Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

I hope that you managed to enjoy the sunshine that we had yesterday.

Today in English, I would like you to think of a setting (place) that you character was travelling to, in your ‘Adrift’ story. I want you to imagine what it might look like there: it may be space, a desert, a made up land etc. 

I would like you to draw the setting, including as much detail as possible. Enjoy taking your time, and experimenting with colour. 

Here are the answers for yesterday’s maths questions, and your next set for today 🙂 I hope that you enjoy marking your own work, and seeing how many you get correct. Remember, if you didn’t score too well, aim to get one more correct, you can do it! 

In french today, you are moving on to writing the French translation of ‘Wednesday’. Remember, you can watch Monday’s video to help you. Create a poster of the translated word, and display it somewhere around the home, for all to see.

Enjoy your day,

Mrs Taylor 

Happy Tuesday! – 5th May

Good morning Learners and families!

If you haven’t already voted for your favourite story from last week, then today is your last day to do this! Login to Tapestry and select the Let’s Vote update – its easy to do!

Today in English, we are going to play a game of Character Guess Who – describe in detail anyone you like (a super hero, a book character, a family member, a teacher) but don’t say their name. The other person has to guess who you are describing! – It’s fun!

Yesterday in maths we counted in 2s and today we will count in 5s – practise makes perfect!

In phonics we will focus on the au sound – as in the word haunted.

Let’s make some VE day bunting and flags today to prepare for Fridays celebrations!

Have a happy day, whatever you are doing and keep sending in your messages and videos on Tapestry!

Keep smiling as always 🙂

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown 

Good morning everyone! It’s a lovely sunny morning.

‘ Every day is filled with dreams and wishes’.

A BIG THANK YOU for all the super work you completed yesterday – it was lovely to see it all on Tapestry.

We have another packed day of learning if you wish to have a go.

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Dd’.

Maths – Key skills 10 questions in 10 minutes.

               Keep practising for the times table challenge.

               Everyday arrays, these images can help us solve multiplication problems and we can find lots of arrays around the house. How many can you find?

English – Let’s continue our shared reading of ‘Meerkat Mail’ then write a post card from Sunny as he visits a different place or country. (I did mine from the Amazon Rainforest)

Art – I decided it was time to get my paints out and use my new drawing pens to create an observational picture of the wild flowers I picked on Sunday.

Enjoy the sunshine – you could even set up your classroom outside!

Mrs Roe

Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

I have seen some fantastic stories and settings so far which makes me excited for what will be produced by the end of this week; the creativity is flowing. I’m sure there will be some amazing things to look forward to.


In English this week, you have a choice. I would like you to either end up with your story in a comic strip or, if you have the facilities, to have a go making your story into an animation. For either option you can use your story setting from last week to help you.

Today is the time to decide which option you are going to choose and make a start. I will continue to upload things to help you but would like you to decide how you are going to go about this task and which part you feel that you want to do first.

Here is information about both animations and comic strips. Have a look and make your choice. You may want to make a start today too but remember you have the rest of the week to complete this so there is no rush – build up your comic/animation over the course of the week.



Have a go at this game today. Choose your ‘bot’ and see if you can win the challenge -use your knowledge of the four operations.


Problem Solving – Computational Thinking

There are some fantastic free resources available as schools are currently closed. Here is a resource from icompute for you have a go at.

You will need to be systematic and logical to solve the problem. Good luck!

A Final Request for ‘Hellos’

You may have seen on Tapestry, I have been asking for you to send in videos of you saying ‘hello’ to your classmates. 

You can send a quick video, a drawn picture, a written message or even just a picture of you smiling, and I will be sending these to everybody who has submitted. 

This will allow you to see everybody, who I know you are missing, and make each other smile 😀 

This is a quick reminder, that tomorrow will be the last day to send something to me, before I pass them on to you. 

Here is a picture from our last school trip: I love to see your happy faces. 

Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

Thank you for sharing your work yesterday, it was such a pleasure to see your engagement with the tasks I have been setting for you. 

In English today, you are going to use your emotion graph, which you created yesterday, to write some speech sentences. 

Please can you watch this video, and then write a speech sentence, for each of the points in the story that you labelled on your graph yesterday. I have included an example for you.

Well done to those of you who sent me in your answers for the maths bonus question. The answer was: Red flower = 20 and blue flower = 5. I saw that many of you got this correct, so well done 😀

I have also uploaded the answers for yesterday’s questions, and set you your next ones. Don’t forget to mark them and let me know how you got on. 

In French today, please can you create your poster of Tuesday’s translation, and put it up somewhere in your home for all to see. You may want to tell your family members, that you will be giving them a quiz at the end of the week, so that they make sure to pay attention to your poster. I have included an example below:

Have a great day everybody,

Mrs Taylor 

Tuesday the 5th of May-Snail Race

I had so much fun in the garden with my new friends,the snails.

Here is my suggestion for learning today:

Have a look around your garden for some snails. I hope that you can find 2 or three. You may have to look in cool,dark places to find them.

Once you have found them,set up a race track.
Be very gentle with your snails.

Draw a start line. Make a label to say “Start”
Draw a finish line. Make a label to say “Finish”
Pioneers can write this.
Give your snails a name.
Get a timer on your phone or click on this link:

Shout “GO”

and your snails will romp off.

Who is the fastest?
Make a medal for the winner of the race.

You could try running the race on different surfaces.
Do the snails prefer grass or lunchbox to race on?

Return your snails to where you found them.
I have had so much fun watching my snails so I have included all my videos!
Happy Racing

Focus on 12

Yesterday’s Numberblocks and the Legs question was all about 12 and different ways to make 12.
My suggestion for today is to play around with the different ways to split 12.
I have got out an egg carton and some baking trays. You could draw circles and use counters or use paper plates. This will introduce ideas linked to sharing and to multiplication.
You could colour in squared paper or use lego.
Try setting 12 out in 3 lots of 4.4 lots of 3,6 lots of 2,2 lots of 6,12 lots of 1.
Look at the shapes that you can make-different rectangles
You could write number sentences for what you see.


How Many Legs?

Get out in the garden again and do some leg counting. 

This guide groups garden creatures by the number of legs they have.

You could make your own guide by drawing the creatures you find and writing how many legs they have.

Can you find them all?

Can you find 12 Legs?

Happy Learning



Monday 4th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

May the 4th be with you!  I hope you have all had a good weekend. For those of you who have made a rain gauge, it would be interesting to share results to see how the rainfall differs depending on where we live. If you haven’t made one and would like to, you can find the instructions both on Tapestry and the website.

I hope that you are all still practicing the things that you challenged yourself to – I have heard and seen some amazing results already. I am still persevering with the Ukulele when I get the chance.


In English this week, you have a choice. I would like you to either end up with your story in a comic strip or, if you have the facilities, to have a go making your story into an animation. For either option you can use your story setting from last week to help you.

Today’s task is to try and a flipbook. This will show you how small changes build up to make a picture of something changing or happening.


Multiplication Grids

Can you work out the numbers that need to go into the squares so that when you multiply the rows and columns you get the products shown? You can only use the numbers 1-9 and you can only use the numbers once.

The numbers in red show the difference between the sums of the products in the third row and the third column.

Can you make another grid that has a difference of 1? What is the biggest difference you can make? Is it possible for there to be a difference of zero? If not, can you explain why not?


I would like you to make a collage type poster all about yourself and the things you have been doing in lockdown. This can then be used to send to other children in the class, especially if you have not uploaded a ‘hello’ video.

Don’t worry if you cannot do this electronically, it can be made using paper and pens – the important thing is to collate the important information and present this in an easy to understand format.

Monday 4th May

Hello Learners and families!

I hope you all had a good weekend! The sun did manage to come out after all, which was a bonus! It is forecast to come back out after a little rain this morning!

Don’t forget today is Voting Day for us! Check in to Tapestry and vote for your favourite story read last week – its very easy!

Todays suggested learning is as follows;- (details on Tapestry)

In Maths, we are counting in 2s today! Use socks, pasta or whatever you have around to help you.

In English, we are completing our story. We have done all the preparation, now its time to complete it. Don’t worry if you didn’t start this last week, there is a lovely story clip for you to watch and talk about!

In Phonics we are looking at the oe sound – in words such as toe, woe and Mrs Roe!

Its Music Time – Yes Mrs Brown is indulging herself with sharing her love of musicals with you! Today, here’s a lovely song from The Sound of Music for you to listen to, sing along with and enjoy!

Remember, to keep smiling whatever it is you are doing. Keep sending pictures, videos and messages on Tapestry! I think you are all doing an amazing job! 

Look out for tonight’s Story at 6pm

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown




Good Morning Adventurers and a Happy Monday to you!

Over the next few weeks I would just like to share some of my thoughts from the beautiful walks I’ve had.

‘ The world is filled with wonder and beauty. We just need to step out and take a look’ 

It would be lovely if we could all share our photos and thoughts for the day to create a class book for when we meet again soon.

Well it’s back to school Monday and I have a packed day of lessons for you, just like at school! (More details are on Tapestry)

Please pick and choose as you wish but I love seeing all the work and activities you have been doing.

First, some handwriting to start the day – concentrate on Bb

Maths – Let’s start with some key skills. Time yourself! Can you answer 10 questions in 10 minutes?

               Next, a multiplication challenge. Can you learn a new times table by Friday? Year 2 try 2, 3, 5 or 4

               Year 3 try 3, 4, 6 or 8. You choose and you could even make a trophy for yourself.

               Then, complete the multiplication questions I’ve set on tapestry.

Good luck! 

English – Reading and writing this week is based on one of our favourite books from last year ‘Meerkat Mail’ by Emily Gravett.

We can complete some reading together and a writing task. Write a postcard from Sunny explaining why he is leaving home to find the PERFECT place to live.

Science – Enjoy a nature walk with your family. Pick some wild flowers then find out their names and label them.

( My mum is an expert at this!)


Gosh! A very busy Monday.

Bu most of all enjoy your day!

Mrs Roe