This week we have some wonderful new books to celebrate alongside the terrific selection we know and love. Pop in and take a look at our booktastic room and check out our Story Machine.
Category: Home
Tell Me A Story
This week has been all about story telling. Could we change the world with three wishes? Our story characters Pat and Ned met a fairy,trapped in a jar, who told them that she could grant them three wishes. The wishes were soon used up as they argued over a sausage! They both realised that they didn’t actually need anything more than they already had. The week has been filled with dressing up,magic lanterns,wonderful Wish Sticks and fabulous stories.
The story telling will continue next week with the introduction of some new props,music and books.
Happy Stories Everyone!
Waffles for Shrove Tuesday
The Pioneers mixed and stirred,cooked and ate then wrote lists of ingredients. As we didn’t have a frying pan we made waffles instead. Everyone tried a waffle and we discussed the importance of Lent.
Happy Eating
Shrove Tuesday fun
Learners Class found out the biggest pancake in the World had a diameter of 15 metres. We measured it in the playground and drew around the circumference with chalk. We needed some extra help to stretch all the way round it!
Friday 14th February 2020
It is our last day today, before we have a well-earned week off school, spending time with our families.
We have had an exciting start to our spring term: we have learned so much about the environment, and are now well on our way to changing the world.
We have six eco-bricks in our classroom, which we are adding to each day. We eventually hope to create something with them, and continue to create new ones which we can send abroad to help make houses.
We posted our letter today, which we have worked very hard to write. We know that our families are excited to see what we have been keeping a secret.
Congratulations to those children who have now been granted their pen licence, they continue to impress with their beautiful handwriting.
In English, we managed to squeeze in time to write a poem for our loved ones. We used many adjectives, similes and metaphors. We are bringing these home with us this afternoon.
Here we are holding them:
Reading Together. Such Happiness
Families joined the Pioneers for a lovely morning of reading and fun. It was so lovely to have the chance to share beautiful books.
Thank you to all our Happy Readers.
Clouds in the Classroom
After reading, “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs”, Mrs Hann collected up some clouds with a big spoon. She brought them in for the Pioneers to feel and to and to flatten.
The clouds went everywhere.
A Busy Half Term
What a busy half term Learners have had!
A visit from Sister Gilpin, a Chinese New Year celebration and much more besides.
Check out our photos below to see us in action:
£10 Fundraising Initiative
As part of our enterprise initiative in school, we were given £10 to make grow: developing new skills in creativity, problem solving, teamwork and leadership.
We had a great idea to host a clothes sale, tombola and cake stall, in order to raise money for the koalas, who have been affected by the bushfires in Australia. We also hoped to raise enough money to purchase some binoculars for the ‘bird watch’ challenge later this year.
We had a wonderful day preparing for the sale: creating posters and baking cakes.
We are delighted to say that we raised £400!
£10 Fundraising Initiative
As part of our enterprise initiative in school, Adventurers were given £10 to make grow, inspiring the children to develop new skills in creativity, problem solving, team work and leadership.
The children decided to hold a clothes sale, tombola and cake stall: recycling old clothes and unwanted gifts, which was linked to our present topic ‘Together, we can change the world’.
We had a wonderful day preparing for the sale and then greeting our families and selling the donated goods.
We were delighted to raise over £400.00, some of which will be donated to helping koalas injured in the bushfires in Australia, and some towards buying binoculars for our ‘bird watch’ challenge later this year.