Marching in to March.

This week, we have enjoyed another visit to the mobile library in the village. We were able to return our previous books and pick some fresh, exciting stories to enjoy in class. The children were extremely well-behaved and a credit to Learners Class. When we got back to  school, we found a quiet place to enjoy our chosen books. We will enjoy a book each day and vote each Friday for our favourite.

We have ben thinking about road safety this week. We watched a short video and discussed why road safety is important. We learned how to cross the road safely using the Green Cross Code ethos STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK. We created some road safety posters to show our learning.

We are continuing to learn about the features that make a good story. This week, we have worked hard to use language that will make our writing more interesting – we particularly enjoyed learning about alliteration! With all of our new skills in hand, we are excited to complete writing our own stories next week.

We are SO delighted to be taking on the school role of ‘Hedgehog Heroes’. Sleights has become a hedgehog friendly school and Learners will be finding out just how we can help to preserve our cute, spiky friends. We will be working with The British Hedgehog Preservation Society to arm ourselves with information and top tips of how we can help! We will keep you posted of our actions and progress in the coming weeks!

We hope you enjoy finding out about what Learners Class are learning about each week!


Happy World Book Day

World Book Day was wonderful and the maths that went along with it was wonderful too.

Everyone enjoyed a selection of maths books and we began w The Door Bell Rang by Pat Hutchins. Then we took a look at The Button Box and arranged and sorted,poured and filled.

We looked at Zero and One and painted numbers to use to build our fairy story based number book.

We finished the day with a look at How Many Legs. 

So much maths and so much fun.

Happy Learning.

Celebrating World Book Day

Adventurers had a fantastic day celebrating World book Day. They really enjoyed talking about their favourite books and showing each other their costumes. There was a real buzz in school during collective worship and play times when all the children got together!

In class, we spent the day re-writing and illustrating the Fairytale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. The whole class helped with the story by changing the plot, character traits and the settings. Our story took place in Sleights where a friendly little wolf helped Red Riding Hood find her way to school. Their journey together included lots of maths activities and questions we we hoped would engage the reader.

The children enjoyed being videoed reading their story so it could be shared on Tapestry.

A fresh half-term.

Welcome back everyone, i hope you had a great half-term.

Learners have been busy as always this week.

We have begun our English work around narrative and have enjoyed retelling The Three Billy Goats Gruff using a story map. We  are excited to develop our own stories, based on this popular story, as the weeks go on.

In maths we are learning about 3D shapes this week. There has been a lot of discussion about the names and properties of 3D shapes.

In Science, our new topic is plants. On Tuesday we looked carefully at daffodils in class and were able to draw and label the parts of a plant.

In RE, we have a new value, Justice. We have delighted in being able to resume our whole school Collective Worship in the Hall, this has been lovely to enjoy and learn together again.

We REALLY enjoyed World Book Day this week. We dressed up as a character from a book – and we looked amazing! We worked so hard to create our own class book, with a maths theme (which was personalised to Sleights School). We were SO proud to produce ‘Odd Bob and Even Steven Go To Sleights School’. We worked on one page each and the result was tremendous – a real team effort. The book will go in our library for all to enjoy!

Great work Learners!


Wearing Red to Support The Children’s Heart Unit Fund

Adventurers enjoyed wearing anything red to help raise money for CHUF. We learnt a little bit  more about this charity then coloured in and cut out hearts to hang in our bedrooms at home. Some children even wrote a prayer to share with others in their class.

We enjoyed finishing our newspaper articles about the Iron Man visiting Sleights School. Watch out for sightings of him around the Whitby area! The children also finished making and then painting their own Iron man which will be making their way home shortly.



Friday 18th February 2022

The last week of the half term has been a busy one! 

The week began with Leaders enjoying an Egyptian drama experience with Louise – always a bit hit!  The children enjoyed learning about Egyptian life and the gruesome mummification, creating freeze frames, linked movements and then a recorded piece using IPads.  

The week ended with a day of heart related activities in support of CHUF (Children’s Heart Unit Fund).  Leaders learned all about who they are and their work supporting children and families.  They also learned about the ‘clown doctors’ and their important role in keeping the children who find themselves in hospital smiling and happy.  Some Leaders decided to make their own ‘clown doctor’ clip Sleights style.


Here are some of the best bits of our half term:

Noah: I loved the session with Louise.

Mia: CHUF activities.

Corey: I have enjoyed making animations in ICT.

Rachael: I enjoyed using the marbling ink to create different effects.

Reegan: I have enjoyed learning about Algebra in maths.

Hollie: I liked making clay cartouches.

Leila: I enjoyed the mental health session with Mel, learning about the alarm clock in our brains.

Cheyenne: I enjoyed all the different science experiments.

Max: I liked the history activities.

Happy Half Term!

Ending the Week Wearing Red

Hello Everybody,

Our week started in the forest, where we worked as a team to tackle some tricky obstacles. We worked in teams and had to help each other navigate the forest by using clear directions, whilst some were blindfolded. 

We have worked hard with our fractions work in maths, where we have learned to confidently add and subtract fractions that are improper or mixed number. 

We managed to finish our newspaper report about an Ancient Egyptian battle, and published a final copy to share with our families and on display around school. We spent the rest of the week working on an independent explanation text about mummification! You don’t want to know how the Ancient Egyptian’s extracted a person’s brain!

We have ended our week wearing red, to raise money for the CHUF charity. This is an organisation that supports children in hospital. We created a happy heart to send the children, and managed to raise lots of money to support the work of this wonderful organisation. 

We hope you have a wonderful week,


Well-Being Week

This week in class we have thought a lot about well-being.

We were lucky to have a visit from Mel our well-being nurse, who shared the story ‘The Colour Monster’ with us. This book combined colours with feelings and we were able to articulate the different feelings that we knew. We then, created our own colour monsters using paper plates and different colours. Mel taught us some relaxation techniques and how to breather and relax mindfully. We really enjoyed the session.

In PHSCE we have thought about the groups and families we belong to and how thankful we are for the people in our lives.

We have enjoyed many stories as always in class this week. However this week, we have been particularly lucky to have some Learners  request to read their favourite stories to the rest of the class during story time. This has been an absolute joy! Such wonderful readers, such confidence and such a celebration of reading!

Well done Learners Class, I am so proud of you!

Wishing all of Learners Class and their families a happy half term. 

Rockets and Rainbows

It has been a busy week in Pioneers. Our rocket is now in good working order and we have written instructions to ensure everything is in place for future flights. The Pioneers took their instructions outside and followed them from getting the rocket out of the box to the 7,6,5,4,3,2,1…Blast Off. Later in the week we all got to fly Zach’s rocket too.We had to wait for the best weather conditions and the result was good.


We have talked a lot about light,our mirror ball and the lens blocks. This week we talked about rainbows and their colour sequence. The Pioneers painted on a variety of surfaces and we read the Bible story of Noah and his Ark. Next week we will story map and have a go at building an ark for 8 animals.

The floor has been pretty wet this week but the exploration has been fun. The Pioneers have been finding out about capacity by pouring and filling and emptying.

So much learning.

Keeping Happy, Healthy and Safe

Over the last few weeks Adventurers have been learning the knowledge and skills to keep themselves happy, healthy and safe in school and at home. They have learnt about the how sleep benefits their health and wellbeing and what healthy choices they can make each day. For example: exercise, drinking plenty of water, having 5 portions of fruit and vegetables and spending time with friends.

For Internet Safety Day the children in adventurers designed posters highlighting how we can all stay safe online. Why not check their knowledge at home.