A New Half-Term – Monday 1st June

Hello everyone, I hope you are all ok and have had a lovely half-term. Do let me know what you have been up to!

Today is the start of a fresh half-term and we all feel re-charged and ready to launch – like a rocket. (Did anyone see the live launch online on Saturday night? It was very exciting)

Todays suggested learning on Tapestry today is as follows :-

In Maths, we are looking at 2D shape – Let’s go on a shape hunt!

In English, we will start to think about what argument means and how we can look at both sides of a story!

In music, a song we love from Collective Worship – its one of my favourites too!

In Phonics, as there are rockets in the air – let’s play  Rocket Rescue on Phonics Play.

Keep in touch with me on Tapestry as always and don’t forget to join me at 6PM tonight for story!

Keep happy and keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Good Morning Adventurers – It’s back to school Monday!

I hope you all had a lovely break and I would love to hear what you’ve been doing. I’ve enjoyed lots of lovely walks and have taken more photos of the wonderful nature around us, which again has inspired me for some of the learning activities for this week.

Perhaps you could share your news and suggest ideas for learning you would like us to try.

Today’s learning includes: (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Uu’.

English – we are going to choose three animals to research and create a fact file about them. Today we will study one animal, draw  and label a diagram of them and write down some facts that we already know.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then we are going to explore measure. Today we are going to measure ourselves by creating a wall chart then measure parts of our body.

DT – our project this week is links to English and we are going to make a mini beast or animal habitat box. We can make a start today.

I’m really excited about this weeks learning and hope you’ll try one or all of the tasks! I love seeing all your work on Tapestry (only teachers can view it) as it gives me a chance to communicate with you and it feels like we are back to school together!

As it’s such a love day again why not take your learning outside.

Enjoy your day.

Mrs Roe

Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning, Discoverers,

I hope that you have had a wonderful week in the glorious sunshine. I’m really looking forward to catching up with you all again. 

In English, we are going to be writing a diary entry, from the point of view of a Victorian child. We looked at how school was for Victorian children, when we visited Preston Park Museum. Can you remember some of the things that we did there? 

When you write your diary entry, it will focus on a day at school.

To help you, I would like you to watch this short video. It shows you what a day at school was like for Victorian child: Maggie Johnson.


Today, I would like you to watch the video, and make a list of any activities that Maggie does during the day. You can also add any school activities to your list, which you may remember from our school trip. 


In maths this week, we are going to be focusing on decimals. We started to look at these in class, and I want you to remember that a number after the decimal point means that it is part of a whole, like a fraction. For example, if I have 1.1m of string, this shows that I have one full metre, and 0.1 of another meter. 0.1 is the same as 1/10. 

Here I have uploaded the answers for the maths questions you completed before half term, and I have uploaded your questions for today, which focuses on adding tenths to make one whole. 


We are also going to be learning some science this week, which focuses on plants in particular. 

Today, I would like you to watch a video, which teaches you about the different parts of a plant. Then, I would like you to draw a plant and label the different parts. 

When you visit this link, the video I would like you to watch is called: 1. Parts of a plant. 


Have a great day,

Mrs Taylor 

Welcome Back Pioneers. Are You Ready to Learn? Monday the 1st of June.

Well Pioneers,this really is Maths magic. I love patterns and this one is a real winner for me.

Take a look at a clock. Get a grown up to draw one for you like mine. You can do loads of maths using the numbers on the clock face. I have shown you one in pattern in my video. I will show you another one tomorrow.

Can you spot any by others with your grown ups?
Use the numbers to write number sentences.

Sumdog is set up for you this week with revision questions from all areas of counting.

That’s Maths Magic

There’s lots of ideas here to do with the days of the week.
Write out the days on postits.
Can you recognise and read each day?
Try this out:Today is……………..
Tomorrow will be …………….
Yesterday was ………………..
In two days time it will be……………………….
That might be tricky.
Use the words for handwriting. Your Pioneer will spot the use of capital letters and see the difference in size when used together with the lowercase.
The spelling is very tricky. If they want to try writing them by themselves then that is gret too.
Have a go at putting the days of the week in order

Here is a lnk to help you
Over the week we are going to build up to writitng our own “Days of the Week” sentences to turn into a little book in the same format as Mr Wolf’s Week.
Look out for a special Sleights C of E version in the next couple of days.
It’s a winner!

Listen and enjoy.
Here is our story to start the week.
The story talks about the days of the week, the weather and what Mr Wolf is wearing.
Your teachers are getting together to make their own version of this story and I think you could start your preparation to do the same.
Start by making a chart.
You will need : Day of the week,weather,clothes,what can we do

By the end of the week you will have all the stuff you need to write your own story.

Here is a silly reading book to work on some of the trickier sounds. As always go slowly,especially after the holidays. Take a look back at Geraldine and the sound sheet to remind your Pioneer of the sounds. Go through the words on the first page-these are the most challenging in the book.
First,enjoy the book together and build up to spotting the sounds and known words before reading the sentences.
Happy Reading

Monday 1st June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I hope you have all had a nice week and enjoyed the fantastic weather. I’d love to know what you have all been doing and I’m looking forward to catching up with families this week to hear all about your adventures.

Graphic Novels – English

We are going to use all our artistic skills this week, having a go at creating our own graphic novel.

Today, I’d like you investigate different graphic novels to give you some ideas of how they work and how they can be used.

Here are some to get you started although they are books where the pages have been made into clips for you to watch.

The Arrival, Shaun Tan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAay4myoEDE

Journey, Aaron Becker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRsmuveKWuk

Visualising Shape – Maths

In Maths this week, we are going to look at shape. I thought we’d wake up our brains with a little problem solving. Have a go at seeing how much paint you will need to cover the blocks.

Happy Painting. ?

Computational Thinking – ICT

You have probably seen these types of puzzles before where numbers have been replaced by symbols. Have a go at using your logical skills to solve the problem.

Good luck!

Thursday’s Learning Suggestion – Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder

Good Morning everybody,
The beautiful sunshine has been smiling at us this week, and after spending lots of time outdoors, I thought you might like to create a bird feeder. This will give you something wonderful to watch, as you look out of your window, or eat your lunch in the garden.
This bird feeder is very simple to create, and requires few materials. It also allows us to do some recycling: using any plastic bottles that are around the home. 
Here is the link to the video, which explains how to make the feeder, and exactly what you need. 
I have also included a written document, as you may find this easier to follow. 
Send us pictures of your bird feeders, and see if you can capture any birds in action. 
Have a wonderful day,
See you at story time
Mrs Taylor 

Who’s Poo? A Suggestion for Learning. Monday 25th of May

The weather is looking fine and many of you will be out in the garden. You may be able to see signs of wildlife where you live. One clue that something is living nearby is that itt might leave poo.All animals need food and water. All animals move and breathe. All animals excrete. That’s a cool science word for poo and wee.

Take a look at these fantastic links and take a closer look at poo. We can learn so much.



And a few you will not find in your back garden.

If you are interested then think about the language used to group and classify animals.
Can you find out what each of these words mean?
On the Plop Trump cards there is are symbols in the top corner( a leaf and a steak)
What do they mean?

Find out about the diet of an animal that interests you. The Dung Beetle really fascinates me.

Keep your eyes open for any evidence of wildlife when you are out and about.
Look. Don’t touch

Use your phonics to read the Plop Trump cards.
The photos are not to scale-look carefully at measurements. I suggest that you look at a ruler to check just how big the elephant poo is!

Happy Learning

It’s Friday – Hurray! 22nd May

Good morning Learners and families.

Yesterday was another sunny day, lets hope it lasts!

I can’t believe it’s Friday already!

Today, on Tapestry, I have set an extra fun task – seeing as its Friday – Pass The Water!

Also, in Maths there are some Key Skills to do today, just like we do in class.

In English, if you would like to, have a go at writing a poem about a flower today! See Mrs Browns example to help!

Also, in Art have a go at drawing or painting a flower of your choice – I have added some pictures from my daily walk yesterday!

Its Read-a-Book Friday again – so grab a book or go on Oxford Owl – make sure you keep up with your fantastic reading – it’s sooo important!

Enjoy the warm weather and the Bank Holiday Weekend – as much as you can!

Stay Safe and keep smiling 🙂

Best wishes as always,

Mrs Brown


Good Morning Adventurers – Happy Friday!

It’s not such a nice day but I think the gardens will welcome the rain!

We’ve had a lovely week exploring colour in different ways, through our writing and art work and I can’t wait to see your colourful picture galleries.

As it’s Friday and half term next week I’ve changed today’s learning a little bit.

English – read the beginning of the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt and then answer some reading comprehension questions. I’ve shared the rest of the story with you.

Maths – answer questions on doubling and halving then make a Snakes and Ladder game.

Art – create some colourful flower art.

Enjoy your day and I hope you have a lovely half term holiday.

Mrs Roe

Friday 22nd May 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

In English today, you are going to be decorating your poems. You might already know, that poems can be written in whatever style the writer chooses. Sometimes poems are written in a shape, some words may be bigger than others, and some words are even written with pictures beside them.

Today, it is your chance to get creative. You may choose to rewrite your poem, in a completely different shape or style, or you may wish to keep the same writing as yesterday, and add pictures/ detail to make it appealing to the reader. 

There are no rules, so be as adventurous as you like, and have fun 😀


In maths today, you are finding fractions of amounts. You may remember learning this skills last week, using small amounts, so today I have given you larger ones, for an added challenge. 

Remember, to find a fraction of an amount, simply divide the amount by the denominator. 

For your French task today, it would be great if you could challenge yourself to a quiz.

You will need to write down the 12 months of the year in English, and next to each of them, in French. Then, give this to a family member and ask them to test you on all twelve months. 

See how many you can get correct, and determine if your posters have helped you to learn them 😀 Good luck!

Enjoy your Friday, and have a wonderful weekend and half term 😀

Mrs Taylor