Good Morning Adventurers – It’s back to school Monday!

I hope you all had a lovely break and I would love to hear what you’ve been doing. I’ve enjoyed lots of lovely walks and have taken more photos of the wonderful nature around us, which again has inspired me for some of the learning activities for this week.

Perhaps you could share your news and suggest ideas for learning you would like us to try.

Today’s learning includes: (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Uu’.

English – we are going to choose three animals to research and create a fact file about them. Today we will study one animal, draw  and label a diagram of them and write down some facts that we already know.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then we are going to explore measure. Today we are going to measure ourselves by creating a wall chart then measure parts of our body.

DT – our project this week is links to English and we are going to make a mini beast or animal habitat box. We can make a start today.

I’m really excited about this weeks learning and hope you’ll try one or all of the tasks! I love seeing all your work on Tapestry (only teachers can view it) as it gives me a chance to communicate with you and it feels like we are back to school together!

As it’s such a love day again why not take your learning outside.

Enjoy your day.

Mrs Roe