Tuesday 19th May 2020

Hi there, Discoverers,

Thank you for an excellent effort with the work that I set you yesterday. 

Today in English, we are going to continue learning skills, to help us write our poems. 

Yesterday, you created pairs of words, which rhymed.

Today, I would like you to create some two-line poems, using your rhyming words, but focusing on using ‘silly sentences’. 

Your short poems can be as creative as you wish, and don’t even need to make sense. This will help you to think about how you can use your chosen rhyming words, at the ends of each line. 

Have fun creating your silly sentences!

Well done for challenging yourselves in maths yesterday. You did a fantastic job with the answers I have seen. I have included the answers, so you can mark them yourselves. 

Today, we are going to move on to adding fractions. This time, they will make an improper fraction. This is where the numerator is bigger than the denominator. 

When we create an improper fraction, we can turn it into a mixed number fraction. This is where we find how many whole ones have been created, and how many parts are left. 

For example: 3/4 + 3/4 = 6/4. In the fraction 6/4, we know that we have 1 whole (as there is one lot of four within the number six), and then we have 2/4 left over. 2/4 is an equivalent fraction of 1/2, so you could record it like this. 

See my examples to help you. 

How did you get on saying the months of the year in French? If you want to keep working on your pronunciation of the words, or your French accent, today you could watch the video again, and have another go. 


Today in French, it would be great if you can practise writing the months of the year in French. You could write them down as Alexa says them in the video, or you could use my poster to copy them. 

Have a great day,

Mrs Taylor 

Tuesday 19th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

I was hoping for sunshine yesterday, but it seemed to spend most of the day hiding behind clouds, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for today.

You may have seen on the news that animals are making their way into places that they wouldn’t normally be, the animals in the park and the ducks and ducklings on the road in London. A perfect time to continue are work on habitats. Keep your eyes open on your daily exercise and see what animals you spot as you go.


Letters can be fantastic way to record lots from things from events to feelings. With this in mind, I’d like you to choose a friend to write a letter to today.

You might want to tell them about things you have been doing and feeling during lockdown and maybe what you are looking forward to or missing.

If you are writing to someone from the class and would like it sending on to them, upload it and I will do that for you.


Fraction Puzzles

Using your knowledge of fractions and the digits 1-4 complete the investigation.

Habitats – Science

How did your micro-organisms grow? Which slice of bread produced the most and why?

We are going to start looking at animals and their habitat so this week we are going to investigate life cycles, something that you will have covered before.

You will need sellotape, scissors, an empty clear 2l bottle, stones or sand, some soil and some leaves or frozen peas.

Watch the video below. Remember you can watch it multiple times if needed or save the activity until you have the resources required.


Hello Monday – 18th May

Good morning Learners and families.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Today, the suggested learning is as follows;-

In Maths, we will continue to look at fractions. I would like you to think abut the word fraction and what it means. There are some practical tasks on Tapestry today to help you visualise a whole, a half and a quarter.

In English, we will have fun with some rhyming words today!

In Phonics today (as you’ve worked so hard) have some fun on Phonics Play (remember to select Phase 5).

In Music a familiar song to sing together. One of our favourites from assembly!

Congratulate yourselves today on just how well you are doing! There are no rule books for times like these and I think you are all doing an amazing job! 

Stay in touch via Tapestry and keep me posted with whatever it is you are doing!

Sending you a smile 🙂

Mrs Brown


Good Morning Adventurers – It’s back to school Monday!

Hello everybody, hope you had a lovely weekend. I’ve been going on lots of lovely walks and enjoying the wonderful world we live in! The colours in nature at the moment are just beautiful and I hope you will join me to explore colour in lots of different ways in our work this week. (More details are on Tapestry)

Today’s learning includes:

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Jj’

English – I’d like to share a new book with you  ‘When I coloured in the world’ by Ahmadreza Ahmadi. Let’s read it together today then write and draw about what colours represent our different feelings and emotions.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then fractions on a number line. Can you find the missing fractions?

Art – I would like us to create our own picture gallery this week by using colours in different ways when we draw animals. You can use what ever materials you like.

Enjoy your day and put lots of colour into our world!

Mrs Roe

Monday 18th May 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

It is the beginning of a new week, and I am excited to share your new tasks with you, after you worked so fantastically last week. 

You seemed to really enjoy your poetry learning last week, so I want us to continue writing poetry this week. Today you are simply going to focus of rhyming words. I would like you to create a list of words, and then next to each word, you can put a word that rhymes with it. For example, you could write: blue – shoe.

As you can see, not all rhyming words end in the same letters, but all rhyming words end in the same sound. So say the words out loud, and you will hear the endings sounding the same, if they rhyme. 


In maths this week, we are going to continue working with fractions. You managed tremendously with the work you have completed so far, so now I want to challenge you. Let’s see how you get on.

Today, you are working on adding fractions to make a whole. I have included an example, to show you that when the numerator and the denominator are the same, this means that you have one whole. Simply add the fractions, as you normally would, and then write how many wholes it makes. 

If the numerator is double the denominator, you will have two wholes. 

I have included the answers for Friday’s questions, and the eight questions for today.

For your additional subject this week, we are focusing on French. Previously, we have learned the days of the week. Can you remember what they are? Yes, that’s right: Lundi, Mardi, Mecredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche. 

This week, we are going to focus on learning the months of the year. Today, I want you to start by simply watching this video, and practice saying the months in French. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyROOY4RPJg

Have a great day, 

You’re amazing, 

Mrs Taylor

It’s Monday,Pioneers. Have a Magnificent Day!

This week’s book is all about modes of transport. I will make suggestions for learning during the week using ideas in the story.
Aeroplanes,boats,,cars and animal classification to follow.
As always all the posts are suggestions to dip into as you need them. If there is anything I can do to help or to guide please leave me a message on the one to one contact we have set up or have a list ready for me when I ring this week.
Happy Learning.

This week’s maths is measurement. Estimation is always key.
Estimate how many cups of tea you get in a pot.
Estimate how many glasses of juice in a bottle.
Compare and order.
Which jug holds the most?
Which cup holds most?
How do you know?

If it is right for you,take a look at ml and litres and use these in your comparisons too.( More coming later in the week)
Have fun with pouring and filling.
That’s maths magic!


In this week’s story, the camel does not fit in the boat and will make it sink.
I thought it would be a good idea to have a go at making a boat and seeing how much it could hold.
I have used tin foil but you could try out other materials to see what happens.
In maths we are looking at estimating,comparing and measuring.
If you made more than one boat with your family you could compare what each boat will hold.
Maybe your grown up would let you use the weighing scales and you can talk about grams and kilo grams …if your boat is really effective.
Let me know.
Happy Learning

You three words to work on this week are : all,were and little. Write them on postits. Stick them on the fridge.

Here is a link to Mr Thorn reading the tricky words.Have a listen to this one as often as you can during the week.
Do it with the sound on and with the sound off. With the sound off, your Pioneer can pretend to be Mr Thorne and read the words.
Try writing the words if that suits your Pioneer.
Happy Learning


Monday 18th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Welcome back to Monday. I hope you had a fantastic weekend with your families and managed to get out and enjoy the sunshine. There are so many people growing things, I think there are going to be some busy households potting up seedlings very shortly, followed by some very colourful gardens.


This week we are going to think about writing letters. Today I’d like you to mind map or list all the different types and reasons you may need to write a letter.

For example, make a complaint



It’s Monday, let’s wake ourselves up for the week with Supermovers, linking fractions to decimals.


Have a go at converting the fractions to decimals.

Staying Safe at Home

You may remember the sessions we did at school with our local PCSO about staying safe online.

Now that you are spending more time at home, with possibly more time online I think it would be good to remind ourselves how to stay safe. Follow the link to an online activity pack. Read the instructions carefully, making sure you ask your parents’ permission first.


The Sun Has Got His Hat On – Friday 15th May

Good morning everyone, 

I hope you are all well. The sun has got his hat on today and it’s Friday! Hurray!

today’s suggested activities on Tapestry today are;-

In Maths, we are testing our fractions skills. Can we work out a half of a number and a quarter of a number? Plates to the ready!

In English, you did so well with your acrostic colour poems, lets have some fun today and write one using our names – see Mrs Brown’s as an example!

In Art today, we will create our very own colour/feelings board. We can keep it safe and talk to our family about how we feel using colour. I really enjoyed making mine!

I have declared today Read-a-Book Friday. So grab a book (or go on Oxford Owl) sit in the sun and enjoy reading your book! 

Keep sending me you messages and videos of what you are doing!

Have a lovely weekend and hopefully the sun will keep shining!

Keep smiling and maybe hug each other today too!

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown



Good Morning Adventurers – Happy Friday!

First I’d just like to share my exciting news with you. On my walk last night I saw a slow worm slithering across the path. It was grey/brown in colour and a lot bigger than a worm. Seeing the slow worm has given me an idea for one of today’s activities…..

Today’s tasks, if you wish to try them include: (More information on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Qq’

English – Join in with me to read two poems; ‘Don’t Cry, Caterpillar’ by Grace Nichols and ‘The Tadpole’ by Elizabeth Gould.

Then today we are going to finish our poem ‘Under the Love Umbrella’ by adding all the lovely things we do that brings us comfort and joy. I can’t wait to hear your finished poems!

Maths – key skills for Year 2 and Year 3. Then in fractions let’s explore what a tenth is and then shade in fractions of different shapes.

Good luck with the problem solving question today!

Science – Build a wormery (Not a slow wormery!)

I hope you enjoy these activities and have a lovely day.

Mrs Roe

Friday 15th May 2020

Happy Friday Discoverers, 

I hope you’ve had a fun week, and are ready for the weekend. Do you have anything planned?

Today in English, we are going to focus on performance. I know that you have worked very hard creating your poems, and sometimes, only the author knows how they should be read. It would be great if today you could perform your poem to your household. Why don’t you go to the place that you were inspired? Or read it before bedtime tonight? You could even set up a stage in your home, and gather your audience. 

Wherever you perform, it would be brilliant if you could focus on the rhythm of the poem, and think about your tone as you read. Some parts of the poem you may want to speak low, and others may be more high. You might want to slow down at points, or speed up even. Lastly, think about if you would like to add any actions within your performance. Take a look at Michael Rosen when he performs: he uses his hands and mouth mainly, and captures your attention. 

Enjoy your time to shine, you’ve earned it!

In maths yesterday, you were finding fractions of amounts. These were called unit fractions, because the numerator (number on the top of the fraction) was always one. 

Today, I am setting you a challenge to find non-unit fractions. This is where the numerator is more than one. 

Just like yesterday, I have given you an example of how to do the working out, and I have given you the answer for the first question. There is an additional step within the working out, compared to yesterday. 

Look carefully at the different steps and take your time. I know you can do it 😀

Who’s up for the challenge?

You have worked very hard in science this week, and have created different food chains, as well as learning new vocabulary. 

Today, I have found a fantastic game for you online. You need to firstly identify all living things, and then arrange them in to a food chain, and finally, arrange them within a key (we looked at keys in class, using liquorice all sorts).  http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/3898

Have fun with this game and see how many answers you can answer correctly. 

Have a fabulous weekend, 

Mrs Taylor