Good morning, Discoverers,
I hope you’ve all had a wonderful weekend, and managed to enjoy the ever-changing weather.
It certainly helped with our rain and cloud experiments!
We are going to move on to learning about statistics, in maths this week.
We have looked at this in class previously, so hopefully it will come back to you when reading the questions I have attached.
Statistics is looking at data, which is usually in the form of a table, a chart or a graph, and analysing this.
Today, I want you to simply focus on the graph that you have been given, and see if you can answer the questions related.
Then, using the information in each table, create two bar charts to represent this. Use the bar chart in the first question to help you lay out your own.

This week, in English, we are continuing to look at our story: Rain Before Rainbows.
In the story, there are many examples where something comes before something else. For example: rain before rainbows, clouds before sun.
Today, I would like you to try and think of some other examples of this. For example: closed eyes before dreams, clean wellies before muddy walks, etc.

We are going to be learning about RE this week, and focusing on two key questions:
Why do some people think that life is a journey? What significant experiences mark this?
Today, I want you to think about your life so far. Do you think that it has been a journey?
To help you answer this question, you can draw a map of your life so far.
You can do this however you like: you may wish to draw key events on a timeline, or write captions along a road.
Get creative, and have fun 😀

Have a wonderful day,
Mrs Taylor