Adventurers Class

Welcome to Adventurers

Adventurers Class are Year 3 and 4 children, ages 7-9. They are taught by Mrs Walker and supported in class by Mrs Exelby and Mrs Wood.  

Adventurers are taught English and Maths everyday and enjoy covering all the curriculum foundation subjects in afternoon lessons. This half term, the children will be taught ICT on a Thursday afternoon by Mrs Gurney, our specialist teacher. The children will also enjoy whole class music on a Thursday afternoon.

The children will need to keep their P.E bags at school ready to take part in other activities if required. 

We try and read with the children every day at school and encourage children to develop their love of reading at home too. Reading books and  records will be sent home every night and books will be changed when they are completed.

In Year 3 and 4, children will be given homework in maths and spellings. For maths, the children will be set work weekly on Sumdog. This will be given on a Thursday and checked the following Thursday. New spellings will be given out alternate Thursdays and children will be tested on them the Thursday of the second week (I will write the test date on their spelling sheet).

Please don't hesitate to ask if there is anything else we can help you with.

School Art Days (September 2019)

As part of our new topic ‘This Green and Pleasant Land’ the children painted part of the beautiful view from the school playground.

Over two days the children enjoyed learning lots of new skills including: colour mixing, sketching, collage, brush strokes and using different textures and tones.

They also looked at the work of three landscape artists: David Hockney, Catherine Stephenson and John Constable.

A visit from the Islamic Diversity Centre

On Tuesday 9th April, we were really excited to be able to welcome Miriam and Amar from the Islamic Diversity Centre in Newcastle. During the day, the children enjoyed a workshop, in their classes, with Miriam and Amar to learn about the Five Pillars of Islam.

The children asked lots of really thoughtful questions and were incredibly interested and respectful of the Muslim faith. We were also pleased to be able to welcome family members to the workshops, who also shared lots of positive feedback.

Thank you to the Islamic Diversity Centre for helping our children understand and compare about faith different to our own.

Click here to see a copy of the family feedback about the workshop: Islamic Diversity Centre Workshop Evaluation (April 2019)

Chocolate Day! February 2019

This week began with a launch day to our new writing topic, investigating “How is chocolate made?” The whole school worked in mixed groups during the day to complete a range of activities based on making chocolate. We want our children to be able to write with real purpose and using experiences, so what better way to learn about making chocolate than by doing it!


Mrs Hann worked outside with the children on Monday, down in the forest. The groups worked hard to create their own mud chocolate creations, adding different textures and objects to give some added crunch to their recipes! The children hunted around the forest for interesting and unusual objects to add in. It was excellent to see all children of all ages supporting each other in this task.


To help our day be a success, we kindly received a donation of chocolate and materials for making our own lollies from Alex at Crofts Chocolates in Scarborough. With Mrs Roe, the children had the very exciting task of using this donation to make their own chocolate lollies. When I visited, each lolly was heaped with sweets and marshmallows, which made them look really delicious!


Mrs Walker and Mrs Exelby led the baking efforts on Monday. During the day, each child had the opportunity to create their own chocolate creations. Working together to carefully add the ingredients, mix them together and prepare them for baking was something that everyone enjoyed. If you were able to join us for the café in the hall during the afternoon, I am sure you will agree that they looked delicious!


Finally, with Miss Stubbs, the children created their own packaging for their chocolate lollies. After looking carefully at the designs of well-known chocolate brands, the children then came up with their own designs. It was fun to see how the children were using these brands to influence their own, with many adapting well-known chocolate names and designs.


At the end of the day, it was great to be able to invite so many families into school to see the children’s efforts from the day and read their stories in our chocolate café. The event was incredibly well attended, with it being said that the cake sale was “like a fair day!” This overwhelming support is amazing. Thank you to everyone!


Chocolate Cake

Friday 8th February 2018

This week has been an exciting one, after starting with our very own ‘Chocolate Day’! . We have now finished writing our chocolate stories, and wanted to share them with the other children in school. Here we are reading with the oldest children in school (Leaders).

Adventurers were also inspired to make their own chocolate cakes, with the help of Emily’s gran, after reading Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen.

Adventurers’ Blog

School Trip

What a fantastic time we had at the Captain Cook Museum, at Stewart Park!

We learned a lot more about Captain Cook, through interactive displays, art and crafts, dressing up and writing with quills. 

Ask us what it was like sailing on the HMS Endeavour with Captain Cook. 


Multi skills

Year 1 and 2 took part in multi skills at Caedmon College.

We had a wonderful time trying all the activities set up by the sports leaders.