Good Morning!

Hello Everyone,

I realise how hard it must be to balance jobs with home schooling support and I would like to offer some ‘Top Tips’ for getting home schooling off to a positive start.

I feel it is important to maintain a routine to provide structure to children’s days as we would in school.

I hope these tips may help:

  • Discuss the routine or timetable for the day – just as we would in school.
  • Have a dedicated work space/schoolroom.
  • work in short bursts of 30 to 40 minutes with regular breaks for exercise or fresh air in the garden.
  • mix up the lessons – with maths, reading, writing and spellings but also sport, music, art and crafts.

Please don’t panic or worry, this won’t be easy for anyone and there is no rulebook on this! We all learn as we go along.


I also thought it might be nice to complete a weather chart everyday with pictures and some writing. 

Start saving some recycling waste for junk modelling at a later date.

I’m looking forward to catching up with you all by phone during the week.

Take care and I’m thinking about you all.

Mrs Roe