Monday 20th April – Home Learning

Good morning Learners Class and families. I hope you had a happy Easter and stayed well and safe!

I have put some suggested tasks on Tapestry this morning.

In English we will be writing a story this week and there is a delightful story called ‘Bubbles’ to watch today!

In maths I thought we would practise some Key Skills (like we do in class every day).

There’s some fun phonics with Mr Thorne and Geraldine – always a winner with Learners Class.

Finally, some PE! Just Jump! – see Tapestry for further fun details!

I will be ringing all families in the next couple of days, so please have a think if there’s anything in particular I can help you with and I’ll do my best to provide it!

New Sumdog challenges have been set today – which I know you all enjoy!

Most importantly keep being happy and kind to each other and of course keep smiling 🙂

I am missing you all!

Mrs Brown

Ps look out for tonight’s bedtime story at 6pm


Monday 20th April 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I hope you have all had a relaxing break and have been able to enjoy some of the lovely weather we have been having.  Some of you may have hoped we were back at school and some of you might be glad to get some more time at home, but I am sure we are all missing the company of our friends and classmates – I know that I am.

Now that Easter is over, I will be posting daily challenges for you to complete.  If you are on Tapestry, you can upload anything that you would like to share with me and, if you are not using Tapestry, you can still send anything you would like to share by e-mail.


Have you ever looked at a door and wondered what was on the other side?  In the hands or a writer, a door represents a world of possibility.

The world is in lockdown, shut behind doors for our own safety and the safety of everyone else. Closed schools, closed shops and temporarily closed for some of the things we take for granted, like playing in the park with our friends.

I’d like you to make a list of all the things that you miss.  You may like to think about some of the following categories: – seeing family – seeing friends – day to day things – playing sports – exploring your interests – places you love to visit.

We will return to this list over the week.


This week we are going to think about line graphs.  When would we use a line graph rather than a different type?  What information does it show us?

I would like you to draw and add to a line graph over the course of the week, as you collect the data to record.  Your line graph is going to show 3 sets of data (which will show in 3 different lines) showing the difference in temperature over the course of the day.

Today, you will need to choose 3 different times of the day, spread throughout the day if possible, and record the temperature.  This can be either done using a thermometer or, you will find that lots of devices will give you the current temperature, you can record using one of these too.  Remember to keep this information safe until you have plotted it on your graph.

Growing Vegetables

As the weather has been nice, I have spent some time in my garden and thought about clearing the weeds to plant some vegetables.  I’d like us all to think about growing something this week.  If you do not have a garden or seeds to plant do not worry.  It is amazing what you can re-grow from the peelings/waste that you would normally throw away.  Have a look at the link and see if you can choose one of the things to have a go at re-growing.  It would be great to share the fruits of your labour through a picture diary of your vegetables – let’s find out which are the quickest and easiest to re-grow!

Monday 20th April 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

As I have managed to tell many of you over the telephone, I will be uploading new work, daily. Every week day you will receive a small activity, which will help you to complete a whole task by Friday. I will give you work for maths, English and in a foundation subject. Feel free to take part in as much of the work as you would like, and remember, you can also complete your own tasks, or work that has previously been given. I will try to give examples to help you, and if you need any further assistance, please get in touch.

In English this week, we will aim to write a story. Our story will be based on a short film called ‘Adrift’. Today, I would like you to watch the short film, and decide: If your character had to live on an animal, which animal would it be? Create a map of all the reasons why it would be good to live on this animal. Below I have included the film, for you to watch, and my map. I have chosen for my character to live on a leopard.


In maths this week, we are going to be completing challenges, to test the memory of everybody who lives in your household. We will do this by showing them a collection of 15 objects, and checking how many they can remember after different amounts of time. So for today, find 15 small objects that nobody will need to use over this week, and put them in a bag. However, you mustn’t let anybody in your home see them, as they may remember the items when it comes to the challenge. 

The foundation subject that we will focus on this week is art. By the end of the week, you will have created a fantastic picture of the animal, which your character will live upon, in your English story. For today, I would like you to watch the film below, called Austin’s Butterfly. Throughout the week, we will complete the same process as Austin. This will challenge your perseverance, but I know that by Friday, you will be so proud to compare your drawings, and it will be well worth your determination.  Today, use books and/or the internet to help you find a picture of the animal which you will draw. Try to save or print this picture so that you can use it throughout the week.

I am excited to work with you this week, completing the tasks I have set. Have fun.

Mrs Taylor 

Welcome to a New Week of Happy Learning

Welcome to you all.

Over on Tapestry are a selection of suggestions for short focussed tasks. There is a new reading book,some words to master and a little bit of handwriting to help you along.

There is a maths suggestion around estimating and counting with magic beans. The beans will feature in the story this week. I will share this later.  I have included some weblinks we have used before and a suggest of an episode of Numberblocks,

Sumdog has been updated and their should be a new challenge for those of you who enjoy this type of learning.

I would love to hear some fun ideas or questions for estimating.

Please please let me know if you need anything to support anything you are currently interested in at home.

Happy learning Pioneers.

Friday 17th April – Arty Creations

Today we would like you to think out of the box and challenge yourself to make something beautiful out of either rubbish or items found in your house and garden.  If you are not using rubbish, please make sure you check that you can use the objects – you will not need to keep them.  Take a picture of your creation and then return the items.
You might decide to make your rubbish into something else, like the milk carton bird or bottle ladybirds, or you might just use your objects to make a picture or a pattern. 
We would love to see your fantastic creations. Please take a picture and send them in.

Caterpillar Shoes and Funny Feet

Friday’s ideas are all about feet and they are fantastic.

Feet are great for counting in 1’s,2’s 5’s and 10’s.

Hop and Jump.

Feet are great for measuring

Compare your feet with your family.

Find something longer than your foot.  Find something shorter than your foot. Can yu find something the same length as your foot?

Get some paper and draw around your foot. Cut it out and use it to measure things.

Take a look at this beautiful little film.


Ask some foot questions:

How many shoes does a woodlouse need? What about a spider? Does a snail need shoes? What kind of shoes would a beetle like?


Take a look at this website for some wonderful animal feet.

Go outside with a basin of water. Get your feet wet and make patterns with your prints.

Pop over to Tapestry to see my videos for today.

Happy Learning

Team Sleights

Wednesday 15th April – Chocolate Masterchef

Good Morning Everyone.
Now that Easter has been and we are sure you have eaten lots of chocolate, you might be looking for something to do with the chocolate still left.  Well, look no further, we have seen you all showing us your amazing cooking skills and would like to give you a challenge.
See if you can have a go at creating something with chocolate in the recipe and post your creations for us to see.  Remember your creation can be easy or difficult, savoury or sweet. (Who would have thought you can make chocolate pasta!).  You might want to try Mrs Exelby’s recipe for chocolate crispies.  Spoons and bowls at the ready.

Hop!Balance! Jump!

Now this is a wonderful suggestion for a chalk obstacle course that can be adapted to match the needs of the best balancer and the longest jumper. I am neither so I kept it very simple.

I got my chalk and drew some lines and symbols and made up some instructions for each area of my course. I had to include Hot Lava as this always features in Pioneer Play.

Here are some suggestions and pop over to Tapestry to see the video of my feet!

A straight line to balance on

A zig zag to step on

Dots to jump on.

A hopscotch

Use the features of your outside area too-don’t step on the cracks. Jump on drain covers.

Stay safe.

Happy Hopscotch

Monday 13th April – Fancy a Trip?

Good Morning Everyone.

We know that you would normally be getting out and about during our holidays, visiting exciting places so we thought we’d bring those places to you.

If you would like to take a virtual trip jump aboard and choose a destination. You could investigate the interesting exhibitions at the Louvre;  take a tour around the National History Museum  or visit the animals at the zoo through their live cams  and 

For the more daring, you can even have a go on a virtual rollercoaster at 

You might even want to tell us what you have been to see, we’d love to hear. If people visit at different times of the day we may all see different things – I loved the waddle of penguins.

Egg Drop – A Story and a Challenge


Over on Tapestry ,You will find a video of Mrs Hann reading  a book called Egg Drop. It is the story of an egg who wanted to fly too soon. While still in the nest, all he thought of was soaring high above the clouds. But we all know,eggs can’t fly so this story does have a bit of a funny ending. 

Once you have listened to the story,you might like to have a go at the “Egg Drop Challenge”. Can you save the egg from breaking? 

Your challenge, should chose to accept it, is to design and make something to protect an egg when it is dropped.

Make it a family competition.
Get a grown up to help you.
Decide where you will drop your egg and from how high.
Remember this could be messy. A chocolate egg could also be used.
This website has lots of ideas to help you but as usual your ideas are always much better.

You could make certificates for the winners: Best Design, Safest Egg,Least Mess…

As always,we would love to see your photographs

Happy Learning,

Team Sleights