Thursday 30th April 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

It has been fantastic talking to your families and finding out what you have been up to. Don’t forget you can send in your work, or anything you would like to share, on Tapestry or by e-mail. I love seeing all your achievements – you are very talented Leaders!!


You now have all the tools required to write your own story. You may like to write about a more traditional portal that leads you to a magical world, or you may prefer to draw upon your personal experiences, as we have explored throughout this unit.

To recap on all the key points we’ve been learning:

  1. Describe the portal in detail. You may want to show the portal through the eyes of the main character.
  2. Think about what lies on the other side of the door. Allow yourself the opportunity to write about what interests you and what is important to you.
  3. Great writers steal ideas (‘magpie’) from other great writers. Reflect upon the portal stories that you have loved reading and consider what made these so engaging. Try to bring in some of these skills and techniques into your own work.  
  4. Enjoy it. Writing is all about sharing a passion for words, stories and the world of possibility. If you love the story you are writing – so too will your reader.

You don’t have to write all of your story today; we will be carrying on tomorrow to complete our stories.


Today we are going to look at division. Have a look at another Supermovers video to re-cap on the link between division facts.

How about a game? Have a go at this one, see how many coins and how far you can get in Cave run, using your division skills.

Finger Spelling – Sign Language

Fingerspelling is a way of spelling words using hand movements and is part of learning sign language. Each letter of the alphabet has a different sign. British Sign Language (BSL) uses a two-handed version.

Fingerspelling is only a part of learning sign language but getting you to learn your name would be a great start. Have a look at the posters for the letters you need (there is a left-handed and right-handed version) and see if you can have a go. Upload a video of you signing your name.

Thursday 30th April 2020

Hi there, Discoverers, 

Great effort yesterday, keep it up! 

In English today, you are moving on to writing the final paragraph/s for your story. In these paragraphs you reveal the solution to the problem. In my story the problem was that Jane was lonely, and in the final paragraphs, this was solved by a companion joining their lands together. What will your solution be? I can’t wait to find out 😀 

Here are your next set of maths questions, and the answers for yesterday’s work. How did you score?

In geography yesterday, you created a map of where you would build your Sleights addition. You also wrote the reasons why you think it would be a good idea. Today and tomorrow, I would like you to work on creating a poster to advertise the opening of your idea. You can choose to create this by hand, or using a computer. I chose to create mine using Microsoft Word. Include as much detail as possible, can you spot what I’ve missed? 

Have a great day Discoverers, 

Mrs Taylor 

Thursday-Doubles,Alphabet Sorting and a Little Bit of Music

Here is a little game to play together with doubles.

All you need is pen and paper and two dice and a friend to play with.
Once you have played my maths game have a go at Hit the Button to build up speed.

Video on Tapestry
I have shared this but I am adding it again so you have it handy for this suggestion.
It really helps with matching letter names and capital letter.

I have written all the lowercase and capital letters on little squares of paper.
Start slowly,perhaps with 5 letters. Match the lowercase with the capital. Gradually add in more letter.
You could turn it into a game by taking turns-like a memory game.
Your Pioneer might need a copy of the alphabet to sort the letters into the correct order.
If you were feeling really ambitions,you could discuss vowels and consonants. We did this in school a while back and sang the vowels to a little tune (I won’t demonstrate!)
Look around the house and find vowels.
Have fun!


We really enjoyed this activity at home. We collected together some glasses and put in a bit of water. We discovered that we could make an orchestra and play a tune. I really hope that you like this one and that you will send me some videos.

Pop over to Tapestry to see the video.

Happy Music Making

Wednesday’s Welcome

Good morning Learners and families. I hope you are all ok?

These are todays suggested learning activities – See Tapestry for further details!

In Maths, we will have some fun today with Sock Addition – follow the pictures carefully to help you!

In English, I would like you (using your Story Plan) to say through your own story. You might need to do this a few times to get it just right! Include as much detail as you can from your plan and make sure you have a beginning, middle and end to your story.

Todays phonics sound is the aw sound. Watch Mr Thorne and Geraldine – they always make us smile!

Music – A song to enjoy today! A song from the musical Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat! Listen to the song and/or learn the words!

Please make sure you are reading everyday – even just a little. Check out Oxford Owl if you haven’t already!

Look out for Story Number 3 tonight on Tapestry – as we are voting this week!

Remember. when the sun isn’t out we have to make our own sunshine!

Keep smiling (you are all doing a great job)

Mrs Brown

Wednesday 29th May

Good morning Adventurers! It is  a bit chillier today but at least it isn’t raining yet. Hopefully you can get out in the garden or for a walk this morning before the rain comes this afternoon. 


Imagine you are the superhero! What do you wear?
Today can you draw yourself in a picture and then imagine yourself in your superhero costume ready to save the world?
Then I would like you to write a character description for your superhero. Remember to use some noun phrases, interesting adjectives, alliteration and similes to really help bring your character to life.
I look forward to seeing your superheroes.
Enjoy your day!
Mrs Roe


Today Adventurers, I would like you to continue playing in your toy shops but instead of adding together items to get a total, I would like you to start giving change. Chose 1 item to buy and work how much change you would get (choose the amount you want to give change from 10p, 20p, 50p, £1, £2 and so on if you wish).

Giving change can be a really tricky concept to get at first so playing lots of games can really help you to grasp it. I have found some online games for the children that prefer to use a computer 

Start with a smaller amount that you feel comfortable with at first and then work you way up to a higher amount once you feel more comfortable. Remember, using pretend/real money can really help your understanding so if you can, use this as a tool.
Extension – buy two items and figure out how much change you would get from your chosen amount.

I would love to see any number sentences you have written to show the questions you have answered. Remember, you can always use one of your subtraction written methods if you are get stuck.


I thought it would be a fun activity to do some singing today Adventurers. It really makes me smile when we all sing together at school so I hope you enjoy this activity!

Remember to warm up your voices before you start – this helps our body and voice to prepare for singing and protects our vocal chords. There is a nice warm up video on this BBC bitesize clip 

Below the warm up video, there are several fun activities. You can chose a song to sing along to on the game play it and edit the songs using musical instruments or on activity 2, you can make up dance routines to a song, Or alternatively, you could chose one of your own songs to learn (you can search the lyrics to songs online – ask an adult to help you with this) and make up your own dance routine.


As always, there is more information about these activities on Tapestry. We hope you have lots of fun doing these activities and would love to see any work that you have done, whether it is what we have set or other things you have been doing. 

Mrs Roe and Mrs Burtonn 


Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Thank you for sending in your ‘hello’ videos. If you haven’t and would like to please try and send them in by the end of this week.


Through the Eyes of Character

First, think of a character – it’s easier if you base this on someone you know.

  • What are they called?
  • What do they look like?
  • What sort of a person are they (miserable/friendly/kind/aggressive)?
  • What do they say?
  • What do they do?
  • How do they treat other people?
  • How do other people treat them?

Now compose a short piece of descriptive writing based on seeing a mysterious door through the eyes of your character. Use a simple opener to drop the reader straight into the action:

Samantha stared. … Ali hesitated. …

Have a look at the paragraph and table to help you.


Today we are going to look at division. See if you can beat Bartley Bluebird and Wolfie Wolf (football mascots) to the answers before they appear.

Then have a go at the times tables questions – time yourself and see how quickly you can complete the answers.


Story Map

Just before school closed, we were writing a story. For this story you could use whatever method you wanted to create a story map.

I’d like you to make a story map for your magical door story. If you liked the way you mapped last time you could use it again. If you would like to try a different style of mapping that’s great too. (Comic Strip, storyboard, timeline, story path, bullet points etc.)

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning, Discoverers, 

Thank you for sharing your work yesterday, I really enjoyed hearing and reading your stories, and seeing your wonderful working out, in maths.
I am also excited to share the next park of your geography project, as your plans are looking great. 

In English today, you will take the reader, once again, on an emotional journey.
In my next paragraph (paragraph number 6), a new character visits Jane, but then leaves again. What will happen next in your story?
Today, please can you write your next paragraph.
And remember, you can write something similar, or not, and you can write more paragraphs or less. 

Today in maths, I have written you some word problems, which need solving.
Take your time working through the questions, and try to decide which calculations you will need to complete, in order to reach your answer.
I have also uploaded the answers from yesterday’s questions, good luck! 

In Geography today, I would like you to think about where you might build you addition to Sleights village.

I have included my example for you. I drew a simple map of the surrounding area, and then labelled a few roads, and put a star where I would place my communal gardens and compost bins.

Then, write a short sentence about why you have chosen to build your addition there.

I am excited to see you plans.

Have a great day,

Mrs Taylor 

Lovely Wednesday

Welcome to Wednesday

Here is a little timelapse video of some sunflowers growing to link up with The Tiny Seed.

I have written some sentences for you to read and to write to go along with this.

Read the sentences.
Look foe “oo” and for “ee”
Try using sound buttons on these.
Watch Geraldine the Giraffe to revise each of these sounds. oo ee
You could make a list of words that Geraldine use too .
Send me pictures
Happy Writing
If you have pens and pencils or paint,I would love a picture of a flower from your garden.


A little suggestion for handwriting.


I have made some doubles using Numicon.
Id like you to make some doubles too.
Use stuff in your kitchen.
Set them out then write the number sentence.
Send me your Doubles Pictures


I’d like to introduce you to some of my toys. They all have names and have been played with lots and lots and lots.
I have used them to set out doubles. I thought I could even write number sentences for them.

Tuesday 28th April

Good morning Adventurers! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday, Here are a few activities if you would like to have a go at them. There is more information about them over on tapestry.


Would you like the power to fly, take off from your chair anytime you wanted? Wow!
Today’s task is to think about the amazing powers your superhero has and to write a paragraph explaining them. Also think about what motto they might have to express their goals and ideas.
What superhero sound effects can you use to bring them to life? Use onomatopoeia to help produce different sounds.

Even if you don’t have superhero powers yet we are still capable of extraordinary things. Whether it is amazing acts of kindness, unstoppable determination, helping others or just passing a smile to someone else.
Be a superhero!


Today for your Maths activity Adventurers, I would like you to set up a toy shop with your favourite toys and make them some price tags. If you have a toy till or a money box with lots of change in, this would be great to use in your toy shop.

Look at the different coins we use. Can you order them in terms of their value?

I would then like you to chose 2 items (or 3 if you want to challenge yourself) to buy from your shop. Add the amounts together and think of the different ways you could pay for the items. Which way uses the least coins? Write down another way of making that amount.

Repeat this activity or you could ask a family member to come and buy some things from your shop and you have to work out the total amount they have spent (don’t worry about giving change, we will come to that tomorrow).

This interactive toy shop game is also a fun way of making different amounts. Click the mixed coins version and chose your amount you would like to add up to. 



Today Adventurers, I would like us to continue exploring materials and their properties (what they look like).
Before you start the activity, I would like you to use a dictionary (or an online one) to find the meaning of the following words that can be used to describe the properties of some materials:

Can you think of any materials that have those properties?

I would like you to choose 4 things in your house and say what material they are made of, describe their properties and then tell me what you think that the item is made out of that material.
For example, a window is made of glass because it is transparent and you can see through it.


We hope you have a lovely day.

Mrs Roe and Mrs Burton 

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Don’t forget to join me on Tapestry if you would like to join in with this week’s game.  Wednesday 6.30pm – a maths theme this week.


In the sentences below, the adverb ‘slowly’ is used to describe how the man enters the room. Adverbs are like roving reporters – they can be moved around the sentence, e.g.

  1. The man went in, slowly
  2. Slowly, the man went in.  
  3. The man went slowly in.
  4. The man slowly went in.  

By changing the position of the adverb, we can often either alter the meaning or add emphasis to a sentence.

Try playing around with the adverb position in the following sentence. Think about how it alters the meaning and where the emphasis is best placed.

Cautiously, Samantha crept towards the door that stood before her.

Try this out again on 3 sentences of your own.


Today we are going to mix addition and subtraction in some missing number calculations. Use what you know about the operations to work out the missing numbers.

Rain Gauge – Science

After seeing the recent weather forecast, it looks like we are expecting some rain after all the beautiful sunshine. I thought it would be a good idea to be able to compare our temperatures graph with another about rainfall.

I’d like you to have a go at making a rain gauge and recording the daily rainfall. Remember to empty it daily or subtract the previous day’s results if you are leaving the water in.