Wednesday 8th July 2020

Good morning, Discoverers,

How are you all this morning?

In English today, you will begin to fill in the information on your report layout, which you created yesterday.

I have uploaded many sections of information, which you studied last week. These can be summarised into your own words, and written underneath the subheadings that you created yesterday.

You will continue to fill in the information boxes tomorrow, so take your time with them.


In maths today, you are going to move on to looking at four sided shapes, named quadrilaterals.

Here is a video to introduce you to the names of the different four-sided shapes: 

Then, try to answer today’s questions.


For our additional subject, we have been looking at art.

However, for the rest of the week, we are going to begin to practise for our sports day which is fast approaching.

An observation will be added to Tapestry and on our school website, on Friday. This will contain instructions and videos of the activities, which you can take part in at home.

We will be taking part in the same activities at school 😀

Can you think of the activities which usually happen on sports day?

Today, we will increase our fitness levels in preparation.

I would like you to complete a Joe Wicks PE session.

Watch the video, and follow along: 


Have a great day everybody, 

Mrs Taylor 

Wednesday the 8th of July – Happy Learning Pioneers!

Here is a new funny book for you to enjoy together.
Happy Reading

Here is your race to rehearse today:
Daddy penguins need to keep their egg safe. To do this they balance it on their feet and waddle around.
Get a Potato and pretend that this is your penguin egg. Can you walk around with it balanced like a caring daddy penguin?
Its tricky!


Penguins eat fish. Polar Bears eat seal.Rabbits nibble grass.
Food chains are fascinating.
This is another of my favourite songs explaining food chains.
Take a look.

Here are links to two excellent videos to explain who is eating who: Food Chains-an introduction

Today your building challenge is to recreate a famous landmark with your building material.
Use your increasing knowledge and vocabulary to describe which shapes you have used and where they are.
If it is appropriate,introduce horizontal and vertical to your vocabulary.
Use next to,on top of,beside,underneath,above to describe the position of the shapes.
That’s Maths Magic.

Tuesday 7th July 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I hope you enjoyed investigating constellations yesterday.  Did you manage to spot any of them last night?  It has been pretty cloudy recently so are much easier to spot in clear skies.  You might want to try some of the activities in the stargazing book over the holidays.
I love looking up at the sky on a clear night and star gazing. ⭐️
Why is the Sky Blue? – English
Today, I’d like you to spend some time investigating penguins and see how much more information you can find out about them.
Once you have collected your information, have a go at writing a fact sheet.
Volume – Maths
So far this week, we have looked at the area and perimeter of 2d shapes.  The area inside a 3d shape is known as it’s volume. Remember that volume is measured in a cubic measurement.
Have a go at answering the questions.
How can you keep warm and dry? – Science/ D&T
It’s time to be inventive!
Usually, things that keep you warm could also keep you cold (if you were already cold).  We are going to test this theory – Using what you might have found out about penguins,  I would like you to design something that would keep an ice cube frozen for as long as possible.
To make this a bit more tricky, I would also like you to make this waterproof so that the water does not escape once melted.
When designing your object remember to think about the properties of materials and the things that you will be able to get hold of.
Don’t forget to put some ice cubes in the fridge so they’ll be ready to test your invention.

Tuesday’s News – 7th July

Good morning everyone!
Tuesday’s suggested learning activities are as follows;-
Today, our question from our book is ‘What are bees looking for?’ With this in mind, we will be writing some instructions for bees to help them go about their daily routine!
In Maths, we will continue to look at time – focusing today on O-clock and half past the hour.
In Phonics today there is a fun diagraph song to enjoy!
Also, a happy song to listen to…..Don’t worry, bee happy!
In Science we will find out the answer to our question….What are bees looking for?

I hope you enjoy todays activities.
Don’t forget to write in your reading diary today too!
Bee good and keep smiling 🙂
Mrs Brown

Tuesday 7th July 2020

Good morning all,

I hope that you had a great sleep last night ??

Today, in English, you are going to decide which information you would like in each of the information boxes that you have drawn. And, which pictures you will draw in the spaces you have chosen.

In a report, like the one you created about fish last week, you will find that there are subheadings above each different section of information.

A subheading gives you a clear idea of what the writing beneath will be about.

Today, I would like you to write the subheadings for each of the information boxes, and make a note of the drawings that you will create in the others. Your subheadings could be: Why are bees so important? What is pollination? How many species of bees are there? Why are bees dying? Etc.

You will also need a title, which tells the reader exactly what you report is about.

Your title could be as simple as ‘All About Bees’, or you could be more creative.

Well done with your maths work yesterday, you remembered the new vocabulary well ?

Today, you will be drawing the different types of triangles.

Try to draw two equilateral triangles (all sides are the same length), two isosceles triangles (two sides are the same length) and then two scalene triangles (no sides are the same length).

You could ask an adult to check your triangles for you, and if they are unsure of the properties for each, show them this video to help: 

Today, in art, you will finish the drawing of your bee from yesterday.

You can use whatever colouring materials that you have at home. This may be paint, colouring pencils, or felt tips.

Try to capture the colours that are in the original picture, and observe any areas which appear to need shading.

Look carefully for any shadows, and try to use a darker blend of your chosen colour to add these.

I would love to see your final drawings, so send them my way if you can ?


Thank you

Mrs Taylor 

Tuesday the 7th of July – Pioneers Suggestions for Today

Take a look at my photographs.
Can you draw what you see?
Alternatively,make your own structure and draw it.
Get someone else to check how accurate you have been.
Can you add colour to your plan?
Can you name the shapes that you have used?

This book is all about birds and the different things they do.
Can you spot the line that may apply to penguins?
Why do you think that they have the kind of feet they have?
Why are they different to a seagull’s feet?

Sports day is coming up so this week I will suggest a different race each day to try out.
Today is my favourite and it is the potato and spoon race-much less risk than egg and spoon. Especially if you have dogs.
Get yourself a nice spoon and a potato but really any vegetable will do.
You could make a finish line and start to prepare the medals for each event.

This week is all about revision for phonics. Revisit yesterday’s photographs and take a look at these videos. Do them with the sound on and the sound off. – Mr Thorne again – This is a good one

And to finish off:

This might be a good idea to try out this very difficult job.
It is always a good idea to learn to tie your laces.

Good Morning Learners – Monday 6th July

Good morning everyone!
I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend!
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;- More details on Tapestry.
In English, thinking about a question from our book ‘Why do flowers smell nice?’, we will be focusing on flowers and also listing flower names alphabetically!
In Maths this week we will be looking at time – today let’s create a record of when we do things during the day!
This week we will be keeping a reading diary – keeping a diary in our own words explaining what is happening in our book!
In Computing we will be addressing the important topic of internet safety as a reminder of how we can stay safe online!

Keep in touch with me as always and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you in any way!
Best wishes, keep smiling 🙂
Mrs Brown

Monday 6th July 2020

Good Morning Leaders

Happy Monday. ?
I hope you have enjoyed your weekend and spent time with your families.   I know that there will have been some busy families this weekend with the re-opening of more shops and businesses alongside those who have worked all the way through.
Only two weeks left before the end of the summer term and there’s so much to fit in. We are going to spend some more time looking at questions that our book raises and investigating some of the answers.

Why is the Sky Blue?  – English

I thought we would stick with poetry for today.
Have a go at writing a shape poem based on the theme of stars.

Area and Perimeter – Maths

We have looked at both area and perimeter before in school.  Today, we are going to re-visit both of these.  Remember that area is the amount inside a shape and the perimeter is the measurement around the edge of a shape.
Have a go at answering the questions.

It’s Written in the Stars

Today, we are going to be thinking all about stars.  In our class reader, Who Let The God’s Out?, we have had lots of discussion about star signs and the zodiac.
There are constellations that represent these signs as well as other constellations.
I would like you to choose some constellations to investigate – you can present your ideas in any format.
I have also attached a Forestry England guide to stargazing which has some lovely information and ideas – this might be a good place to start. 

Monday 6th July 2020

Happy Monday, Discoverers,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. What did you get up to?

Today, in English, I would like you to start planning the layout of your report about bees.

Start by deciding how many information boxes you would like, and how many pictures you will draw.

Then, use a pencil to draw boxes on a piece of paper, where your text and pictures will be.

Here is an example to help you:

In maths, today, I have two problems for you to solve.

They are both in relation to shape, but you will need to use your knowledge of measure too.

Remember, the perimeter of a shape is the amount that all of the sides add up to.

And, in relation to the straws, they are all equal lengths, and can not be cut smaller.

Good luck!

For our additional subject, we are going to focus on art, today and tomorrow.

As we have been learning lots about bees, and you will be drawing pictures for your report later in the week, I thought you might like to create a large piece of artwork of a bee.

Today, you will focus on drawing the outline, and tomorrow you will work on the colour.

Look carefully at the pictures I have provided, and choose which one you would like to draw.

Then, look carefully at the small details of the bee (using Friday’s bee drawing to help) and try to capture these.


Have a great day everybody, 

Mrs Taylor 

Hurray! It’s Friday! – 3rd July

Hello everyone, I hope you are well today!
It’s Friday again – the weeks are going so fast!
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;- More details on Tapestry.
In English, we are thinking about the question in our book that asks ‘What do birds say when they sing?’. We will have some fun and imagine what the birds could be saying!
In Maths, we have worked hard on our daily challenges this week, so today let’s enjoy some fun games!
In Phonics we will practise our phonics sounds using our sounds mats!
In Science, we will learn to recognise different birds songs! This really is very interesting!

I hope you have a lovely weekend whatever it is you are doing!
Keep happy and keep smiling!
Best wishes,
Mrs Brown