Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning, Discoverers, 

Thank you for sharing your work yesterday, I really enjoyed hearing and reading your stories, and seeing your wonderful working out, in maths.
I am also excited to share the next park of your geography project, as your plans are looking great. 

In English today, you will take the reader, once again, on an emotional journey.
In my next paragraph (paragraph number 6), a new character visits Jane, but then leaves again. What will happen next in your story?
Today, please can you write your next paragraph.
And remember, you can write something similar, or not, and you can write more paragraphs or less. 

Today in maths, I have written you some word problems, which need solving.
Take your time working through the questions, and try to decide which calculations you will need to complete, in order to reach your answer.
I have also uploaded the answers from yesterday’s questions, good luck! 

In Geography today, I would like you to think about where you might build you addition to Sleights village.

I have included my example for you. I drew a simple map of the surrounding area, and then labelled a few roads, and put a star where I would place my communal gardens and compost bins.

Then, write a short sentence about why you have chosen to build your addition there.

I am excited to see you plans.

Have a great day,

Mrs Taylor