An exciting week of music, French, hockey and science!

Adventurers have had a very busy week covering a wide range of subjects.

In music, they have been tapping out a beat to classical and popular music. Then using instruments to create different beats.

In French they have been learning the names for jungle animals and then were able to match pictures of animals to the French words.

We have been really impressed with the children’s hockey skills in P.E. They are now able to dribble with a ball, change directions, tackle each other and play a short game. 

In science we have continued to learn more about the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We were able to act out how the particles moved in the different states of matter and then draw images of them.

To finish off the week the children used junk modelling materials to create their own ‘Iron Man.’ We plan to cover these in paper and paste and then paint them. We’re looking forward to seeing the end result.