Adventurers Class

Welcome to Adventurers

Adventurers Class are Year 3 and 4 children, ages 7-9. They are taught by Mrs Walker and supported in class by Mrs Exelby and Mrs Wood.  

Adventurers are taught English and Maths everyday and enjoy covering all the curriculum foundation subjects in afternoon lessons. This half term, the children will be taught ICT on a Thursday afternoon by Mrs Gurney, our specialist teacher. The children will also enjoy whole class music on a Thursday afternoon.

The children will need to keep their P.E bags at school ready to take part in other activities if required. 

We try and read with the children every day at school and encourage children to develop their love of reading at home too. Reading books and  records will be sent home every night and books will be changed when they are completed.

In Year 3 and 4, children will be given homework in maths and spellings. For maths, the children will be set work weekly on Sumdog. This will be given on a Thursday and checked the following Thursday. New spellings will be given out alternate Thursdays and children will be tested on them the Thursday of the second week (I will write the test date on their spelling sheet).

Please don't hesitate to ask if there is anything else we can help you with.

Home Learning Tuesday 12th January 2021

Hello Adventurers!

As we are having some technical difficulties with Tapestry at the moment I would just like to set you some home learning activities from your ‘Workout’ books. Hopefully, we should soon be able to access Tapestry again and have a full range of teaching videos. For now, your workout book pages are listed below. If you would like top try different tasks, I have added these to a gallery below, which you may complete at home too.

Thank you for your patience.

Maths –

Turn to page 14 and answer the questions on dividing.

English –

Turn to pages 6 & 7 and 10 & 11 to complete work on nouns and noun phrases and adjectives. We had just completed work based on this just before Christmas.

You might also like to have a go at designing and drawing a time machine, with lots of different features to help you travel back and forward in time. 

Science –

We will be exploring light and dark. Can identify and draw different sources of light you can find around your home.

I hope you enjoy your learning.

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – Happy Learning!

Please keep posting all the wonderful things you are doing on Tapestry, as I love to see them!

You are achieving so much during your time at home, with help from your families, and I am really  proud of you all.

Perhaps you could have a go at posting a message to me or show me your work. I will always reply.

Today’s learning includes: (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise writing high frequency words.

English – create a storyboard about the journey you took and include a mix of other stories.

Shared reading – read the second part of ‘Six dinner Sid’.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then complete some questions on place value. Can you complete the challenge question?

French Thursday – Test yourself on the French names for different animals.

I hope you enjoy today’s learning and have a lovely day.

Don’t forget to post your work.

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – welcome to Wednesday!

‘Journeys to take’

It’s a grey but fresh morning and I think the sun might just get out.

We’ve been looking at metaphorical journeys we’ve been on and what amazing goals you have all achieved!

Today, we are going to look literally at all the journeys we’ve taken. Think about all the wonderful walks we’ve been on and the beautiful scenery we’ve explored and the different animals we’ve seen. We are very lucky to live in this part of the world!

Today’s learning, if you wish to have a go: (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise writing high frequency words.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then continue answering questions on Place Value. Try and answer the challenge question.

English and Geography – draw a map of a walk you have been on. Include a key showing different human and physical features. Then write a few descriptive sentences about parts of your walk that really caught your interest.

Shared reading – join me to read ‘Six Dinner Sid’ by Inga Moore.

Geography – Mrs Burton would like you to explore airports and hotels as part of your travel leaflet.

I hope you enjoy these activities but most of all have a lovely day.

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – A big well done to you all!

‘Make a wish……..and make it happen!’

I’ve been really amazed by all the new things you have achieved whilst learning from home. From riding your bikes without stabilisers, learning a new times table and joining letters in handwriting. You must feel really proud of yourselves.

You are my superheroes!

In part of today’s activities I would like you to think about how you felt learning something new and the ‘journey you took to success’.

I hope you enjoy completing some of the rest of today’s learning too. (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Ii’.

Maths – Key Skills for year 2 and Year 3 then answer some questions about Place Value. There are also some challenge questions.

English – think about your achievements that you wrote on your mountain yesterday. How did they make you feel? Were they easy to achieve or did you have to persevere? Write several sentences about your experiences and post them in your thoughts and feelings box.

Shared reading – complete the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

DT/English – Let’s climb to the top of the mountain and achieve another goal! Have a go at making your mountain then using a slider and movement to climb to the top and reach that goal!

Science – learn how to plant some peppers.

Be ‘determined on a Tuesday’ to achieve your goals, whatever they may be.

But most of all enjoy your day.

Mrs Roe


Good Morning Adventurers!

‘Mountains to climb……opportunities to find!’

Hello everyone! I hope you managed to have a lovely weekend and find some sunshine.

I had a walk over the weekend and took some lovely photos of our beautiful surroundings.

I always like to hear about what you’ve been doing either on Tapestry or conversations on the phone and I’ve been amazed by all the things you’ve been achieving whilst at home.

Today’s activities includes writing about some of your achievements linked to our school story ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ as well as some maths, reading and art work. (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Aa’

English – with reference to the words from our story ‘There are mountains for climbing and journeys to take’, I would like you to use these as a metaphor and think of the mountains you have climbed during your time at home.  For example, lots of you have learnt to ride your bikes without stabilisers. So let’s write about all our achievements.

Shared reading – Little Red Riding Hood

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3. Then we will complete some work on place value.

Art and crafts – make your own superhero mask to celebrate your achievements.

I hope you enjoy some or all of these tasks and have a lovely day.

Mrs Roe


Good Morning Adventurers – Happy Friday!

I think we just have to ignore the grey skies and rain and make the most of our day. We can make some decorative indoor umbrellas and try our hand at being weather presenters…… and hopefully predict some sun!

Here’s today’s weather themed activities, if you wish to try them. (More details on Tapestry)

Covering lots of subjects, why not try being a weather presenter by making your own map of England and some weather symbols. Research the weather online or simply by looking outside then do a weather presentation like you would see on TV.

Shared reading – join me to read today’s story ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy.

Art and Crafts – make your own indoor umbrella.

Maths – have a go at lots of different symmetry activities.

I hope these activities manage to put a smile on your face and help you forget the rain.

Enjoy your day and have a sunny weekend.

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – I think we’ll need our umbrellas today!

‘Rain before rainbows. Clouds before sun.’

I think this is certainly going to be the case today! We will have to dodge the raindrops or put our wellies on and go splashing in puddles. But I’m sure we can still enjoy our day.

I was so impressed with all the super shape work you posted on Tapestry yesterday and hope you continue to enjoy the work today.

It was lovely to hear that you are joining in with the shared reading and practising every day.

Today’s learning, if you would like to have a go, includes: (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Cc’

English – mixed in with a bit of science. Let’s find out more about nocturnal animals and create some mini facts files using bullet points to highlight important facts.

Join me again for some shared reading of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.

Maths – key skills for year 2 and year 3 then why not make some 3D shapes using spaghetti, straws or shape nets. Name your shapes and describe their properties.

Science – watch a short video clip about the science behind day and night.

Don’t forget it’s French Thursday and make a game using French names for animals.

I hope you enjoy some or all of these activities. But most of all have a lovely day!

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – welcome to Wednesday!

We’ve woken up to rain clouds again and a grey day but I’m sure we can still have a sunny day!

We might even see a rainbow!

Thank you for posting all your super work, comments and photos on Tapestry. It certainly brightens up my day!

Today’s activities, if you wish to try them include: (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – Practise the letter ‘Oo’

English – based on the text ‘Rain Before Rainbows’, get your paints out to create day and night paintings then think of words to describe day and night to write a descriptive sentence. I know some of you might want to include some animals we might see at night.

Join me for some shared reading ‘Slinki Malinki’ by Lynley Dodd.

Maths – Key Skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then go on a 3D shape hunt and name the shapes you find.

Art – create your night and day paintings.

Geography – continue your leaflet on a country of your choice.

I hope you manage to enjoy your day and have fun with your learning.

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – the sun is shining again!

Well, I think we managed to blow the rain clouds away and the sun has returned!

Did you enjoy our new book ‘Rain Before Rainbows’? It’s a beautiful book and it was lovely to hear some of your thoughts about it.

I feel all refreshed after a miserable weekend and ready to tackle some new learning, so here’s today’s activities if you wish to try them. (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Mm’

English – using the text ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ think of words to describe rain and rainbows and display them on a mobile. You might try to put these words into some descriptive sentences.

Join me to read together ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ By Judith Kerr.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then draw a 2D shape street. Include lots of different 2D shapes to make houses, trees and roads. We will look again at right angles and parallel lines so you can highlight these on your street.

Music – make two different musical instruments, using materials from around the house, to accompany the music ‘Sea interlude 4 storm’ by Leonard Berstein Britten and ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ performed by The Royal Philarmonic Orchestra.

Science – Make your own rainbow. 

I think you could have a very busy day!

But hope you have a lovely day.

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – it’s back to school Monday!

I hope you managed to enjoy your weekend despite the horrible weather! 

Well lets banish those rain clouds and start the school week with a sunny smile.

I’m really excited as the teachers got together (virtually) to share a lovely new book with you on Tapestry called ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ by Smriti Hall which we are going to base our work around for the next few weeks. So have a listen then read it yourself.

Did you sign up for the library challenge? There’s still time and reading Rain Before Rainbows is a good start to the challenge.

Here’s today’s activities if you wish to try them. (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Nn’

English – listen to then read the story ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ then respond with your thoughts about the book. You can record a video of you talking about the book or make a talking head and thoughts and feelings box in which you can write down your thoughts and post them in the box.

Maths – Key Skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then draw 2D shapes ad describe their properties.

There’s quite a lot of craft activities involved in English today which I hope you will enjoy. I really liked making my talking head and thoughts and feelings box and I look forward to seeing yours.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Roe