‘Make a wish……..and make it happen!’
I’ve been really amazed by all the new things you have achieved whilst learning from home. From riding your bikes without stabilisers, learning a new times table and joining letters in handwriting. You must feel really proud of yourselves.
You are my superheroes!
In part of today’s activities I would like you to think about how you felt learning something new and the ‘journey you took to success’.
I hope you enjoy completing some of the rest of today’s learning too. (More details on Tapestry)
Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Ii’.
Maths – Key Skills for year 2 and Year 3 then answer some questions about Place Value. There are also some challenge questions.
English – think about your achievements that you wrote on your mountain yesterday. How did they make you feel? Were they easy to achieve or did you have to persevere? Write several sentences about your experiences and post them in your thoughts and feelings box.
Shared reading – complete the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
DT/English – Let’s climb to the top of the mountain and achieve another goal! Have a go at making your mountain then using a slider and movement to climb to the top and reach that goal!
Science – learn how to plant some peppers.
Be ‘determined on a Tuesday’ to achieve your goals, whatever they may be.
But most of all enjoy your day.
Mrs Roe