the story. 


I hope you have a lovely weekend and have a rest. I would love to know about any walks you have been on, games you have been playing or activities you have been doing. Hope you have fun!

Mrs Burton 

Friday 24th April 2020

It’s Friday Discoverers,

I bet you are ready for a rest, after all of your hard work this week. 

In English today, I would like you to write the next paragraph in your story. This second paragraph will capture the description of your character. Remember to refer back to your plan, where you described your character, using adjectives, similes and metaphors. We will be continuing to write our story next week, so take your time, and think carefully about how you want to structure your sentences. 

Yesterday, you were able to determine a pattern within your results, and create a graph to represent this. You may have found that boys have a better memory than girls, or that girls have a better memory than boys. You may have found that the older the person, the better their memory, or the younger the person, the better their memory. Whatever results you found, I want you to try another challenge on your family, to see if you find the same pattern. You can think of your own challenge to test their memory, or I have a suggestion for you.

Say a two digit number out loud and ask your family to repeat it, then a three digit number, and then a four. Keep going until they are unable to repeat the number, or until they repeat it incorrectly. Record how many digits they were able to repeat, so that you can compare the results afterwards. Remember to challenge each person in your family individually, so that they don’t have an advantage when it is their turn. 


Lastly, in art you have been persevering with your animal drawing, and have produced several copies of the same animal, but including improvements each time. I was astounded with what you produced yesterday. Today, I want you to look at all of your drawings, and then focus on the progress you have made. Then, write down all of the things that you are proud of, and that you like about your final drawing, and the things that you have improved on the most. I want you to be as proud of your pictures as I am, because they are amazing.

You are all superstars, have a great weekend,

Mrs Taylor 

It’s Friday,Pioneers !

We have made it to Friday. Congratulations. Here are some suggestions for learning:

Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play!

Here is a little maths idea that you can adapt and extend to suit your children. Select numbers that you may have been working with when estimating and counting this week.

It can lead to some great maths chat.

Useful phrases are,”I wonder…”,””How do you know? ,”Can you check?”

Remember to continue your estimating too.

Happy Counting


Read the book together. Look for capital letters. Look for any sounds the are on the sound map. Take it slowly.
This book has the -ng sound.
Here is the link to Geraldine:
Happy Reading


My Hand Wrting suggestion in Nn and Mm

Video on Tapestry

And we have done a little song for the weekend. It is a bit crazy. I hope you have fun watching.

Have a wonderful weekend and dont forget…

Play! Play! Play! Play!

Thursdays news – 23rd April

Good morning Learners and families!

I hope you are all well today!

Todays home learning is as follows (more details on Tapestry)

  •  In maths, see if you can read some information using my pictogram. Then, use your own from yesterday to write some questions of your own.
  •  In English today we are looking at the Bubbles story and thinking about who Gabby met a long the way on her adventure. Who will your character meet a long the way and what will they be doing?
  • Phonics – today is the oy sound. Watch Geraldine the Giraffe search around her home for oy sounds.
  • RE – The Creation. The Bible teaches us that God created the World in 7 days. Play and singalong to a lovely tune to learn more.

Further to Mr Grason’s email yesterday I logged onto Oxford Owl to access reading books. It is very simple to do and totally free. You can choose your child’s reading level to suit all abilities! Give it a try!

Remember, today is the last day to send me a video message (if you haven’t already) I will be putting these together to send out tomorrow. I cant wait!

You are all doing a fabulous job with your home learning, keep up the good work!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown