Six Dinners Sid in Sleights

Six Dinners Sid has had quite an adventure around the village. The Pioneers spotted him in every picture and then we talked about where he had been and what he could do there. They identified places they had visited and described where they lived in relation to places Sid had been. They spotted maps and commented of the difference between a road map and the network map at the train station. 

Sid is now in the classroom and he has his own name label written specially for him

The Pioneers then built their own version of our village,cutting out road signs and pictures of our shops and sticking them on blocks. The train line went right around the room.

Such wonderful learning.

An exciting week for Adventurers!

This week Adventurers have really enjoyed joining Learners in the hall for Collective Worship every morning and Celebration Assembly on Friday afternoon. We have been learning about our Christian Value ‘Thankfulness’ and discussing lots of things we are thankful for.

In science this week we made sundials and used compasses to help us observe how the sun appears to move across the sky from East to West. We learnt that it is the Earth that rotates and the sun doesn’t move. 

We’ve really enjoyed visiting the school library to pick our own books to read at home.

A Jam-packed Week Filled with Wonderful Memories

Hello 😀

In Discoverers’ class this week, we have spent time in the forest, made our own playdough and learned all about Henry VIII and his ‘interesting’ life (he had six wives)!

In the forest, we spent time reflecting on how Christians see God as being holy and loving, and how we imagine him to be. We created artwork to represent this. 

We made playdough and used this to join spaghetti together, when building structures in design and technology lessons. 

We learned all about Henry VIII’s six wives, and how each of them were divorced, beheaded or died, apart from one: his last wife Catherine Parr. 

In collective worship this week, we reflected on Mary’s gratitude in the bible: Luke 1, and we had some fantastic discussions around why God chose Mary to birth Jesus. This linked with our value thankfulness, and we gave thanks to God for the things that are important to us.

We hope everybody has a lovely weekend,



Learners love learning!

Learners definitely do love learning! We have been learning more about number this week in maths. We have used the language of greater than/ less than, one more and one less to help us deepen our understanding of number.

We have discussed thankfulness in Collective Worship and thought about the things we are thankful for and in turn felt quite special to think that our friends and families are thankful for us. 

In Geography, we have really enjoyed learning about the United Kingdom this week and can now confidently name and identify where each of the four countries are on the UK map. We discussed the meaning of capital cities and really enjoyed watching a drone video over London. We delighted in identifying landmarks we knew. We were particularly fascinated by the London Eye and so found a video of a tour on the London Eye and couldn’t believe how big it was. This information will inspire our writing in English over the coming week.

Multi skills on Wednesday was a great success. It was wonderful to see everyone smiling and enjoying themselves and it was such a treat for us to go out on the bus. I was so proud of how Learners’ class were so confident, well -behaved and keen to join in – such a credit to Sleights School.

Just a usual, busy week in our class – keep up the good work Learners!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Brown

A Wonderful Week of Learning Together

The Pioneers have had a wonderful week of learning together-our first full week of school. This is something to be celebrated. 

We are learning lots about ourselves and our place in the world,taking a look at our village to get us going. We have built houses from blocks and made pictures of our faces from all sorts of little things. The new routines are becoming second nature and sorting and tidying is a breeze.

Well Done Pioneers.

Happy Learning

Friday 17th September 2021

Wow, what a busy start to the school year Leaders have had.  We have had lots of fun investigating the new classroom and trying out the different seating options. 

Our topic this term is ‘This is our World’ and we have been polishing up our map skills by using 6-figure grid references and showing our knowledge of famous structures around the world – very impressive!  In history, we are beginning to learn about the Tudors and have re-enacted our own Battle of Bosworth with our class splitting into the same ratios as they would have been then – who knew they would need their maths!

In collective worship this week, we have been investigating this term’s value of thankfulness and thinking about people in our school and the wider community who we are thankful for.  A time to reflect on all the people who help us on a daily basis. 

Such a Sunny Week

Hello Everybody,

This week, we have been learning about the solar system. We created mnemonics to help us remember the names and order of the planets! 

We have also been learning ‘What does it mean if God is Holy and loving?’ in RE. We explored lots of new vocabulary to help us identify what makes a wonderful God. The most interesting words that we learned were ‘omnipotent’ which means all-powerful, and ‘omniscient’ which means knowing all things.

This week has also been extra special because we have been able to join together for Collective Worship with Leaders class. We have been learning about the value of thankfulness, and exploring the story of creation. 

This week we are thankful for: family, friends, a beautiful week, water and pets. 

We hope everybody has a fantastic week ahead, and we will speak again next week,



A busy and happy week!

Wow! what successful week Learners’ Class have had. It has been our first full week as a new class and we have achieved so much together. 

We have introduced our new Prayer space activity and have enjoyed making lists and drawing pictures about the things in our own lives that we are thankful for.

“Dance was awesome this week, I can’t wait for next week”. It’s safe to say we all enjoyed our first dance session. We could link our music topic too – beat and pulse – and enjoyed walking and clapping to the beat of the music.

We have been busy drawing maps of the school grounds to aid our writing this week and are writing instructions to help others use a map.

We delighted in using compasses outside in the fresh air to help us locate North, South, East and West. We found out which direction the Sun moves across the sky each day. If you ask us, we can now tell you which direction the Sun rises each morning and sets each evening! We were fascinated by this!

We have enjoyed lots of stories together and always enjoy voting for our favourite book of the week on Fridays!

What a busy and wonderful week.


This Week We Have Been Reading…

Lots of our work begins with books and the classroom is full of wonderful texts and illustrations. We are listening out for rhyming words and spotting alliteration. The Pioneers have done really well to learn lots of the parts of Superworm and to use some of the new vocabulary like”Lasso”.

Six Dinners Sid will be used again next week when we take a look at our village and decide where Sid might want to go for his dinner. I think that he may fancy a trip to Radford’s,Botham’s or the Spar!

Happy Learning