Egg Drop – A Story and a Challenge


Over on Tapestry ,You will find a video of Mrs Hann reading  a book called Egg Drop. It is the story of an egg who wanted to fly too soon. While still in the nest, all he thought of was soaring high above the clouds. But we all know,eggs can’t fly so this story does have a bit of a funny ending. 

Once you have listened to the story,you might like to have a go at the “Egg Drop Challenge”. Can you save the egg from breaking? 

Your challenge, should chose to accept it, is to design and make something to protect an egg when it is dropped.

Make it a family competition.
Get a grown up to help you.
Decide where you will drop your egg and from how high.
Remember this could be messy. A chocolate egg could also be used.
This website has lots of ideas to help you but as usual your ideas are always much better.

You could make certificates for the winners: Best Design, Safest Egg,Least Mess…

As always,we would love to see your photographs

Happy Learning,

Team Sleights

Friday 10th April

Hi there Discoverers and Leaders,

We have loved seeing your decorated eggs on Tapestry, they have been very creative and detailed. We’re looking forward to seeing more in the run up to Easter Sunday.

Your final task this week, is to build a den. Why is everything more exciting when it’s completed in a den? You can build it indoors or outdoors, and use things such as cushions, throws, sticks, chairs and even any cardboard you may have. It would be amazing if your whole family could fit inside, and perhaps enjoys a story together: You might like to read a story that you have written, or a book that you have at home. We can’t wait to see your creations! Here are some examples:

Lastly, well done for your efforts so far this week, and keep up with the fantastic job you’re doing on Sumdog, we love seeing how well you’re doing. 

Mrs Taylor and Mrs Walker

Wednesday 8th April – Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Good morning everyone.

The sun is shining again – what a beautiful day!

What a perfect day to have a Teddy Bear’s Picnic. Take your favourite toys out into the fresh air, put down a blanket and share some snacks. You could even have a go making a Teddy Bear Sandwich (See Tapestry for more details).

While your outside, look around, what do you see? What is the weather doing today? Are there many clouds today?

Maybe, take some paper and colouring pencils outside and draw things you see, the sky, some flowers, trees or birds.

Sing the Teddy Bear’s Picnic Song while you’re enjoying the sunshine! – see link. Be warned once you start singing it, you cant stop!

Have fun and don’t forget to send us your videos, pictures and messages on Tapestry  and let us know whatever it is you’re doing today!

Look out for tonight’s story on Tapestry – 6pm don’t be late!

Keep smiling – Team Sleights

Wednesday 8th April

Good morning everybody,

How did you get on with your exercise challenge? Did you manage to get you whole household involved? I have heard that some of you have been very persuasive with getting everybody to join in, well done! 

Today, myself and Mrs Walker thought that you might like a task that is Easter-themed, as it is Easter on Sunday! We would like you to decorate an egg (or anything of similar shape). You can decorate just the egg itself, or you could even create a background for it, and really set the scene. Here are some examples for you:

If you would like to share your results with us, you could upload pictures of your creations on Tapestry.

Thank you

Mrs Taylor and Mrs Walker 

Happy Holidays

Happy new week Leaders,
It is officially the start of the Easter holidays. To have some fun during this time, we are teaming up with Discoverers and are going to be completing the same, exciting activities. 
We will set a fun activity: today, Wednesday and Friday. For today, myself and Mrs Walker thought you might like to become the teacher. We would you like you to plan an exercise routine, like Joe Wicks has been doing each morning, or a dance routine. We want you to teach your family the routine and get them to perform it for you. If they are feeling brave, they may let you film it and upload it on to tapestry for staff to see your hard work. 
This can last as long or as short as you like, and you can spend as much time as you need rehearsing and preparing together. I have uploaded a Joe Wicks video below, to give you some inspiration.
Good luck
Mrs Taylor and Mrs Walker 

Happy Holidays

Happy new week Discoverers,
It is officially the start of the Easter holidays. To have some fun during this time, we are teaming up with Leaders and are going to be completing the same, exciting activities. 
We will set a fun activity: today, Wednesday and Friday. For today, myself and Mrs Walker thought you might like to become the teacher. We would you like you to plan an exercise routine, like Joe Wicks has been doing each morning, or a dance routine. We want you to teach your family the routine and get them to perform it for you. If they are feeling brave, they may let you film it and upload it on to tapestry for staff to see your hard work. 
This can last as long or as short as you like, and you can spend as much time as you need rehearsing and preparing together. I have uploaded a Joe Wicks video below, to give you some inspiration.
Good luck
Mrs Taylor and Mrs Walker 

Happy Holiday Pet Show

Now we all love having a pet.
Perhaps you have a dog. Maybe you have a cat or a hamster. It is possible that you may have a horse or some chickens.
Worms make great pets and I know that lots of you just adore woodlice. Tigers and alligators are tricky to keep as pets and prefer to be in the wild
Some of these can be difficult to handle and you may prefer an imaginary pet, a toy or a brother or sister.

Your mission for the holidays,should you choose to accept it is to hold a pretend Pet Show. Team Sleights will be doing this at home too.
Here are a few ideas:
Make a poster to advertise when and where your Pet Show will take place.

Plan the categories for your show. Here are some ideas:

Pet with the smiliest face
Pet most like its owner
Pet with the waggiest tail
Agility Course/obstacle course

Best Trick
Best dancer
Best singer
Best fancy dress
These are just ideas. As always your ideas are the best.

Make rosettes or medals as awards for pets and handlers.

Someone with a clipboard will need to be the judge.

Try out an app called Piccollage if you haven’t used it before. It lets you collect and arrange photographs and text.
It’s fun for making posters.It’s free.

You could also make a model of your pet from cardboard tubes,fabric and bits.

We would absolutely love to see photographs and video of your Holiday Pet Show.

Pop over to Tapestry to see some videos and photographs for ideas 

Happy Learning


Thursday 2nd April 2020

Good morning Discoverers,

After completing your bar chart yesterday, today I would like you to start a new task, related to time and statistics. I would love you to create an obstacle course for you and your family. It can be as long or as short as you like, and you will need to time everybody’s performance. Record names and timings within a table as we will use this information tomorrow. 

Now that you have created your meal or snack for your family, I would like you to finalise your instructions. Yesterday, you were able to determine if any changes needed to be made to your original writing. Today, I would like you to make the changes that are needed, and then write up your finalised set of instructions. I would love to see the results on Tapestry, so that I can try out your instructions for myself. 

You have now finished writing your clues for your treasure hunt. Today, place the clues in your hiding places and hand the first one to your family. Watch them try to find the treasure, and check out if they manage to get the clues quickly, or if they struggle because you’ve been so cryptic. 

Good luck,

Mrs Taylor 


Thursday 2nd April

Good morning Learners and good morning Adventurers!

It is Thursday (already!) we hope you are all well and happy this morning!

We have decided to team up today in some activities with a common theme……RAINBOWS.

Here are some suggested activities for you today (See Tapestry for further details).

  • Maths/colour – Go on a colour hunt around your home and garden. Can you find some objects that match the colours in Mrs   Brown’s song?
  • Draw a beautiful rainbow in your purple book. Tell and write a story about a magic rainbow or make a list of the colours you have used.
  • Phonics (Learners Class) – sound buttons today. Keep practising!
  • Music – A new song to learn – I Can Sing a Rainbow. Will anyone be able to sing it back to us on Tapestry?
  • Also, as we didn’t make it on our trip Ryedale Folk Museum have sent us an exciting link to A Museum From Home. Check it out, here’s the link

Keep us posted whatever you’re doing today and look out for rainbows!

Mrs Roe and Mrs Brown