Well-Being Week

This week in class we have thought a lot about well-being.

We were lucky to have a visit from Mel our well-being nurse, who shared the story ‘The Colour Monster’ with us. This book combined colours with feelings and we were able to articulate the different feelings that we knew. We then, created our own colour monsters using paper plates and different colours. Mel taught us some relaxation techniques and how to breather and relax mindfully. We really enjoyed the session.

In PHSCE we have thought about the groups and families we belong to and how thankful we are for the people in our lives.

We have enjoyed many stories as always in class this week. However this week, we have been particularly lucky to have some Learners  request to read their favourite stories to the rest of the class during story time. This has been an absolute joy! Such wonderful readers, such confidence and such a celebration of reading!

Well done Learners Class, I am so proud of you!

Wishing all of Learners Class and their families a happy half term.