Monday’s News – June 15th

Good morning everyone!

I hope you had a good weekend!

Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows -more details on Tapestry

In English this week we will be looking further into our beautiful book ‘Rain Before Rainbows’, so today I would like you to read the book yourselves, taking in the wonderful illustrations too.

In Maths we have a money focus and will use today to familiarise ourselves with different coins.

In Phonics we will be playing Buried Treasure – there’s an easier and a harder option!

Music – I have added a medley of Disney Songs for you to enjoy! There may be some you know and there maybe some new ones! What better way to start the week!

Keep in touch on Tapestry as always,

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown


Monday 15th June 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

How was your weekend? Great I hope!

This week in English, we will continue to focus on our new book: Rain Before Rainbows. 

Today, I would like you to watch the video again, and try to notice any change which happens throughout. For example: the weather, the time, the place etc. 

Your task is to then discuss this question with an adult: is change a good thing? 

Try to explain your answer using examples, whether you decided to choose that it is a good thing, it is not a good thing, or that you believe it’s both. 

You do not need to write anything down, unless of course you would prefer this. This important part of your task is the discussion that you have. 


Here is my answer for Friday’s question. How did you do?

This week, we are going to learn about time. 

Today, I would like you to convert seconds into minutes and seconds. 

To do this, you need to divide the amount of seconds by 60, because there are 60 seconds in a minute, and then if you have any left over, these will be the remaining seconds. 

We are going to continue learning science this week, but we will be focusing on the weather, as this is a key theme throughout Rain Before Rainbows. 

There has been a lot of cloud recently, and today I would like you to use this cloud wheel, to help you name the different types of clouds. 

You can print it out, or make your own. 

Throughout the week, see if you can match the wheel to the clouds in the sky, and make a note of the clouds that you see. 


For once, lets hope there are clouds for us to identify,


Mrs Taylor 


Good Morning Adventurers – Happy Friday!

I think we just have to ignore the grey skies and rain and make the most of our day. We can make some decorative indoor umbrellas and try our hand at being weather presenters…… and hopefully predict some sun!

Here’s today’s weather themed activities, if you wish to try them. (More details on Tapestry)

Covering lots of subjects, why not try being a weather presenter by making your own map of England and some weather symbols. Research the weather online or simply by looking outside then do a weather presentation like you would see on TV.

Shared reading – join me to read today’s story ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy.

Art and Crafts – make your own indoor umbrella.

Maths – have a go at lots of different symmetry activities.

I hope these activities manage to put a smile on your face and help you forget the rain.

Enjoy your day and have a sunny weekend.

Mrs Roe

It’s Friday! – 12th June

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all well!

We can’t really complain about the weather when it’s been so nice for so long! The sun will be back out soon I’m sure.

Today’s suggested learning is as follows;- Details on Tapestry

In Maths, I thought we would end the week with some times table practise.

Its-Read-a-Book Friday and the perfect day for it – cosy up somewhere nice and read your favourite book!

In Phonics there are some games to play today, practising plurals and past tense.

In Geography, using a line from our book ‘There are mountains to climb and journeys to take’, tell me about the journeys you are looking forward to making. 

I hope you have a great weekend, despite the weather, at least it’s good for the garden!

Keep a sunny smile, despite the rain.

Best wishes as always, 

Mrs Brown



Friday 12th June 2020

Hi there Discoverers, 

I have been happy to hear and see all of the lovely activities that have been keeping you busy during the rainy weather. As well as school work, you continue to find creative ways to entertain yourself, well done!

In English today, we are going to be focusing on the weather. Within our new story: Rain Before Rainbows, you might remember that the weather is a key theme running through the book. 

Today, I would like you to think of all the different types of weather, and write them in their own bubble on a piece of paper. Then, coming off of the weathers, it would be great if you could write down all of the different words that describe the particular weather. For example: Rainy – wet, damp, dull, miserable etc. 

Try to think of adjectives, which describe what the weather looks, feels and sounds like: it may even be appropriate to link some smells to it too. 


Here is my answer for yesterday’s maths questions. How many amounts did you find?

Today, I would like you to try and work out which items belong to which children. You may need to add some different amounts of money together to help you. 

Then, you will look to see which items you are able to buy within a particular limit of money. Try to find lots of combinations of items for your money. 


Yesterday, in science, we focused on the dangers of deforestation, and we looked at why we should try to stop this. Today, we are going to focus on how to protect other plants and nature. 

Watch this video, which provides lots of useful things that we can do to help:

Then, it would be great if you could create a poster, advertising the wonderful things that humans can do, to help protect plants and nature. 

You could draw your poster, or write catchy headlines, or a mixture of both. 


Have fun,


Mrs Taylor 

Here are your learning suggestions for Friday the 12th of June,Pioneer.Search for the Light.

I have shared this before but as we are looking at the moon and light and dark,it seemed like a good idea to share it again.
Happy Reading.

Count in 2s
I shared this earlier in the week but here it is again to support this worksheet.

If you have a printer then you could print it out otherwise you can just talk about it together.

Happy Maths
Have a lovely Friday.

This lovely little clip has some complicated vocabulary but it is very clear.

The moon is lit up by the sun.

The sun is the light source.

Take a walk around your house and look for sources of light.

Take some photographs and have a play on Piccollage to make a poster of light sources or try out a video and chat.

Happy Hunting

PhonicsPlay is a great website with a collection of games for your Pioneer.

Pop over to Tapestry to find suggestions for where to go and what to do .

Have a wonderful weekend,Happy People.


Friday 12th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I can’t believe that it is Friday again already!! Let’s hope that we see the sun over the weekend – a little bit of brightness always makes us feel better. If you’re like me, the grey weather can sometimes make you feel a bit gloomy and a bit of sunshine ☀️ makes us feel so much better – exactly like the rainbow? after the rain. ☔️

Keep your eyes out for those things that bring happiness this weekend.

Rain Before Rainbows – English

When you have listened to the story you will realise there are some rhymes along the way which help to give the story rhythm.

Today, I’d like you to go back to you list of ‘befores’ and see if you can add some additional lines to go with them.

Examples from the story are; Clouds before sun… The old day is done.

Lightning will flash… tall waves will crash.

Money – Maths

Today, you are going to think about saving money. Answer the questions to make your way through this exciting quest and save the kingdom. At the end, you will discover your money personality type. Are you a reckless spender or a savvy saver?

Rain Before Rainbows – Science

Today, we are going to investigate more about wind. In 1805, a British Naval officer called Francis Beaufort introduced a scale from 0 -12 for measuring the speed of the wind at sea. I’d like you to find out about this scale and make yourself a table to record it.

Then, you might also like to make yourself a windsock, which will help you read the direction and strength of the wind.

Here is a simple design you could follow; or you might like to design your own.

Thursday News – 11th June

Good morning everyone. Its another rainy day, but warm weather is on its way!

Today’s suggested learning on Tapestry is as follows;-

In Maths, there are some Key Skills to do today, just like we so in class!

In English, still looking at our lovely book ‘Rain Before Rainbows’, we are going to write some super sentences about wind!

In Phonics, there is a book to share together! It was Mrs Browns own book from when she was 5years old! I’ve kept it for twenty years!

In Science, we will think about where wind comes from and maybe even make our own wind sock!

Keep smiling as always,

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown


Good Morning Adventurers – I think we’ll need our umbrellas today!

‘Rain before rainbows. Clouds before sun.’

I think this is certainly going to be the case today! We will have to dodge the raindrops or put our wellies on and go splashing in puddles. But I’m sure we can still enjoy our day.

I was so impressed with all the super shape work you posted on Tapestry yesterday and hope you continue to enjoy the work today.

It was lovely to hear that you are joining in with the shared reading and practising every day.

Today’s learning, if you would like to have a go, includes: (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Cc’

English – mixed in with a bit of science. Let’s find out more about nocturnal animals and create some mini facts files using bullet points to highlight important facts.

Join me again for some shared reading of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.

Maths – key skills for year 2 and year 3 then why not make some 3D shapes using spaghetti, straws or shape nets. Name your shapes and describe their properties.

Science – watch a short video clip about the science behind day and night.

Don’t forget it’s French Thursday and make a game using French names for animals.

I hope you enjoy some or all of these activities. But most of all have a lovely day!

Mrs Roe

Thursday 11th June 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

I hope that you had a great night’s sleep last night, and are ready for a new day 🙂

In English today, you are going to use Tuesday’s list of differences between night and day, and create a setting description which focuses on the nighttime. 

You worked excellently with your daytime paragraph, and again, I would like you to think about including adjectives, similes and metaphors in today’s. 

Remember to describe what you can hear, see, touch, taste and smell, if all of these are appropriate. The more the better! 

If you would like to, you could write your setting description in the style of a poem, and it could be written in any shape or format. 

Well done on your efforts for yesterday’s maths problem. You worked through this patiently, and managed to work out which amount you would prefer. Here is my answer for you, so you have an idea of how you would explain the reasoning for it. 

Today, I have another problem for you, which not only requires you to find a particular amount, but it also wants you to find more answers, that meet the same criteria. 

Again, work slowly through the problem and try to find as many combinations as you can. 

In science today, we are going to be looking at the effects of deforestation. 

Here is a video for you to watch:

For today’s science work, it would be great if you could create a poster to help stop deforestation. 

To make the poster effective, you could include some of the problems that deforestation causes. 

I hope that you all have a great day,


Mrs Taylor