Ending the Week Wearing Red

Hello Everybody,

Our week started in the forest, where we worked as a team to tackle some tricky obstacles. We worked in teams and had to help each other navigate the forest by using clear directions, whilst some were blindfolded. 

We have worked hard with our fractions work in maths, where we have learned to confidently add and subtract fractions that are improper or mixed number. 

We managed to finish our newspaper report about an Ancient Egyptian battle, and published a final copy to share with our families and on display around school. We spent the rest of the week working on an independent explanation text about mummification! You don’t want to know how the Ancient Egyptian’s extracted a person’s brain!

We have ended our week wearing red, to raise money for the CHUF charity. This is an organisation that supports children in hospital. We created a happy heart to send the children, and managed to raise lots of money to support the work of this wonderful organisation. 

We hope you have a wonderful week,
