Learners Class

Welcome to Learners' class page!

Learners Class currently includes Year 1 and Year 2, where the children are between the ages of 5 years to 7 years old. The class is taught by Mrs Brown and is supported by Mrs Gurney and Mrs Creek.

We teach Maths and English daily and are proud to provide our full and rich curriculum to our children with lots of exciting learning opportunities, including regular visits to our own school forest. We enjoy Collective Worship together each day, where we explore different values each half term. This half term our value is Truthfulness.

Each Thursday afternoon, we have IT lessons run by Mrs Gurney, providing us with valuable learning around technology. 

This term we will have PE sessions on Wednesday afternoon led by Hawkes Sports coaches. On Tuesday afternoons we will have dance sessions with Hannah Verity Dance. Please make sure your Learner always has a PE kit in school and that earrings are taken out at home in the morning before school.

Learners Class are passionate about reading and enjoy stories and books together daily. Each child has their own reading record diary, which goes between home and school alongside each child's reading book. These are used to record reading at home and are also brought in to school each day to record reading in class. Class reading books are changed regularly throughout the week.

Alongside reading at home, spellings are handed out on Thursday and tested the following Tuesday. Please support your child's reading at home by sharing and enjoying a book together each day - it really does make a difference! Children use the online tool 'Sumdog' to strengthen their Maths skills. On the programme, children have their own character and are rewarded with coins and prizes for completing homework tasks.

For more up-to-date information of what we are learning, please keep an eye on our weekly class blog! 

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

Thursday’s News – Another Sunny Day! 25th June

Good morning everyone!

Wow the weather was hot hot hot yesterday!

I hope you all enjoyed the sunshine!

Today’s suggested learning is as follows:- More details on Tapestry!

In English, we will be thinking about the line from our book ‘ A day full of promise, a day full of light’.

In Maths, we are thinking about comparing objects to 100.

In Phonics we will be phoneme spotting and using our comprehension skills too!

In Science we will think about what part of a plant our fruit and vegetables come from!

Keep cool today, it’s a warm one again!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Wednesday’s News – 24th June

Good morning everyone.

I hope you enjoying the lovely weather. A few families told me yesterday they were heading to the beach to enjoy the sunshine – how lovely!

Todays suggested learning activities are as follows;- More details on Tapestry!

In English, we are reading our story ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ and using lots of expression as we do!

In Maths we are having a backwards kind of a day and focusing on counting backwards.

In Phonics we will learn about suffixes and do some word-ending spotting!

Let’s Enjoy some PE in the sun (this can even be enjoyed on the beach too). Make an obstacle course to enjoy today!

I hope you manage to enjoy the lovely weather. Keep me posted and let me know what you are up to!

Remember these activities are suggestions only, you can do as much or as little as you can!

Have fun in the sun and keep smiling 🙂

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown


Tuesday News – 23rd June

Good morning everyone!

The sun has got his hat on again today – how lucky are we!

Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;-

In English, we are thinking about the line from our book that says ‘There are dragons to duel, battles to win’. today we will design our own dragon using the book ‘Tell me a dragon’ to help us further.

In Maths, looking at number again, we will focus on ordering numbers.

In Phonics we will be thinking about Common Exception Words – reading them and spelling them too!

In Science today we will be exploring wonderful hedgerows – they really are fascinating!

Enjoy the sunshine and don’t forget to look out for hedgerows you may pass! Can you spot a dog-rose flower?

Keep in touch and keep smiling 🙂

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

A New Week – Monday 22nd June

Good morning everyone!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend!

We have had all weathers this weekend…..sunshine, wind and rain, but the sun is here to stay this week!

Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows – more details on Tapestry.;-

In Maths we will be perfecting our counting – using a 100 square to help us!

In English, thinking about the line from our book ‘Mountains to climb , journeys to take’, we will transport ourselves to somewhere wonderful and a create a postcard to send to someone special!

In Phonics we will look at graphemes and count how many sounds a word has.

In Geography, still thinking about the line ‘Mountains to climb, journeys to take’, we will learn about some famous Mountain Ranges in the World.

Keep in touch with me on Tapestry as always and let me know what you are doing today!

Look out for tonight’s story at 6pm.

Keep smiling as always,

Mrs Brown

Friday’s News – 19th June

Good morning everyone!

I can’t believe it’s Friday already!

I think the weather is set to warm up a little again, which will be nice!
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;-
In Maths we will use all the coin/money skills we have learned this week and have a go at some money games!
In English we are thinking about the line from our book which says ‘Footsteps to follow, words that are wise’. I would like you to discuss what you think this means and talk about whose footsteps you would like to follow in and why?
In Phonics there are some real and nonsense words to practise.
It’s Read-a-Book Friday, so grab a book and cuddle up somewhere cosy and enjoy reading together!
RE – Following in Jesus’s footsteps – how and why would and should we do this?

Keep in touch with me as always and have a lovely weekend!
Best wishes and keep those big smiles smiling!
Mrs Brown


Maths – Money Games

You have worked really hard this week and have become much more confident recognising and using money – well done!

Today, we will use all the skills you have learned this week and apply them when we try these two fun money games ;-https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game 




Yes its Friday again!
That can only mean one thing – Read-a-Book-Friday!
So grab a book, or you could even check out Oxford Owl or sign up for the Virtual Library Summer Challenge if you haven’t already.

Also check out the story link Mr Grason mentioned in his email on Wednesday, which has been set up by the National Literary Trust and Stephen Joseph Theatre – here’s the link again below;-


Whatever you do enjoy reading today!


English – Footsteps to follow

In English today we will think about another line from our book ‘Footsteps to follow, words that are wise’.
Talk together and discuss what you think footsteps to follow means? Does it mean walking behind someone? What else can it mean?
Talk about why you might want to follow in someone’s footsteps? Whose footsteps might you want to follow in?
Have a discussion first, then write down your findings if you would like.

I would like to follow in my Grandma’s footsteps because she is the kindest person I have ever known!


Phonics – Words to practise 

Today in Phonics let’s use all of our Phonics knowledge and practise some words together.
There are some real words and also some nonsense (alien) words to practise! – see picture below!

Let me know how you get on!


RE – Following in Jesus’ Footsteps

In English today we have been thinking about what it means to follow in someone’s footsteps!
I would like you also to think how you can follow in Jesus’s footsteps.
What would you need to do to follow in Jesus’s footsteps? What does the Bible tell us about what kind of person he was? What did he do that we might want to be like him?
Can you discuss this together, there is no need to write anything down unless you would like to.

Watch this lovely dance and song about following in Jesus’s footsteps! https://youtu.be/Dx6RWOuF1M8 

Thursday’s News – 18th June

Good morning Learners and families!
How are you all today?
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows:-
In Maths, we will be using our money skills to have a go at some money word problems.
In English, we are thinking about the line from our book ‘A rope to hold on and treasure to find’. What are the treasures in your life and what treasures have you yet to find?
In Phonics, using our Phonics Sound Mats, we are looking for like-sounding sounds.
In Art today, still thinking about our book and the line ‘treasure to find’, we will focus on one of the beautiful illustrations and try to create a collage or a painting/drawing that is similar.

Keep in touch with me as always, I am always interested in what you are doing!
Keep smiling 🙂
Mrs Brown


English – A rope to hold onto and treasure to find

In our story, the people we care about are referred to as ‘A rope to hold on to’. Yesterday we talked about the people we could think of who were courageous and kind.
The story mentions that in the future we will have treasure to find……..
What do you think this means?
What are the things in your life that you treasure the most? And what treasure might you yet discover?
It might not just be people, it could be things that you love to see, such as the sea or animals or even something you would like to do in the future like travel to another country or ride a horse.

What will your treasure include?


Phonics – Like-sounded sounds

Today, I would like you to group together like-sounded sounds – using both of your phonics mats (I’ve attached some more if you you have mis-placed your own)

you could even write out the sounds and group the sounds that are the same – or even write a list.

For instance ‘igh’ and ‘ie’ are like-sounded sounds.
Can you find any others that are the same?


Art – Treasure to find

Today in art I would like you to look at page 24-25 of our book Rain Before Rainbows;- Here’s the link again ;-http://stayhome.walker.co.uk/rainbows/ 

I would like you to create a picture today that is similar – you can copy the picture in the book if you would like. It is a picture that shows a new day and the rising of the sun and new hope.

you could make a collage with bits of paper/material, you could paint or you could draw. You could even use a mixture of all three.

I can’t wait to see your creations.


Money word problems

We have been getting more familiar with coins this week and have added different coin amounts together.
We have also been shopkeepers for the day, which was lots of fun!

Today we are going to use all our money skills to answer some money word problems – see photo below.
Remember to take your time when you are doing word problems, you may even have to read the problem twice.
Good luck!

Wednesday’s News – 17th June

Good morning everyone.
I hope you are well today.
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;-
In English, we will be thinking about the line from our book ‘Friends who will help us, courageous and kind’ and thinking about people we know who help us.
In Maths, continuing with our money focus, how about becoming a shopkeeper today. You will need to label your products and deal with some customers, taking their money and giving change! Remember to say your pleases and thank you’s!
In Phonics, we will be going on a split diagraph hunt!
In History, thinking about people who help us who are courageous and kind, we will learn about Florence Nightingale today!

Remember to keep in touch with me whatever you are doing today!
Keep smiling as always 🙂
Mrs Brown


Phonics – Split Digraph Practise 

Today we are going to focus on all the split diagraphs we know;-

Remember there is only 1 letter in between the split diagraphs. ie cake, these, nose, tune.
Look at some books that you have at home. Can you find any split diagraphs? Which split diagraph can you find the most of?
Happy spotting!


Maths – Let’s make our own shop

Still thinking about money today, let’s make our own shop at home.
Mrs Brown used to love playing shoe shops when she was little, but you can create whatever type of shop you like.
Write the prices on whatever you are selling. You need to make your prices under 50p or whatever amount you are confident with. I would label things 1p, 2p, 5p or 10p to start with.
If your customer buys more than one thing can you add up the price? Can you give the right change too?
Have fun being the shopkeeper today! I hope you don’t get any awkward customers today!


English – Friends who will help us, courageous and kind

I would like us to think about another line from Rain Before Rainbows, ‘Friends who will help us courageous and kind’.
I would like you to firstly think about the words courageous and kind. What do they mean? Are you courageous? What have you done to be courageous before? Who do you know that is courageous?

Also, what does being kind mean? Are you kind? what kind things have you done out of kindness? Who do you know that is kind?
Finally make a list of friends or other people who might help us in our lives – are these people courageous and kind?


History – Florence Nightingale 

Today, in English we are thinking about ‘Friends who will help us, courageous and kind’.
We will carry this through into History today, where we will learn about Florence Nightingale.
Florence Nightingale was a kind nurse who helped people – she was definitely courageous and kind!

Click on this link to find out more about her;- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zj274xs 

Monday’s News – June 15th

Good morning everyone!

I hope you had a good weekend!

Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows -more details on Tapestry

In English this week we will be looking further into our beautiful book ‘Rain Before Rainbows’, so today I would like you to read the book yourselves, taking in the wonderful illustrations too.

In Maths we have a money focus and will use today to familiarise ourselves with different coins.

In Phonics we will be playing Buried Treasure – there’s an easier and a harder option!

Music – I have added a medley of Disney Songs for you to enjoy! There may be some you know and there maybe some new ones! What better way to start the week!

Keep in touch on Tapestry as always,

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown


It’s Friday! – 12th June

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all well!

We can’t really complain about the weather when it’s been so nice for so long! The sun will be back out soon I’m sure.

Today’s suggested learning is as follows;- Details on Tapestry

In Maths, I thought we would end the week with some times table practise.

Its-Read-a-Book Friday and the perfect day for it – cosy up somewhere nice and read your favourite book!

In Phonics there are some games to play today, practising plurals and past tense.

In Geography, using a line from our book ‘There are mountains to climb and journeys to take’, tell me about the journeys you are looking forward to making. 

I hope you have a great weekend, despite the weather, at least it’s good for the garden!

Keep a sunny smile, despite the rain.

Best wishes as always, 

Mrs Brown



Thursday News – 11th June

Good morning everyone. Its another rainy day, but warm weather is on its way!

Today’s suggested learning on Tapestry is as follows;-

In Maths, there are some Key Skills to do today, just like we so in class!

In English, still looking at our lovely book ‘Rain Before Rainbows’, we are going to write some super sentences about wind!

In Phonics, there is a book to share together! It was Mrs Browns own book from when she was 5years old! I’ve kept it for twenty years!

In Science, we will think about where wind comes from and maybe even make our own wind sock!

Keep smiling as always,

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown