There’s a Hole in My Bucket. How Shall I Mend It? Thursday for Pioneers.

Here is a suggestion for today’s maths bringing together some measuring concepts.
Use the language of comparison to build up estimation and measuring and checking.


On Tapestry are two versions of the same song by two different sets of artists.
This is not one we have sung in school but I thought that it fitted in well with this weeks work on capacity.
The Muppets had more rehearsal time than we did. It was fun

While you listen look at the pictures I have drawn. You will be able to retell the story yourself.

Enjoy and look out for my video on testing materials!

In the song, they try to mend the bucket with straw. I’m not sure that would work.
It is always interesting to look at materials and their properties.
I had fun in the garden deciding if materials were absorbent or not.
What would you use to mend the hole in the bucket?
This link has some starting points to talk about materials
Have fun. We did!

Play! Play! Play! Play!

Thursday 21st May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

Yippee, what a beautiful day yesterday – fingers crossed for more sunshine today! It should be a good day to spot animals and insects to help with your drawings.

Don’t forget to water all those seedlings in such hot weather – watering the pot rather than the plant otherwise you may burn the leaves.

Happy spotting!


Writing a letter to yourself!

Sounds like a strange idea but I’d like you to write a letter to yourself talking about what is currently happening. We are then going to bury or hide your letter (like a time capsule) for you to come back to later. You may decide to look back in a year, or when you leave secondary school or even when you leave home – that’s a long way away!


Percentage Puzzles

Using your knowledge of percentages can you solve the riddles?

Pencil Drawing – Art

Today, we are going to look at adding colour to our animal.

It is a good idea to build up the colour as you go to get the tones you want. Remember the amount of pressure you put on your colour will often by the darker the colour shows.

If you’d like to, you can once again follow this video showing you a butterfly with colour.

Sunny Wednesday – 20th May

Hi everyone, 

The sun has got his hat on today! hurray!

Here are some suggested learning activities you can do in the sun. Further details on Tapestry as usual.

Maths, talk about fractions today and see if you can answer Mrs Brown’s questions!

In English, I have declared it Talking in Rhyme Day! See how you get on! Talk in RHYME if you have TIME!

In Phonics, take your Phonics Mats outside in the sunshine and practise your sounds!

A fun game to play today in PE – Magic Beans – It’s such fun!

I have added the song  ‘The Sun Has Got His Hat On’ Sing and enjoy!

Have a lovely day whatever you are doing!

Sending you a sunny smile,

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

Good Morning Adventurers – The sun is shining!

What a beautiful morning! The sun is shining and the colours of nature seem to glow in its warmth. I can tell we are going to have a lovely day!

A day to enjoy with your family in the garden, going for walks or playing games outside.

If you wish to do some learning, why not take your classroom outside and try some of today’s activities:

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Tt’

English – Start to write our poetry booklet based on the book ‘When I coloured in the world.’

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then compare and order fractions.

Art – A change of plan as it’s such a nice day! ‘Ice Art’. 

More details are on tapestry with photos and videos to help you.

I hope whatever you do today, you have a lovely time.

Enjoy the sun.

Mrs Roe

Wednesday 20th May 2020

Good Morning Leaders.

The weather was a little brighter here yesterday but let’s keep our fingers crossed for some sunshine today. Have you managed to spot any animals on your daily exercise? If so, you might like to use one of those today or you could go outside and find a different insect if you’d like to.

Happy spotting!


To help with our letter tomorrow, I’d like you to write a diary for your day today. This should give you valuable information for the letter we are going to write tomorrow.


Fraction Puzzles

Today you will need to use your knowledge of multiplying fractions. Remember to only multiply the numerator as the denominator stays the same.

Pencil Drawing – Art

Today, we are going to use our pencil skills to draw a pencil drawing of an insect or animal.

You could find an insect or animal in your garden to draw or find a picture to copy online.

If you’d like to, you can follow this video showing you how to draw a butterfly

Leave your animal just in pencil for today, we are going to look at adding colour tomorrow.

Wednesday 20th May 2020

Good morning Discoverers, 

Today in English, you are going to write your own poem, based on a poem called ‘Jump or Jiggle’ by Evelyn Beyer. You can use the rhyming words that you found earlier in the week, and your silly sentences from yesterday if you like, or you can start a complete fresh. 

The poem is made up of seven verses, and each verse only has two lines. Both of the words at the end of each line, in each verse, rhyme. Try to follow the same structure. 

You could stick to writing about animals, or choose something different. 

Have fun 😀

We are continuing with a similar theme to yesterday, in maths today. We are going to be adding mixed number fractions this time.

Firstly, you add the whole numbers, and then you add the fractions as you normally would. 

If you find that you can make another whole, from your fraction, you can covert this like you did yesterday. 

See my example for number six, which shows you how to do this. 

In French today, I would like you to create a poster. 

Your poster should include the French months January – June/ Janvier – Juin. 

To help us remember the months in French, it may help to include a picture for each month. For example, drawing a snowman for January/ Janvier because it usually snows. 

We will create another poster tomorrow for the months July – December, so you can choose today to leave space on one poster for all twelve months, or do two separate ones, with six on each. 

Have a great day Discoverers,

Mrs Taylor 


t’s Wednesday.It’s going to be a good one Pioneers!

This Learning suggestion is great because it is fun and gives lots of opportunities for maths chat.
You can use the words:full,empty ,half full and chat about fractions: a quarter and three quarters.
Ask: What happens if..? and Did you notice…?
You can also talk about higher and lower sounds. If you are interested there is also a free app you can download to show the sound and it names the sound. This might be really popular with some Pioneers.
And you can just have fun making music and playing in the water.
Happy Learning.


This suggestion for today is great for getting talking about maths and science.

What will happen when…

What did you notice

What changes could you see?

When I put the stones in then…

What happens if I add more stones?

How many more stones do I need to make it overflow?

Why does the water level change when I add the rocks?

What is happening when I take the rocks out?

This works best when you can find enough rocks to make it overflow.

I have written a text to go with this which include only sounds we have covered. Your Pioneer will not recognise “Pour”.

You could draw a set of pictures to show what happens when you add the stones or you could take photographs and add text later if you want to do some writing.

Happy Learning.

And here is a suggestion for handwriting.

Have a wonderful day together.

Get out and play!

Happy Tuesday – 19th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well and happy today. The day has started a bit dull but set to improve and tomorrow is forecast to be areal scorcher!

Today’s suggested learning is as follows – further details on Tapestry.

In Maths, we will practise some Key Skills, just as we do everyday in Class. I have sneaked a couple of fractions questions in too!

In English, we will continue to look at poetry and Mrs Brown is asking today “what is your favourite poem”?

In Phonics, lets practise our sounds just as we do every day in our phonics lessons at school!

In RE we have really enjoyed learning about ‘what Jewish people believe’ We loved having out own Shabbat and making a Star of David. Watch the short video on Tapestry to see what you can remember! Talk about what you have learned with someone at home.

Please keep in touch whatever you are doing today – I love to hear from you!

Fingers crossed the sun will have his hat on tomorrow!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown


Good Morning Adventurers – blow those rain clouds away to bring a better day!

I’ve been so impressed with all the wonderful art work you’ve been posting on Tapestry. We have lots of super artists among us!

So let’s put some colour back into today!

Today’s learning, if you wish to try it:

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Ll’

English – continue with shared reading of the book ‘When I coloured in the world’ by Ahmadreza Ahmadi then for writing today I would like you to draw the world and think about what colours you would use to change bad things to good.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3. Then let’s explore equivalent fractions.

Art – What materials and patterns will you use to draw a bee?

Dt – Continue with our packaging project.

I hope you enjoy today’s activities and more information is on Tapestry.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Roe

Happy Tuesday Pioneers! Have Fun

Now as well as making kites,I am pretty hopeless at making paper aeroplanes.
I am delighted to direct you to a great website with fantastic instruction to help you make the best aeroplanes. Mr Hann was very helpful and made these up for me. He has given them names.

My suggestion is to have a bit of a competition which will involve your mathematical thinking.
Once you have made your aeroplanes,find an open space ,position a start line and throw.
How far do you think “the Lion” will fly? 3 big steps,4 giant jumps or use a stick.How many sticks?
Once you have estimated you could discuss a tape measure if your Pioneer wants to.
Which aeroplane flew the furthest?
If there was a competition for flying the furthest who was 1st, 2nd,3rd…
What would happen if we put a giraffe on top of the aeroplane?


I have taken photographs of the boat making from yesterday.
I have added text that fits with the sounds we have covered along with the tricky words.
You can read this like a reading book
Your Pioneer may like to write their own words or sentences.
You could make your own photostory of boat making or of your aeroplane measurement.
I did this on Messenger on my phone but I can recommend Piccollage if you have not tried it before.


Today, I suggest a Millilitre Hunt. It’s raining so take a look in your food cupboards.
Take a look in your cupboard and look for the ml abbreviation. Can you find any other letters and numbers on the sides of tins and bottles? Why do some have g and some have ml? Can you sort the bottles in different ways?
Look at a measuring jug and the numbers on the side.

A teaspoon holds 5ml. It is a really useful starting point when talking about ml.
How many teaspoons of water would fill the cup?
Which bottle holds the most?
Which bottle will hold the least?

That’s Maths Magic!


Here is a new reading book featuring the oo sound.
I suggest reading this together a number of times and letting your Pioneer join in.
You could take a look at Geraldine doing the oo sound to help you along and extend this.

Haooy Reading