Happy Reading Pioneers
On the shelf and in the box,here are this week’s featured texts.
Happy Reading Pioneers
On the shelf and in the box,here are this week’s featured texts.
Dough is always a favourite in the Pioneer Class. After reading the Little Red Hen, the children made their own dough. Each child had their own portion.There is so much learning to be done,making comparisons and considering ingredients.It takes a lot of communication and understanding to work alongside others and share the space and to clean up afterwards.
Go Pioneers
The Pioneers spent time exploring the potential of paint,mixing blues and greens. They used a selection of tools to move and mix the colour. There was silence in the room while they worked their magic.
Our Forest is the most magical place and the Pioneers loved being there. We set boundaries and looked for hazards. We painted and we played. We counted and collected. The whole day was so beautiful that we forgot about going indoors!
It is so great when the world is your classroom.
Happy last day, Discoverers,
We have made it to the Summer holidays, and you have worked so hard. Thank you 😀
Today, in English, you are going to continue writing your story.
Today, you will be writing the middle and the end.
Usually, in the middle of a story, there is a problem, which can be solved towards the end. What is the problem in your story?
When you have written your story, why don’t you read it to your family?
I would love to receive a video of you reading it, or a picture of your final version, so that I can read it myself ?
Today, in maths, you are continuing to learn about symmetry.
For the first question, draw the shapes in your book, and colour in the squares that are shown. Then, complete the shape by colouring in more squares, so that the shapes are symmetrical.
For the second question, reflect the shape through the line, so that it is symmetrical. To check your answers, you can cut out the shapes and fold them along the line, to see if they match up.
For the final question, the shapes need to be drawn in your maths books, and you need to imagine that the line is a mirror. Reflect the shape in the mirror so that it is drawn symmetrically on the opposite side. Remember, look closely at the shapes as both of them do not begin on the line.
Our extra activity today, is something a little different.
I would like you to complete this mindfulness meditation.
You might like to do this activity before bedtime tonight, as you may feel tired, or even fall asleep at the end of it.
Follow the words in the video, and relax ?
Have a wonderful Summer, and I will see you in September,
Mrs Taylor
Happy Wednesday, Discoverers,
Today, in English, you are going to begin to write your story.
If you aim to write the beginning today that would be great ?
Send me pictures of your writing so far, I can’t wait to read all of your unique stories!
Today in maths, I have some problems for your to solve.
For the first question, Jack thinks that if he rotates his triangle, he will be able to find more than one line of symmetry. Do you agree with him?
Looking at the second question, does a four sided shape always, sometimes or never have four lines of symmetry? Think about the quadrilaterals that you learned about last week to help you.
Yesterday, in science, you choose a nocturnal animal, and drew it.
Today, I would like you to do some research.
Try to research as much as you can about your chosen animal.
You might like to answer these questions: Where about in the world does it live? What is its habitat? What does it eat? How is it different to other animals? Are there any interesting facts that you have learned?
Have a great day everybody,
Mrs Taylor
Hello Discoverers,
Today, in English, I would like you to create a front cover for the story you are going to write.
Use your plan, to help you design your cover.
You may decide to use the characters from your story on the front, or you may wish to leave the reader guessing, and put something which only hints towards the story’s plot.
It is always best to design your cover using pencil, which allows for changes to be made if they are needed.
Then, you might like to add colour.
Today’s maths question requires you to use your maths book or squared paper, and a colouring pencil/ pencil.
Use six squares in your book, to create shapes which are symmetrical.
If you want to check that they are symmetrical, you can cut them out and try folding them. If the sides then match, your shape has at least one symmetrical line.
Today in science, we are continuing to learn about nocturnal animals.
Visit yesterday’s website, and scroll down to the section which is titled: Night Creatures.
Scroll through the selection of twenty two nocturnal animals, and choose one which you will research throughout this week.
Today, using the image on this website, and any other images you find through research, draw your chosen animal and learn its features.
Have a great Tuesday all,
Mrs Taylor
Happy last week, Discoverers,
I thought it would be nice to do something different in our final week.
In English, I would like you to use your imagination, and work on writing a narrative.
We have been learning lots about animals during our home-learning , particularly bees and fish most recently, so I thought it would be nice to round off this time by writing a story about an animal of your choice.
You can use your imagination, and write about any animal you wish, and your story can be about anything.
Today, I would like you to plan your story.
You will need to think about which characters will be in it, as well as where the story will be set, and finally, the actual plot.
Try to make notes about what will happen during the beginning, middle and end. This will help when you come to write your story.
In maths this week, we are also moving on, and will be learning about symmetry.
Today, I have a set of questions for you which all relate to symmetry.
First, you can watch this video to help you understand what symmetry is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFzktJNmnPU
For the first question, draw the shapes on a piece of paper, or print the question out and cut the shapes, so that you can fold their lines of symmetry.
For the second question, draw the table in your maths book, and draw the shapes in the correct sections.
For the final question, you will need to print it out, or redraw the shapes so that you can cut them out and fold the lines of symmetry.
We are going to be learning about nocturnal animals in our final week.
I have a brilliant website for you to look at, where you can learn so much about these amazing animals: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reference/nocturnal-animals-explained/
Today, read through the information on this website, and write a list of all the things that are different about nocturnal animals.
Have a great Monday,
Mrs Taylor
Good morning, Discoverers,
How are you feeling after your PE session yesterday? Are you aching?
Hopefully you are feeling ready to practise more PE today ?
In English, you are going to finish writing your information paragraphs, which you started yesterday.
Summarise the paragraphs into your own words, and capture the main points.
Then, draw and colour some relevant pictures, in the spaces you drew on Monday.
As tomorrow will be sports day, there won’t be an English task put on here for you.
Feel free to send me your finished reports. I’m excited to see what you have created 😀
In maths today, you are continuing to learn about four-sided shapes: quadrilaterals.
I would like you to complete the table, drawing or writing the name of the quadrilateral which fits into each box.
You only need to draw one shape in each section, and try not to be tricked, there may be one box in which no quadrilateral can fit.
Good luck ?
In PE today, I would like you to prepare a practise sports day for you and your family.
This will get you warmed up, ready for the virtual sports day which the year six children have prepared for you tomorrow.
Use any activities you like, you may invent some new ones of your own, and most importantly, have fun!
Remember, year 6’s will put on their sports day post for tomorrow,
I hope you have so much fun! Send me lots of pictures if you can 😀
Mrs Taylor
Good Morning Leaders